Religious Truths

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8/27/2015 7:13 am  #1081

Re: Scripture of the Day

Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.  Proverbs 8:31  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
GOD’S firstborn Son was the earliest and most complete expression of Jehovah’s unfathomable wisdom. He was wisdom personified, “a master worker” alongside his Father. We can only imagine the joy and satisfaction that he experienced as his Father “prepared the heavens” and “established the foundations of the earth.” However, though appreciating these inanimate things, God’s firstborn Son “was especially fond of the sons of men.” (Prov. 8:22-31) Yes, Jesus (Yeshua) has a fondness, or tender affection, for mankind that stretches back to his prehuman existence. 
Later, as proof of his loyalty and love for his Father, as well as of his deep love for “the sons of men,” God’s Firstborn willingly “emptied himself” and came to be in the likeness of men. He did so in order to provide “a ransom in exchange for many.” (Phil. 2:5-8; Matt. 20:28) What love he has for the human family! While Jesus was on earth, God empowered him to perform miracles that revealed how much he loved people. Jesus (Yeshua) thus demonstrated the kind of marvelous things that will soon take place earth wide.  
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 


8/28/2015 1:43 pm  #1082

Re: Scripture of the Day

Then I was beside him as a master worker. I was the one he was especially fond of day by day; I rejoiced before him all the time;  Proverbs 8:30  [New World Translation Revised: NWTr]
During his prehuman existence, God’s Son served loyally as His “master worker.”   By means of him, Jehovah brought into existence many millions of other spirit creatures in heaven, per Colossians 1:16, “because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him.”  [NWTr].   Regarding such angels, one Bible account informs us: “A thousand thousands kept ministering to [Jehovah], and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” (Dan. 7:10)    God’s numerous spirit creatures are referred to as the well-organized “armies” of Jehovah.—Ps. 103:21  
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!



8/29/2015 9:52 am  #1083

Re: Scripture of the Day

And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.  And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Micah 4:2 – 3  (Authorized King James Bible; AV)
Jehovah God is uniting people from many religious backgrounds by teaching them the truth and by teaching them to love one another.  Thus, you can recognize practicers of true religion by the way they care for one another, per John 13:35, “But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.”  [AV]
Jehovah God is uniting all sorts of people by means of true worship.—Psalm 133:1   True worshippers base their faith and their way of life on the Bible.   2 Timothy 3:16 shows that, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” [AV]   They also honor God’s name, “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth” (Psalm 83:18, [AV]).   And they advocate God’s Kingdom as the only hope for mankind. (Daniel 2:44) They imitate Jesus by letting their “light shine,” doing good to their neighbors. (Matthew 5:16). 
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!


8/30/2015 7:32 am  #1084

Re: Scripture of the Day

But, these things, brethren, have I transferred unto myself and Apollos, for your sakes, that, in us, ye might learn the lesson––Not beyond the things that are written…! that ye do not puff yourselves up, individually, for this one against that.  1 Corinthians 4:6  (Rotherham Bible)
The dreams recorded in the Bible form part of God’s written revelation to mankind. Concerning that revelation, 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 states: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works..” (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
The Bible ‘completely equips’ us in that it reveals all that we need to know about God, his qualities, his moral standards, and our place in his purpose for the earth. Hence, God no longer uses dreams to convey messages to humans. If we want to learn about the future and God’s will for us, we need “not go beyond the things that are written”—that is, written in the Bible. Moreover, virtually all mankind can access this book and study its many revelations from God, including dreams. 
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!


8/31/2015 9:32 am  #1085

Re: Scripture of the Day

In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.  Daniel 7:1  (Authorized King James Bible; AV)
God has conveyed important messages to people in a variety of ways.  In Bible times, he occasionally used dreams.  But these were not everyday vague, illogical dreams. Dreams from God were vivid and coherent, and they had a definite message. For example, in a dream, the prophet Daniel saw a series of beasts that symbolize political empires from Babylon down to our time. (Daniel 7:1-3, 17) By means of a dream, God told Joseph of Nazareth, the adoptive father of Jesus, to flee to Egypt with his wife and child. As a result, Jesus escaped death at the hands of vicious King Herod. When Herod died, God disclosed his death to Joseph by means of a dream, at the same time instructing him to return with his family to their homeland.—Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23. 
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!



9/01/2015 12:11 pm  #1086

Re: Scripture of the Day

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 2:21  (Authorized King James Bible; AV)
Many of the dreams and visions recorded in the Bible were prophetic—that is, they foretold future events.   By recording these prophecies, the Bible writers put their credibility—and that of the Scriptures—on the line. Did their writings prove to be accurate? Consider an example—the vision found at Daniel 8:1-7, recorded toward the end of the Babylonian Empire.
Using symbolism, the prophecy involved a ram and a male goat that overthrew the ram, trampling it down. Daniel did not have to guess at the meaning of the vision. An angelic messenger of God declared: “The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.  And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.” (Daniel 8:20 -  21, [AV]) History confirms that Medo-Persia succeeded Babylon as a world power. Then, some two hundred years later, Medo-Persia fell to Alexander the Great of Greece. Such amazing accuracy characterizes Bible prophecy, including prophetic dreams. This fact alone sets the Bible apart from all other sacred books, making it worthy of our confidence. 
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!


11/16/2015 6:56 am  #1087

Re: Scripture of the Day

[1] SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY – [Wednesday]
Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  38  This is the first and great commandment.  39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.  Matthew 22:36 – 40  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
True Christianity is all about love, 1 st. love for the Creator, Jehovah God, and second love for one's fellow man. You can not love God whom you can not see if you do not at first love your fellow man whom you can see. As clearly shown by Jesus (Yeshua) Christ when he asked what is the greatest commandment.  The Holy Bible plainly shows we should not judge our neighbors, but love them. This does not mean loving their sin.  Matthew 7:1-2, states, "Stop judging that you may not be judged; for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged," and Romans 14:4, 10-13, "Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God can make him stand. But why do you judge your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God... Therefore let us not be judging one another any longer," this plainly shows no true Christian should be executing judgment on anyone with respect sin. In fact this would be a usurping of God's exclusive right, i.e., blaspheme, Matthew 25:31-32, [AV] states, "When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."
Second, we should be loving our neighbors and attempting to get them to turn away from sin and wrong belief, not judging, hurting, or killing them in violation of God's law. Luke 10:27, [AV] states, "....You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 5:21-22 clearly states this devine principle, "....'You must not murder; but whoever commits a murder will be accountable to the court of justice.' However, I say to you that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother (neighbor) will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court (God's court, not the Supreme Court of any nation).
Introduction, Part 1, At present many members of false religions and doctrines are committing evil and wicked acts in the name of their false religion and god; however, we must show love to these evil ones and work to turn them around.  This in no way implies that they should NOT be punished NOR they should NOT be neutralized from committing more evil and wicked acts.
For example, all nations should try those going to Syria or Iraq or else where to commit evil jihad against others should NOT be punished.  They, also, must be prevented from returning to where they came from to prevent further blood shed and evil.  To wit, all such as Jihadi John (if still alive) and the 3 girls who left the U.K. to join ISIS as well as all others who left their native countries to do likewise, should if they seek to return should be tried for TREASON TO SAFEGUARD THEIR FORMER RESIDENT NATION FROM FURTHER EVIL FROM THEM.
Part 2, However, all genuine followers of the Son of God, Jesus (Yeshua) must show love to such ones and all other members of false religions and god’s.
Why?  It is a genuine (true) follower of Jesus (Yeshua) obligation to warn all about false religion and doctrine.   All genuine (true) followers should show love to all by exposing false doctrine so they have an opportunity to get in good standing with Jesus (Yeshua) and his Father, Almighty God (YHWH) per John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me." (American Standard Version; ASV); and this in keeping with what Jesus (Yeshua) said at Matthew 22:37-40, "And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second like unto it is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments the whole law hangeth, and the prophets." (ASV).
Now all need to be showing love to their neighbors including Jews and telling them of the first step toward salvation given at John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (AV).   Messages of hate assist no one in learning the truth per John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
With respect post of exposure of false religions, doctrine, traditions, etc., they have a worthy objective; to wit, enabling individuals to correct their wrong path. Articles of exposure of wrong are NOT ones of hate, as are many of others, but ones that expose false doctrine and wrong practice to lovingly give all the correct information so they can bring their life in harmony with the will of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ and his Father, Almighty God (YHWH).   All should read these articles instead of writing hate literature and articles making false accusations.  In any article I write you will find not one word of hate or bashing, only truth.   They are posted to assist all in knowing the truth, per John 8:32, and to assist all in making a change in their lives by getting out of groups and/or religions that practice false doctrine and wrong practices.
All need to learn about love and that includes warning others with respect false doctrine and wrong practices instead of thinking of hate as many do and attacking the messenger who brings them the truth.  One writer wrote,

Love is patient and is kind, love does not envy. Love does not brag, is not proud, does not behave itself inappropriately, does not seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil. does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things... I Corinthians 13
Love is the power of faith. Faith needs love to be made perfect, because perfect faith results in faithfullness and faithfullness is a work of love. Faith and love go hand in hand because faith wants to believe, just as love trusts, faith sees through the darkness and weathers the storm, just as love endures all things, and faith seeks to put God first just as love always gives. 1 Corinthians 13 :4-7 Our faith is not just knowledge about God but a personal relationship with Him as Lord, and any relationship requires love to succeed, to endure trials and to grow, including our relationships with one another because we are called to be family in the Lord and to love one another. The perfect example of faith powered by love is seen in the life of Jesus Christ, who manifests Gods love ...
Because love is the power of faith we should focus on love, seize it and cultivate it... and we can because God is love, and He imparts that love to us when we draw near to Him as the scripture says... whatever touches what is holy shall become holy Leviticus 6:27, and love is of the Holy Spirit. By faith we draw near to God through sincere prayer, entering into His presence, because when Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain separating God and man was torn in two from top to bottom... Mathew 27:51 Gods promise says that if we draw near to Him then He will draw near to us, James 4:8 and when He who is Holy draws near to us then our spirits are sanctified by His Holy Spirit as His holiness is imparted to our spirits. If we allow God to fill our hearts with His Holy Spirit then we are filled with the love of God because love is the pre-eminate characteristic of God's holiness. Because God is the source of our love, love is the fruit of faith... Galatians 5: 22
When we submit to the love of God we have combined faith with love and have the power to fulfill the royal law, which is to love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul... Mathew 22:37-39 If we keep the royal law James 2:8 we are being faithful and are perfecting faith by faithfullness... James 2:22 If we love God we will seek to please Him and keep the royal law because the royal law embraces Gods will and all of His commandments. Without love we can't fulfill the royal law because we can't love the Lord unless we have love. To manifest the love of God is to overcome sin, whereas to not manifest the love of God is to sin. For the royal law is not to know about the Lord, but to love the Lord... and to love one another as ourselves. We can't do one without the other, because we can't truly love God whom we can't see if we don't love mankind who is made in the image of God. When we love one another we are manifesting our love for God whom we can't see by loving His image. If we love one another then we also love God because we can't love the reflection without loving its source. And if we love God we will love Jesus Christ and allow Him to reign in our hearts, keepings all of His commandments John 14:21 by subduing the will and power of the flesh through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that faith working through love does the will of God by turning the thought into reality which pleases Him and fulfills the royal law...
Faith without love is incomplete, residing only in the mind as knowledge, and knowledge of Gods will alone can not perfect us by saving us from sin but allowing Jesus Christ to reign in our hearts. If knowledge of Gods will alone could save us then salvation would have been through the law of Moses or even a Christian law handed down by Jesus, and there would not have been any need for Christ to die for our sins Galatians 2:21 and dwell in our hearts. If Jesus reigns in our hearts then the love of Christ also reigns because He is the manifestation of Gods love. The heart without the love of God does not have Jesus Christ and the soul without the Spirit of Christ is not born again Romans 8:9 and cannot be perfected by being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ which is true salvation and the result of faith. But the soul which manifests the love of God has been washed clean by the Holy Spirit Romans 15:16 and manifests the spirit and glory of Jesus Christ... "[source - Simon Strahler]

Which does a very good job of summarizing what love is all about.
If one fails to lovingly warn others with respect false religion, doctrine, etc., it is quite possible Almighty God (YHWH) might reject him/her for not showing love by warning his/her neighbor.  So be diligent in sounding the warning.


11/17/2015 4:19 pm  #1088

Re: Scripture of the Day

[1]  SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY – [Thursday]
Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me." Mark 10:21, (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
Yes, but what does it mean to truly follow the Christ?  Let's consider the purpose that the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob, creator of all there is, Almighty God, had in sending his only-begotten Son, Jesus (Yeshua), to the earth to give his life as a ransom per John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (AV).   Now, not only did his Son, Jesus (Yeshua), die for us, he kept his integrity to his Father, the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob, Creator of all there is, Almighty God, and thereby brought joy to his Father's heart.   He also showed us how to be like his Father and the ways and will of his Father he put into words and deeds of the Son per John 14:9-10, "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?  10  Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." (AV).   In otherwords, Jesus (Yeshua) perfectly reflected his Father that he spoke of his Father being in him - he emulated his Father, the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob, creator of all there is, Almighty God.
REALITY – 1 John 4:20, [AV] “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” clearly shows we should show love to all, and as Jesus (Yeshua) says, 5:43 – 45, [AV] “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.  44  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;  45  That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”  Therefore, if we are to show love to those trapped in evil false religion, we must help them with respect seeing the correct way and help them find and get on the narrow path leading to internal life per Matthew 7:14, [AV] “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Now all need to be showing love to their neighbors including all descendents of Abraham, even those worshiping the mythical false god, Allah, and telling them of the first step toward salvation given at John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (AV).   But only messages that are up building should be used, even when exposing false belief to assist one in learning the truth per John 8:32, " And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (Authorized King James Bible; AV). 
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 

Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
Islam has spilled blood since its foundation in the Seventh Century.    Let's look at its very beginnings, a raid on a camel caravan with spilling of blood.
<<<" Raid on B. Qudah at Dhat al-Salasil by Amr b. al-As - September, 629CE
Having suffered a terrible defeat in the hands of B. Qudah at Dhat Atlah, coupled with the ignoble retreat of the Muslim army from Mu'tah, Muhammad's prestige was greatly affected. It is said that he also received intelligence that a number of tribes, including B. Qudah were now preparing to attack Medina. To salvage his reputation he now empowered Amr b. al-As, the new convert of Islam, to push for a decisive raid on the stubborn B. Qudah tribe. Amr b. al-As was very furious that some of these tribes had taken the side of the Byzantine party during the Mu'tah battle. It was time to punish them-Muhammad determined.
So with three hundred (300) men and thirty horses, Amr b. al-As set out to decimate the rebellious B. Qudah who were settled at Dhat al-Salasil. It was at a distance of ten days march from Medina. Amr b. al-As' grandmother (i.e., the mother of al-As b. Wail, the father of Amr b. al-As) was a woman from Qudah or Bali tribe and Muhammad sent Amr b. al-As to convert her and her people to Islam by force. When Amr arrived at Dhat al-Salasil he found that the enemy had heavily outnumbered the Muslims.
Because of the feeble Islamic forces at his disposal Amr b. al-As sought reinforcement from Muhammad. The messenger of Allah quickly sent Abu Bakr b. Quhafa with an additional two hundred (200) men to assist Amr b. al-As. Thus, the total number of men now numbered five hundred (500)." [source - "Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims," The Root of Terrorism a la Islamic style Chapter 15, by  Abul Kasem ]
So as we can see, Islam started out with the spilling of innocent blood of those running the peaceful caravan of commerce, and it continued that way until the present.    Yet members of this sham religion claim it is a religion of peace.   This false claim makes one think of what Adolph Hitler said, <<<" 'The broad mass of a nation -..will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one'---Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)">>>.
Next, came the <<<"Raid on B. Juhayna at al-Khabat (the expedition of fish) by Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah - October, 629CE
In the next month, Muhammad sent Abu Ubaydah b. Jarrah along with three hundred (300) men to attack and punish the tribe of Juhaynah at al-Khabat, on the seacoast, five nights journey from Medina. This was a very difficult expedition and the Muslims suffered from intense hunger-so much so, that they had to divide the dates by number. They even ate the leaves of trees for a month. However, there was no fighting as the enemy had fled when they heard of the arrival of the Muslims.
In the end, the Muslims caught a dead-sea creature (a whale) that came ashore and ate it for half a month (or twenty days, according to Ibn Ishak). This is why this raid is also known as the 'expedition of fish.' They brought some of that stale meat to Muhammad and he ate it too.">>>.
<<<"Sahih Bukhari records that the Muslims ate the mountain like fish for eighteen days. Here is the Hadith:
Volume 3, Book 44, Number 663:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:
"Allah's Apostle sent an army towards the east coast and appointed Abu 'Ubaida bin Al-Jarrah as their chief, and the army consisted of three-hundred men including myself. We marched on till we reached a place where our food was about to finish. Abu- 'Ubaida ordered us to collect all the journey food and it was collected. My (our) journey food was dates. Abu 'Ubaida kept on giving us our daily ration in small amounts from it, till it was exhausted. The share of everyone of us used to be one date only." I said, "How could one date benefit you?" Jabir replied, "We came to know its value when even that too finished." Jabir added, "When we reached the sea-shore, we saw a huge fish which was like a small mountain. The army ate from it for eighteen days. Then Abu 'Ubaida ordered that two of its ribs be fixed and they were fixed in the ground. Then he ordered that a she-camel be ridden and it passed under the two ribs (forming an arch) without touching them.">>>.
This practice of spilling blood of the innocents continued right on in early Islam.   Here is a short list of some of these blood spilling afairs:
[1] Beheading the leader of B. Jusham at al Ghabah by Abd Allah ibn Hadrad - November, 629CE [still being practiced today by members of Islam.]
[2] Raid on a passing caravan at Batn al-Idam by Abd Allah b. Abi Hadrad - November, 629CE [An example of desert piracy and blood spilling.]
[3] Raid on B. Khudra at Suria by Abu Qatadah - December, 629CE [An example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
[4] The Occupation of Mecca by Muhammad - January, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
Footnotes, <<<"Hadith from Sahhi Bukhari on Muhammad's exclusive right to shed blood at the holy sanctuary:
Volume 3, Book 34, Number 303:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Allah's Apostle said, "Allah made Mecca a sanctuary and it was neither permitted for anyone before, nor will it be permitted for anyone after me (to fight in it). And fighting in it was made legal for me for a few hours of a day only. None is allowed to uproot its thorny shrubs or to cut down its trees or to chase its game or to pick up its Luqata (fallen things) except by a person who would announce it publicly." 'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttlib requested the Prophet, "Except Al-Idhkhir, for our goldsmiths and for the roofs of our houses." The Prophet said, "Except Al-Idhkhir." 'Ikrima said, "Do you know what is meant by chasing its game? It is to drive it out of the shade and sit in its place." Khalid said, "('Abbas said: Al-Idhkhir) for our goldsmiths and our graves.">>>.
<<<"On the killing of the singing girl, Sunaan Abu Dawud records:
Sunaan Abu Dawud: Book 14, Number 2678:
Narrated Sa'id ibn Yarbu' al-Makhzumi:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: on the day of the conquest of Mecca: There are four persons whom I shall not give protection in the sacred and non-sacred territory. He then named them. There were two singing girls of al-Maqis; one of them was killed and the other escaped and embraced Islam.">>>.
<<<"Those killings of the Meccan women smacks in the face of Islam's claim that the religion forbids the killing of women in a war. In fact, we can cite Sahih (authentic) Ahadith to demonstrate that the killings of polytheist women and children and old men are definitely sanctioned by Muhammad. Here are a few samples:
Sahih Muslim: Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.
Sunaan Abu Dawud: Book 14, Number 2664:
Narrated Samurah ibn Jundub:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Kill the old men who are polytheists, but spare their children." [source - [source - "Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims," The Root of Terrorism a la Islamic style Chapter 16, by  Abul Kasem, email address on 05/24/2007 =  ]
[5] The Destruction of al-Uzza at Nakhla by Khalid b. al-Walid - January, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
[6] The Destruction of Suwa at Ruhat by Amr b. al-As - January, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
[7] The Destruction of al-Manat at al-Kadid by Sa'd b. Zayd al-Ashhali - January, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent, one being a poor black lady.]
[8] Plunder of B. Jadhimah at Tihamah by Khalid b. al-Walid - January, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
footnote, <<<"Here is Sahi Hadith from Sahih Bukhari on the level of atrocity and cruelty perpetrated on B. Jadhimah by the Muslims:
Volume 5, Book 59, Number 628:
Narrated Salim's father:
The Prophet sent Khalid bin Al-Walid to the tribe of Jadhima and Khalid invited them to Islam but they could not express themselves by saying, "Aslamna (i.e. we have embraced Islam)," but they started saying "Saba'na! Saba'na (i.e. we have come out of one religion to another)." Khalid kept on killing (some of) them and taking (some of) them as captives and gave every one of us his Captive. When there came the day then Khalid ordered that each man (i.e. Muslim soldier) should kill his captive, I said, "By Allah, I will not kill my captive, and none of my companions will kill his captive." When we reached the Prophet, we mentioned to him the whole story. On that, the Prophet raised both his hands and said twice, "O Allah! I am free from what Khalid has done.">>>.
[9] Second Raid on B. Hawazin or the Battle of Hunayn by Muhammad - January, 630CE 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
[10] The Destruction of the idol Yaghuth at Dhu al-Kaffyan by Tufayl ibn 'Amr al-Dawsi - January, 630 [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
[11] The Siege of Taif by Muhammad - January, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
Footnote, <<<"Hadith from Sahih Bukhari on the release of the captives of B. Hawazin:
Volume 3, Book 46, Number 716: Narrated Marwan and Al-Miswar bin Makhrama:
When the delegates of the tribe of Hawazin came to the Prophet and they requested him to return their properties and captives. The Prophet stood up and said to them, "I have other people with me in this matter (as you see) and the most beloved statement to me is the true one; you may choose either the properties or the prisoners as I have delayed their distribution." The Prophet had waited for them for more than ten days since his arrival from Ta'if. So, when it became evident to them that the Prophet was not going to return them except one of the two, they said, "We choose our prisoners." The Prophet got up amongst the people and glorified and praised Allah as He deserved and said, "Then after, these brethren of yours have come to us with repentance, and I see it logical to return them the captives. So, whoever amongst you likes to do that as a favor, then he can do it, and whoever of you likes to stick to his share till we recompense him from the very first war booty which Allah will give us, then he can do so (i.e. give up the present captives)." The people unanimously said, "We do that (return the captives) willingly." The Prophet said, "We do not know which of you has agreed to it and which have not, so go back and let your leaders forward us your decision." So, all the people then went back and discussed the matter with their leaders who returned and informed the Prophet that all the people had willingly given their consent to return the captives. This is what has reached us about the captives of Hawazin. Narrated Anas that 'Abbas said to the Prophet, "I paid for my ransom and Aqil's ransom.">>>.
[12] The Raid on B. Tamim by Uyana b. Hisn - July, 630CE [Yet another example of blood spilling of the innocent.]
And the list of early blood lettings of the innocent by Islam could go on for many pages, but it is being stopped here as enough have been listed to establish the fact that early Islam  was guilty of much blood letting per the name of this article, "Blood, Blood, and More Blood, the Story of Islam:"
A few salient examples will be given to illustrate how Islam, the sham religion,  never stopped its evil and wicked blood spilling hate, greed, and lust for violence during the middle ages:
[1] <<<" Malik Kafur, the general of Alauddin Khalji, gave the Raja of Dwarsamudra a choice between Islam, death or payment of a huge idemnity.25 But under Muhammad bin Tughlaq there is greater insistence on the vanquished Hindu princes to embrace Islam. The most glaring example of this is that during the Warangal campaign all the eleven sons of the Raja of Kampila were made Muslims. Muhammad bin Tughlaq converted many people in this fashion. When Firoz Tughlaq invaded Jajnagar (Orissa), he captured the son of the Rai of Sikhar, converted him to Islam, and gave him the name of Shakr Khan.
The process of enslavement during war went on under the Khaljis and the Tughlaqs. Alauddin had 50,000 slaves37 some of whom were mere boys,38 and surely many captured during war. Firoz Tughlaq had issued an order that whichever places were sacked, in them the captives should be sorted out and the best ones (fit for service with the Sultan) should be forwarded to the court.39 Soon he was enabled to collect 180,000 slaves.40 Ziyauddin Barani's description of the Slave Market in Delhi (such markets were there in other places also) during the reign of Alauddin Khalji, shows that fresh batches of slaves were constantly replenishing them.41>
[ Indian Muslims:Who Are They-K.S. Lal Chapter 3-Proselytization in Provincial-Muslim Kingdoms -]>>>.
[2] <<<" Starting with Al-Bilãdhurî who wrote in Arabic in the second half of the ninth century, and coming down to Syed Mahmudul Hasan who wrote in English in the fourth decade of the twentieth, we have cited from eighty histories spanning a period of more than twelve hundred years. Our citations mention sixty-one kings, sixty-three military commanders and fourteen sufis who destroyed Hindu temples in one hundred and fifty-four localities, big and small, spread from Khurasan in the West to Tripura in the East, and from Transoxiana in the North to Tamil Nadu in the South, over a period of eleven hundred years. In most cases the destruction of temples was followed by erection of mosques, madrasas and khãnqãhs, etc., on the temple sites and, frequently, with temple materials. Allãh was thanked every time for enabling the iconoclast concerned to render service to the religion of Muhammad by means of this pious performance.
Mahmûd of Ghazni robbed and burnt down 1,000 temples at Mathura, and 10,000 in and around Kanauj. One of his successors, Ibrãhîm, demolished 1,000 temples each in Hindustan (Ganga-Yamuna Doab) and Malwa. Muhammad Ghûrî destroyed another 1,000 at Varanasi. Qutbu'd-Dîn Aibak employed elephants for pulling down 1,000 temples in Delhi. "Alî I 'Ãdil Shãh of Bijapur destroyed 200 to 300 temples in Karnataka. A sufi, Qãyim Shãh, destroyed 12 temples at Tiruchirapalli. Such exact or approximate counts, however, are available only in a few cases. Most of the time we are informed that "many strong temples which would have remained unshaken even by the trumpets blown on the Day of Judgment, were levelled with the ground when swept by the wind of Islãm".>
[HINDU TEMPLES :WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM -Volume II :The Islamic Evidence- SITA RAM GOEL -Section III FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH-8. Summing up-]>>>.
[3] << <Islamic imperialism knew no code of honor. The only rule of war they observed without fail was to fall down the helpless civil population after a decisive victory had been won on the battlefield. They sacked and burnt down villages and towns after the defenders had died fighting or had fled. The cows, the Brahmins and Buddhist Bhikshus invited their special attention in a mass murder of non-combatants. Their temples and shrines were their special targets in an orgy of pillage and destruction. Those that they did not kill, they captured and sold as slaves. The scene was described by Kanhadde Prabandha (1456 A.D) in the following words: "The conquering army burnt villages, devastated the land, plundered people's wealth, took Brahmins and children and women of all classes captive, flogged with thongs of raw hide, carried a moving prison with it, and converted the prisoners into obsequious Turks." [source: Story of Islamic Imperialism in India - By Sita Ram Goel ASIN 8185990239 p. 41-42-, ]>>>.
[4] <<<" These conquerors justified their deeds by claiming it was their religious duty to smite non-believers. Cloaking themselves in the banner of Islam, they claimed they were fighting for their faith when, in reality, they were indulging in straightforward slaughter and pillage. When these warriors settled in India, they ruled as absolute despots over a cowed Hindu populace. For generations, their descendants took their martial superiority over their subjects for granted. "... And a substantial number of Pakistani Muslims are secretly convinced that they are inherently superior to the Hindus. One irony, of course, is that contrary to their wishful thinking, the vast majority of Muslims in the subcontinent have more Hindu blood in their veins than there is Arab, Afghan, Turkish or Persian blood. Many of the invaders took Hindu wives and concubines." [source: Demons from the past - By Ifran Husain - ]>>>.
[5] <<<" "From the time Muslims started arriving, around 632 AD, the history of India becomes a long, monotonous series of murders, massacres, spoliation's, and destruction's. It is, as usual, in the name of 'a holy war' of their faith, of their sole God, that the barbarians have destroyed civilizations, wiped out entire races." Mahmoud Ghazni, continues Danielou, "was an early example of Muslim ruthlessness, burning in 1018 of the temples of Mathura, razing Kanauj to the ground and destroying the famous temple of Somnath, sacred to all Hindus. His successors were as ruthless as Ghazni: 103 temples in the holy city of Benaras were razed to the ground, its marvelous temples destroyed, its magnificent palaces wrecked." Indeed, the Muslim policy vis a vis India, concludes Danielou, seems to have been a conscious systematic destruction of everything that was beautiful, holy, refined." [source - Histoire de l' Inde - By Alain Danielou p. 222 or A Brief History of India-, s]>>>.
[6] <<<" It is significant that one of the very few place-names on earth that reminds us not of the victory of the winners but rather of the slaughter of the losers, concerns a genocide of Hindus by the Muslims.
A few known historical figures can be used to justify this estimate. The Encyclopaedia Britannica recalls that in December 1398 AD, Taimurlane ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives before the battle for Delhi; likewise, the number of captives butchered by Taimurlane's army was about 100,000.
The Britannica again mentions that Mughal emperor Akbar ordered the massacre of about 30,000 captured Rajput Hindus on February 24, 1568 AD, after the battle for Chitod, a number confirmed by Abul Fazl, Akbar's court historian. Afghan historian Khondamir notes that during one of the many repeated invasions on the city of Herat in western Afghanistan, which used to be part of the Hindu Shahiya kingdoms '1,500,000 residents perished.' 'Thus, 'it is evident that the mountain range was named as Hindu Kush as a reminder to the future Hindu generations of the slaughter and slavery of Hindus during the Moslem conquests.' "[source: Where's India's holocaust museum? - By Francois Gautier - s ]>>>.
[7] The contemporary French writer François Gautier has said, <<<"The massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese."[]>>>.
[8] K. S. Lai, the greatest of all historians in India said, <<<"Islam received a definite check in India. In other words, while countries like Arabia, Persia, Mesopotamia and Syria succumbed to the onslaught of Islam and converted en masse, the sword of Islam was blunted in India. This check provided provocation and enthusiasm to some Muslim conquerors and rulers to take to the task of proselytization with great zeal and earnestness. Their exertions and achievements find repeated mention in official and non-official chronicles and similar other works. Sometimes, besides broad facts, actual data and figures in this regard are also available. All this information is very helpful in estimating Muslim numbers as they grew from almost a cipher. "[source - comparable account of terror-tactics of the Muslim army as described by Persian chroniclers and Vidyapati in Kirtilata in K.S.Lal]>>>.
[9]  Genocide and massacres and stealing of others lands and forced conversions continued as Islam's SOP <<<"Ikhtiyaruddin Bakhtiyar Khalji's military exploits in the east also resulted in conversions to Islam. About the end of the twelfth or the beginning of the thirteenth century," [source & comments - by S.K. Lal - The exact date of the raid is difficult to determine. Ishwari Prasad, Medieval India (Allahabad, Fourth Impression, 1940), p.138] places it" probably in 1197", [source - Wolseley Haig (C.H.I., III,pp.45-46] a little earlier than this, and [source - Habibullah, op. cit., pp.70 and 84, n. 78 in 1202-03.]>>; <<"he marched into Bihar and attacked the University centres of Nalanda, Vikramshila and Uddandapur, erecting a fortress at the site of Uddandapur or Odantapuri." [source - Indian Antiquary, IV, pp.366-67.]>>; <<"The Buddhist monks in these places were massacred and the common people, deprived of their priests and teachers, turned some to Brahmanism and some to Islam. Buddhism did not die out immediately or completely in Bihar." [source - Fuhrer, The Sharqi Architecture of Jaunpur, pp.70-73.]>>; <<"But Bakhtiyar's raid on Bihar did deliver a shattering blow to Buddhism and its lost followers were gained mainly by Islam. Muslim sway extended from Varanasi through the strip of Shahabad, Patna, Monghyr and Bhagalpur district," [source - Habibullah, op. cit., p.147]>>>.
[10] Islam continued with its same standard operating procedure, (SOP), <<<" With this conceptual framework let us examine the structure and organization of Muslim community in Hindustan in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Punjab saw the emergence of Muslims as a local community consequent to the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni. But for a few immigrants in the shape of Ghaznavid officers and soldiers, the bulk of Muslims were converts from the indigenous Hindu population. Similar was the case in "pockets" of Sind, Gujarat, Bihar and Malabar. The process of their conversion was hurried. All of a sudden the invader appeared in a city or a region, and in the midst of loot and murder, a dazed, shocked and enslaved people were given the choice between Islam and death. Those who were converted were deprived of their scalp-lock or choti and, if they happened to be caste people, also their sacred thread." [source - Indian Muslims, Who Are They by K.S. Lal and his footnote comments were, "The exact date of the raid is difficult to determine. Ishwari Prasad, Medieval India [source - Allahabad, Fourth Impression, 1940), p.138] places it" probably in 1197", [source - Wolseley Haig (C.H.I., III,pp.45-46)] a little earlier than this, and [source - Habibullah, op. cit., pp.70 and 84, n. 78 in 1202-03."]>>>.
[11] Now here are the facts, the reality, of the murder, genocide of over 80 million endividuals in India by Muslims, <<<"With the invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni about 1000 A.D., began the Muslim invasions into the Indian subcontinent and they lasted for several centuries. The Muslim invasions continued even when the Muslims were ruling India, like the invasion of the Mongols during the reign of the Khiljis or the invasion of the Mughals in the early sixteenth Century when the Lodis were ruling Delhi. The last notable invasion of the Muslims from outside was the invasion of Nadir Shah in 1739, during which he unleashed a great horror on the native population.
During these seven hundred years of Muslim invasions and their conquest and rule of India, the Hindus were the greatest sufferers. It is difficult to estimate the number of Hindus who lost their lives during these campaigns, the number of Hindus who lost their lives in the religious persecution perpetrated on the native population by the Muslim rulers or the number of Hindus who were forcibly converted to Islam.
According to Prof. K.S. Lal, the author of the Growth of Muslim population in India, the Hindu population decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD, the year Mahmud Ghazni invaded India and 1525 AD, a year before the battle of Panipat.
One can safely add another 20 million Hindus to this list to account for the number that were killed during the Mughal rule or the rule of the Muslim rulers in the Deccan plateau. By all known accounts of world history, as pointed out by Koenard Elst in his book the Negationism in India, destruction of about 100 million hindus is perhaps the biggest holocaust in the whole world history." [source - The biggest holocaust in world history by Jayaram V]>>>.
This clearly showing that the Muslims were responsible for the greatest genocide in all of human history, but let's look at more facts with respect this crime against humanity.
Let's look at a quote from Chapter 5 of a history book by India's greatest historian, K.S. Lal, see information about him in the footnote at end of quote, <<<"Factors Contributing to the Growth of Muslim Population, Conversions -
Islam has spread in many parts of the world through wars and campaigns[[Its spread was not peaceful but by the proverbial sword]]. In the medieval Indian chronicles the sovereign is always mentioned as 'the king of Islam', the territories of his empire are referred to as the 'land of Islam', its armies as 'soldiers of Islam', and its religious and Judicial head as 'Shaikh-ul-Islam'. The monarch was committed to make Islam the true basis of private and public life through the enforcement of the Shariat and to convert the people to the "true faith". In India the Muslim rulers' keenness to obtain converts in war is vouched by many chroniclers. The Tarikh-i-Muhammadi gives a clear idea of the psychology of the rulers in this regard. Its author was a contemporary of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud, the son of Firoz Tughlaq. He says that while fighting Rai Subir (Sumer) in the vicinity of Iraj, the Sultan thought: 'If I will give orders to the army to fight (outright), they will not leave even a trace of the Kafirs [[none Muslims]] in the region, but if I shall advance slowly, then probably these people will agree to embrace Islam."3
What professor Mohammad Habib writes concerning the Mongol applies equally to Turkish expeditions. "In 1330 the country was invaded by the Mongols who indulged in arson, rape and murder throughout the Valley (of Kashmir). The king and the Brahmans fled away but among the inhabitants who remained... Muslim ways of life were gradually adopted by the people as the only alternative..."4 Thus warfare brought captives, and captives were made Musalmans. Such was not the situation only in the North; in South also such methods of conversion prevailed, especially during wars between Bahmani and Vijayanagar kingdoms. Throughout the medieval period such wars were common, and forcible conversions [[Conversions by the proverbial sword.]] helped in the rapid growth of Muslim population.
The rulers used force and persuasion in equal measure. Their resources were great. They could give jobs, honours, and titles and many other economic concessions and status benefits as inducements to conversion, and many people would have taken advantage of these facilities. We have referred to Mubarak Khalji's encouragement to Hindus to accept Islam by presenting the convert with a robe and a gold ornament. People used to be converted in this fashion right up to the reign of Aurangzeb and perhaps even thereafter. There were other methods too.
The Banshasmriti of Satya Krishna Biswas states that in Bengal the Rajas and Zamindars who could not deposit land revenue by a certain date had to convert to Muhammadanism. The Banshasmriti narrates an isolated incident, but as this regulation of the thirteenth century had been revived by Murshid Quli Khan, or had continued right up to his times, many local Rajas and Zamindars would have been converted in the course of four centuries, for full payment of land tax by due date was not always possible. Firoz Tughlaq (1351-88) instructed his revenue collectors to convert Hindus to Islam.5 He rescinded the Jiziyah to lure people to become Muhammadans, and this measure brought large additions to Muslim population. In his Fatuhat-i-Firoz Shahi, Sultan Firoz Tughlaq candidly writes: "I encouraged my infidel subjects to embrace the religion of the prophet and I proclaimed that everyone who repeated the Kalima of tauhid and became Musalman should be exempt from Jiziyah... Information of this came to the ears of the people at large, and great number of Hindus presented themselves, and were admitted to the honour of Islam. Thus they came forward day by day from every quarter, go on coming to this day, and adopting the faith, are exonerated from the Jiziyah, and are favoured with Khilats and presents."6 [[Taxed enslaved subjects that would NOT convert to try and force their conversion; i.e., no affording of the basic human right of freedom of conscience]]. [source - Studies in Medieval Indian History, pp.171-172 by K.S. Lal]>>>.
Now let's look at what others had to say about this greatest of all genocides:
Historian Will Durant wrote his book The Story of Civilization:, <<<"The Mohammadan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precarious thing, whose delicate complex of order and liberty, culture and peace may at any time be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within." [source - "The Story of Civilization, " by Will Durant the great American historian]>>>.
French historian Alain Danielou wrote in his book Histoire de l'Inde:, <<<"From the moment when the Muslims arrive in India, the history of India does not have any more great interest. It is long and monotonous series of murder, massacres, spoilations, destruction." [source - "Histoire de l'Inde," by Alain Danielou, great French historian]>>>.
Hindu sage Padmanabha described in his KanhaDade Prabandha in 1456 AD the story of the Islamic invasion of Gujarat of 1298 AD:, <<<"The conquering army burnt villages, devastated the land, plundered people's wealth, took Brahmins ( priestly hindu class ) and children and women of all classes captive, flogged with thongs of raw hide, carried a moving prison with it, and converted the prisoners into obsequious slaves.">>>.
Tarikh-i-Yamini of Utbi the sultan's secretary wrote in the 11th century: <<<"The blood of the infidels flowed so copiously at Thanesar that the stream was discoloured, notwithstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it. The Sultan returned with plunder which is impossible to count." [source - "the story of the Islamic invasion of Gujarat of 1298 AD:, " [source - English translation), by Padmanabha, a famous Hindu of the 15 th. Century].
[12] Also, hateful, greedy, and lustful for violence members of Islam set out in the Eighth Century to steal all of Spain and to kill all that resisted, <<<" In 711 AD, the non-White Muslim invasion finally reached Spain, having swept up out of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, conquered Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and North Africa to the Gibraltar Strait.
Launching a ferocious assault across the narrow strait, the Muslims defeated the Gothic kingdom in stages and managed to establish what became known as Moorish rule over the greatest part of Spain and Portugal, with only the very northern parts remaining in Gothic hands." [source - MARCH OF THE TITANS - A HISTORY OF THE WHITE RACE, Chapter 22: Lessons in Decline: Spain and Portugal]
Let's look at how Islam is using its usual SOP in three provinces of Thailand today, 2006. An article in the New York Times clearly shows that Islam has remained violent until today, <<"In Thailand, a New Model for Militants? ...
October 1, 2006
HAT YAI, Thailand - The bomb that exploded outside New Cherry Ancient Massage was among the most sinister kinds - a lethal sucker punch timed to detonate moments after two other blasts had lured onlookers into the streets of this tourist town.
The homemade device, hidden in a motorcycle parked outside the busy parlor, killed five people, including a Canadian teacher and three masseuses. All 30 surviving massage workers quit on the spot. Within days, the parents of the three dead women came to take their daughters' bodies home.
"One father asked, 'Why my child? She was a good girl,' " said New Cherry owner Boonchai Sangmankung. "And I couldn't answer him. I don't know myself. Why do the attacks continue? Why are more innocent people killed every day?"
Since 2004, militants in Thailand's predominantly Muslim south have waged a bloody separatist insurgency against the cultural elite of this largely Buddhist nation, targeting teachers, monks, community leaders and government officials. So far, 1,700 people have been killed, yet the campaign of almost-daily bombings, arson attacks, kidnappings and assassinations has gone largely unnoticed in a Western world fixated on higher-profile Islamic terrorism campaigns in Iraq and elsewhere.
"The violence in southern Thailand is quite significant compared to many other world conflicts today," said Panitan Wattanayagorn, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. "The U.S. lost 3,000 soldiers in three years in Iraq. This death toll is not far behind." ...
Many Muslim residents still chafe over what they consider a century of abusive rule. But experts differ over the roots of the insurgency. Some say it's a battle over religious freedom, others say it's a fight for territory and self-rule. Still others say it's both...
In the first six months of 2006, two people died every day, on average: A Buddhist teacher was gunned down in front of his fourth-grade class by men dressed as students. A salesman was beheaded outside a crowded teashop. The owner of an elephant troupe was shot seven times by assailants who had lined up with children to buy tickets for a show.
In August, 22 small bombs exploded nearly simultaneously in banks throughout southern Yala province, killing one person and bringing commerce to a standstill. Two months earlier, 50 bombs went off in a single day at government offices and police stations.
Last year, 15 militants stormed a Buddhist temple and hacked two monks to death before setting fire to their bodies. Thai officials believe that 30,000 Buddhists have fled the south since the attack. Insurgents also have targeted fellow Muslims suspected of conspiring with a military known for its brutality in dealing with the Islamic militants...[source - By John M. Glionna, Times Staff Writer on 10/01/2006]>>.
First, before detail, let's look at Swami Vivekananda said which is as true today as when he said it in 1893.
<<"Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization, and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now." [source - Swami Vivekananda (1893)]>>.
Swami Vivekananda clearly saw the damage being done by false religion and stated it in a few well used words.
At present members of Islam are still in their SOP - spilling blood of innocent people all over the world, and especially so in Iraq, Pakistan, Thailand, the United States, India, etc.  We shall look at a few salient cases of this modern day blood spilling by Islam:
[1] Let's look at how Islam is using its usual SOP in three provinces of Thailand today, 2006. An article in the New York Times clearly shows that Islam has remained violent until today, <<<"In Thailand, a New Model for Militants? ...
October 1, 2006
HAT YAI, Thailand - The bomb that exploded outside New Cherry Ancient Massage was among the most sinister kinds - a lethal sucker punch timed to detonate moments after two other blasts had lured onlookers into the streets of this tourist town.
The homemade device, hidden in a motorcycle parked outside the busy parlor, killed five people, including a Canadian teacher and three masseuses. All 30 surviving massage workers quit on the spot. Within days, the parents of the three dead women came to take their daughters' bodies home.
"One father asked, 'Why my child? She was a good girl,' " said New Cherry owner Boonchai Sangmankung. "And I couldn't answer him. I don't know myself. Why do the attacks continue? Why are more innocent people killed every day?"
Since 2004, militants in Thailand's predominantly Muslim south have waged a bloody separatist insurgency against the cultural elite of this largely Buddhist nation, targeting teachers, monks, community leaders and government officials. So far, 1,700 people have been killed, yet the campaign of almost-daily bombings, arson attacks, kidnappings and assassinations has gone largely unnoticed in a Western world fixated on higher-profile Islamic terrorism campaigns in Iraq and elsewhere.
"The violence in southern Thailand is quite significant compared to many other world conflicts today," said Panitan Wattanayagorn, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. "The U.S. lost 3,000 soldiers in three years in Iraq. This death toll is not far behind." ...
Many Muslim residents still chafe over what they consider a century of abusive rule. But experts differ over the roots of the insurgency. Some say it's a battle over religious freedom, others say it's a fight for territory and self-rule. Still others say it's both...
In the first six months of 2006, two people died every day, on average: A Buddhist teacher was gunned down in front of his fourth-grade class by men dressed as students. A salesman was beheaded outside a crowded teashop. The owner of an elephant troupe was shot seven times by assailants who had lined up with children to buy tickets for a show.
In August, 22 small bombs exploded nearly simultaneously in banks throughout southern Yala province, killing one person and bringing commerce to a standstill. Two months earlier, 50 bombs went off in a single day at government offices and police stations.
Last year, 15 militants stormed a Buddhist temple and hacked two monks to death before setting fire to their bodies. Thai officials believe that 30,000 Buddhists have fled the south since the attack. Insurgents also have targeted fellow Muslims suspected of conspiring with a military known for its brutality in dealing with the Islamic militants...[source - By John M. Glionna, Times Staff Writer on 10/01/2006]>>>.
[2] In the United States and elsewhere, an Australian newspaper did a summary of the violence and were quite conservative in their findings as the percentage should probably be higher than they gave in their summary. <<<" The Newspaper article is but a summary of evidence from around the world some of which was presented immediately below it, all from reliable world news sources. I presented a newspaper with a summary of it as it would take a many volume book to present it all. Apparently you fail to read the news daily with regard to how many murders are being committed daily in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. by members of Islam. Also, you show you fail to listen to Al Jazzera and BBC to hear the proof of what the newspaper summarized - do you dig it? The world would be a much more tranquil and peaceful place without Islam, and even more so without apostate (counterfeit) so called Christianity. Let's look once more at what I posted in the past:
The Weekend Australian (newspaper) had this to say on the matter,
<<"Did you know that 90-95% of the conflicts in the world today are Muslims fighting non-muslims or each other?
Islam is intolerant of other religions, so much so that Christians in Nigeria, Sudan and middle eastern countries are killed for practicing their religion. Muslims are also responsible for burning down their churches. Sydney has recently seen an attack on four churches for similar reasons. (December 16, 2005) How can we tolerate such intolerance?">>.[7]
Says it all, so clearly Islam should be redefined as something other than a religion. So it is very necessary that this greed and hate be addressed. Remember, Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." (AV).
Let's consider the facts as continually revealed in the world news that shows if any thing that the newspaper editor may have been a little low when he said 95 percent of the violence in the world was caused by Muslims. Here are some instances of terrorism by members of Islam:[7]
(1) World Trade Center - 9/11 - unprovoked attack and mass murder by Muslims.[8]
(2) London Subway Bombing by Muslims [9]
(3) Continued mosque bombings in Iraq by Muslims.[10]
(4) Suicide bombings in Israel by Muslims.[11]
(5) Suicide bombing of a wedding reception in Jordan by Muslims.[12]
(6) Daily roadside bombings in Iraq by Muslims.[13]
(7) Train bombings in Spain my Muslims.[14]
(8) Riots and car burnings and murders in France by Muslims.[15]
(9) Suicide bombings in Iraq by Muslims.[16]
(10) Car and truck bombings in Iraq by Muslims.[17]
(11) Unprovoked murder of 8 Israelis and the kidnapping of 2 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Lebanon and Israel by Muslims.[18]
(12) Unprovoked murder of 2 Israelis and the kidnapping of 1 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Gaza by Muslims.[19]
(13) Bombing of restaurants and cafes in Bali, Indonesia by Muslims.[20]
(14) Bombing of a trains in India by Muslims.[21]
(15) Take over of a grammar school in Russia resulting in the deaths of many students by Muslims.[22]
(16) Attempted shoebombing of a plain by a Muslim.[23]
(17) Conspiracy to bomb about 10 planes going from UK by Muslims.[24]
(18) Attempted murder of several Indian politicians in Kashmir by Muslims.[25]
(19) Many violent acts by Muslims in Afghanistan.[26]
(20) Murder of a girl by Shiite Muslims in Iran.[27]
(21) Conspiracy to bomb trains in Germany - as previously posted for you.[28]
(22) And the list could go on and on, get it?
[7] The Weekend Australian, November 26-27, 2005 AD
[8] World Trade Center bombing, by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[9] Explosions Hit Three Tube Stations, One Bus, Thursday, July 21, 2005, Fox News
[10] By Ellen Knickmeyer and K.I. Ibrahim, Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, February 23, 2006; Page A01
[11] Suicide attack, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[12] Zarqawi Calls for Jordan King's Head, Friday, November 18, 2005
[13] The Daily Star, 03/21/2006, Vol. 5 #644
[14] CBS News, WASHINGTON, March 12, 2004
[15] Free Republic, News/Activism 05/30/2006 5:46:30 PM PDT, and, The Telegraph, By Colin Randall in Paris (Filed: 31/05/2006)
[16] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[17] CNN, Thursday, March 18, 2004 Posted: 4:59 PM EST (2159 GMT)
[18] Telegraph (UK), Israeli crisis is a smoke screen for Iran's nuclear ambitions, By Con Coughlin(Filed: 14/07/2006)
[19] Associated Press
[20], Bali a soft target, experts say, By Marianne Kearney in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday 03 October 2005, 20:20 Makka Time, 17:20 GMT
[21] MSNBC, Associated Press, Updated: 6:26 p.m. ET July 12, 2006
[22] Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[23] CNN, CNN NEWSNIGHT AARON BROWN, Debate Over Guantanamo Detainees Continues, Aired January 21, 2002 - 22:00 ET
[24] TIME, The Daily Dish, by Andrew Sullivan, The Alleged UK Terror Plot, 16 Aug 2006 09:58 am
[25] The New Yorker, BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINS - India and Pakistan are caught in a dangerous struggle over Kashmir. But what do its people want? by Isabel Hilton , Issue of 2002-03-11
[26] USA Today, USA's Muslims under a cloud, Updated 8/10/2006 9:13 AM ET
[27] NITV Satellite TV station located in Los Angeles, on Masjed Soleymaani Hastam, and [FREE IRAN Project] In The Spirit Of Cyrus The Great, and (in German) Iran/forum/viewtopic.php of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia' and, and
[28] AOL NEWS, War on Terror, and, Third Lebanese Arrested in German Train Terror Plot , (via
[source - Large Religions are False Religions - Their Fruitage, which can be read in its entirety and which covers also the wrongs of apostate (counterfeit) Christians at, ] >>>.
It is obvious that you do not know the difference between a summary of proof and the individual proofs that support it, some of salient examples of proof which, as previously mentioned appeared immediately below it in my post.
[3] Violence by members of Islam never let's up as a very recent world news item shows, <<<" by Ramzi Haidar 1 hour, 40 minutes ago [05/21/2007]
NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon (AFP) - The Lebanese government offered late Monday a truce in its confrontation with Islamists in north Lebanon that cost 58 lives, as a bomb exploded in Beirut for the second straight night.
"The Lebanese army is ready to stop firing if the other side does the same. It will not open fire if it is not attacked," a government source in Beirut said, on condition of anonymity.   The offer followed indirect negotiations between the army and the splinter group Fatah al-Islam through the mediation of Jamaa Islamiya, a Sunni organisation, participants in the contacts told AFP.   The fighting had eased off by late Monday, but three soldiers were killed in an attack on an army post outside the Nahr al-Bared camp, raising the overall toll to 58 dead.   Hospital and security sources gave a breakdown of the deaths: 30 soldiers, 17 Islamist fighters, 10 Palestinian civilians and a Lebanese civilian.
Lebanese troops bombarded the Islamist militiamen, accused of links to Al-Qaeda and Syrian intelligence, with tanks and heavy artillery earlier on Monday, the second day of the bloodiest internal fighting since the 1975-1990 civil war.
"The army is not only opening fire on us. It is shelling blindly. If this continues, we will carry the battle outside the (nearby port) city of Tripoli," spokesman Abu Salim Taha told AFP.   After the threat to expand the confrontation from around their camp in north Lebanon, 10 people were wounded in the second unclaimed bomb blast to target Beirut in as many nights, hospital sources said.   Police said the bomb in the upmarket residential district of Verdun in mainly Muslim west Beirut was placed under a car, setting ablaze several vehicles and damaging buildings.   A 63-year-old woman was killed and 10 people were wounded in an explosion in a Christian district of the Lebanese capital on Sunday night.
Verdun is home to Information Minister Ghazi al-Aridi, who at the time was giving a press briefing at the premier's office on an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the deadly clashes around Nahr al-Bared...>>>.
Islam has never changed its SOP and is continuing to spill innocent blood just as it did in its beginning back in 628 CE.  Yet this religion that has the distinction of spilling more blood, blood, blood, than any other entity has the nerve to claim it is a peaceful religion.  They must define peaceful quite different than anyone else including the dictionary.
Whereas, the founder of Christianity, the Son of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob, creator of all there is, Jesus (Yeshua), was the "Prince of Peace" and never committed violence against anyone, but preached per Matthew 22:37-40, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  38  This is the first and great commandment.  39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. " (Authorized King James Bible; AV).   Quite a contrast between the blood letting SOP of Islam, as preached by Muhammad (pbuh), compared to genuine (true) Christianity preached by Jesus (Yeshua) Christ.  Really shows which group is truly peaceful.
Footnote, Much blood shed was committed by apostate (counterfeit) so called Christians who to some degree emulated Islam, but of this group, Jesus (Yeshua) said at Matthew 7:23, "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. " (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
Swami Vivekananda said which is as true today as when he said it in 1893.
<<<"Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization, and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now." [source - Swami Vivekananda (1893)]>>>.
Swami Vivekananda clearly saw the damage being done by false religion and stated it in a few well used words.  This is clear when you examine the saying by one well known Muslim of the present day, <<<"'God knows, if we did possess (a chemical bomb), we wouldn't hesitate one second to use it'---Abu Musab al-Zarqawi">>>.
But as Isaac Asimov noted, <<<"'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'---Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)">>>, which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Islam is a sham religion of violence and incompetence.


11/18/2015 2:14 pm  #1089

Re: Scripture of the Day

My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:  12  For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.  Proverbs 3:11 – 12  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
This scripture is admonition to accept correction from Almighty God (YHWH), but many do not know and/or respect Him.  Today in this lawless world, many unfortunately act like savage beast, and we see this in the news every day.  Such items as the murder of over 3,000 on 9/11/2001 in New York City, 7/7/2005 London Subway bombing, 1/7/2015 Attack of Charlie Hebdro Newspaper and a super market, 11/13/2015 Attack on Paris and murder of over 129 people.   And this bestiality in the name of a false religion.
However, genuine true followers of the Son of God, Jesus (Yeshua), accept correction from His Father.   They act in love towards others per His answer given to a lawyer who was asking Him which is the greatest commandment  at Matthew 22:36 – 40, [AV]  “ Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  38  This is the first and great commandment.  39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  We should also act in love with regard assisting others to know Almighty God (YHWH) requirements.
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
First, The world we live in is ruled by the wicked one as testified to by 1 John 5:19, “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” (Authorized King James Bible; AV).  If we pick up a newspaper in any country, we find reports of cruelty and violence on an unprecedented scale.  Man’s inhumanity to man is troubling for a righteous person to contemplate as testified to at Ecclesiastes 8:9, “All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.” (AV).
Second, Most individuals and/or groups seek to avoid responsibility for their own actions rather than take corrective actions.   This also applies to so called religious groups that seek to absolve themselves of responsibility for the wrong actions of members, but fail, willingly, to take action against these wrong doers by purging themselves of these wicked ones.
If a religion fails to clean house of evil and wicked men when they are discovered, and especially of evil and wicked men/women taking the lead in a congregation, and/or congregations such as Pastors, Ministers, Sheiks, Imams, Bishops, Cardinals, Etc., then the religion is responsible for their wrong doing. Some religions such as Islam have never cleaned house of evil and wicked individuals when they are discovered and that religion has been violent since its beginning, and many of its members lust for violence in such acts as beheading of others, suscide bombers, makers of IEDs, etc. do to the teachings of this groups religious leaders. One notable example of an evil and wicked individual Islam well knows of who is a leader of a large group of members of Islam is Sheik Osama bin Ladin. Of course, Islam, is NOT the only religion that fails to take effective action against evil and wicked individuals and leaders of groups among them, another is the Catholic and Angalican churches that for many years just moved pedophiles to a new congregation when they were uncovered as the world's news media has so well identified. Groups seeking to keep themselves clean of evil and wicked individuals that sneak into their group take the appropriate action; to wit, they throw them out.

Now many religions seek to escape reality by claiming they have no provisions within their religion for purging out these wicked ones, but this is no excuse since it is their failure to provide measures for purging out these wicked ones and no one else’s.
Now let’s look at one such religion that tries to escape their responsibility for cleaning house so to speak.
Now of course it is important to recognize that not all Muslims are terrorist and jihadists, many are good individuals; however, the wicked ones among them refuse to the rights of other.  It is likewise equally important to recognize that all jihadists are members of Islam.  Islam is totally responsible for their actions as they tacitly approve of their evil wrong doing and have never cleaned house of these wicked ones.  To wit, by not doing so, they have taken on the responsibility for their wrongful actions upon themselves.  Yes, of course they are not the only religion that has failed to clean house; thus taking on the guilt of these wrong doers.  Any religion, no exception, which fails to clean house is nothing but an evil false religion.  And as previously stated, ‘Now many religions seek to escape reality by claiming they have no provisions within their religion for purging out these wicked ones, but this is no excuse since it is their failure to provide measures for purging out these wicked ones and no one else’s.’
Many are just fooling themself, it is not what either the Bible or the Bible knockoff the Qur'an actually say, but how religious leaders be they priest and/or imams or muftis or what ever teach the people is the interpretation of what is written either in the Bible or the bible knockoff the Qur'an that matters and governs actions.   It matters not what the Bible and/or the Bible knockoff really say.   People go by what they are taught by their religious leaders.   Take the genocide committed by the Roman Catholic Church at the direction of their supreme religious leader, the pope (Pope Innocent III (1160 or 1161 – 16 July 1216)), what mattered was not that the Bible clearly said at Exodus 20:13, "Thou shalt not kill." (Authorized King James Bible; AV), but what their religious leaders told them.   Therefore, it is the religion which is at fault, regardless of what their particular holy book, be it the Bible or the Bible knockoff the Qur'an may say.   Neither in so called Christianity or in Islam are most individuals actions really governed in any way by what their particular holy book really says, but they are governed by the interpretation of their religious leaders.   Thus, knowing this reality, one would be either just plain stupid and/or dumb to even bother looking at a particular religion's holy book and expect the members would conform to it.   Take the Rig Vede and find me for example a Hindu actually conforming to it instead of the interpretation given to it by his religious leaders, like looking for a needle in the haystack per K.S. Lal, India's greatest historian.
Likewise the failure to clean house of evil ones puts their wrongs directly upon the organization failing to throw out evil/wicked ones when they are found out.


11/21/2015 5:18 pm  #1090

Re: Scripture of the Day

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  38  This is the first and great commandment.  39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.  Matthew 22:36 – 40  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
True Christianity is all about love, 1 st. love for the Creator, Jehovah God, and second love for one's fellow man. You can not love God whom you can not see if you do not at first love your fellow man whom you can see. As clearly shown by Jesus (Yeshua) Christ when he asked what is the greatest commandment.  The Holy Bible plainly shows we should not judge our neighbors, but love them. THIS DOES NOT MEAN LOVING THEIR SIN.  Matthew 7:1-2, states, "Stop judging that you may not be judged; for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged," and Romans 14:4, 10-13, "Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God can make him stand. But why do you judge your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God... Therefore let us not be judging one another any longer," this plainly shows no true Christian should be executing judgment on anyone with respect sin. In fact this would be a usurping of God's exclusive right, i.e., blaspheme, Matthew 25:31-32, [AV] states, "When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats."
Second, we should be loving our neighbors and attempting to get them to turn away from sin and wrong belief, not judging, hurting, or killing them in violation of God's law. Luke 10:27, [AV] states, "....You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 5:21-22 clearly states this devine principle, “e have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:  22  But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.”  However, I say to you that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother (neighbor) will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court (God's court, not the Supreme Court of any nation).
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
Hi Everyone:
Here is a Commentary on Bountiful Trees and Vegetables God (YHWH) has provided for mankind, specifically the Taraxacum /t??ræks?k?m/, dandelion,  is a large genus of flowering plants in the familyAsteraceae and consists of species commonly known as dandelion. They are native to Eurasia and North America, and two species, T. officinale andT. erythrospermum, are found as commonplace wild flowers worldwide.[2] Both species are edible in their entirety.[3] The common name dandelion (/?dænd?la?.?n/DAN-di-ly-?n, from French dent-de-lion, meaning "lion's tooth") is given to members of the genus. Like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have very small flowers collected together into a composite flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret. Many Taraxacum species produce seeds asexually by apomixis, where the seeds are produced without pollination, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant.[4]
The species of Taraxacum are tap-rooted, perennial, herbaceous plants, native totemperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The genus contains many species which usually (or in the case of triploids, obligately) reproduce by apomixis, resulting in many local populations andendemism. In the British Isles alone, 234 microspecies are recognised in 9 loosely-defined sections, of which 40 are "probably endemic".[5]
In general, the leaves are 5–25 cm long or longer, simple, lobed, and form a basal rosette above the central taproot. Theflower heads are yellow to orange coloured, and are open in the daytime, but closed at night. The heads are borne singly on a hollow stem (scape) that is usually leafless and rises 1–10 cm or more[2] above the leaves. Stems and leaves exude a white, milky latex when broken. A rosette may produce several flowering stems at a time. The flower heads are 2–5 cm in diameter and consist entirely of ray florets. The flower heads mature into spherical seed heads called blowballs[6] or clocks (in both British and American English)[7][8][9][10] containing many single-seeded fruits called achenes. Each achene is attached to a pappus of fine hairs, which enable wind-aided dispersal over long distances.
The flower head is surrounded by bracts (sometimes mistakenly called sepals) in two series. The inner bracts are erect until the seeds mature, then flex downward to allow the seeds to disperse. The outer bracts are often reflexed downward, but remain appressed in plants of the sections Palustria and Spectabilia. Some species drop the parachute from the achenes; the hair-like parachutes are called pappus, and they are modified sepals. Between the pappus and the achene is a stalk called a beak, which elongates as the fruit matures. The beak breaks off from the achene quite easily, separating the seed from the parachute.
Seed dispersal
A number of species of Taraxacum are seed-dispersed ruderals that rapidly colonize disturbed soil, especially the common dandelion (T. officinale), which has been introduced over much of the temperate world. After flowering is finished, the dandelion flower head dries out for a day or two. The dried petals and stamens drop off, the bracts reflex (curve backwards), and the parachute ball opens into a full sphere.
False dandelions
Many similar plants in the Asteraceae family with yellow flowers are sometimes known as false dandelions. Dandelions are very similar to catsears (Hypochaeris). Both plants carry similar flowers, which form into windborne seeds. However, dandelion flowers are borne singly on unbranched, hairless and leafless, hollow stems, while catsear flowering stems are branched, solid, and carry bracts. Both plants have a basal rosette of leaves and a central taproot. HOWEVER, THE LEAVES OF DANDELIONS ARE SMOOTH OR GLABROUS, WHEREAS THOSE OF CATSEARS ARE COARSELY HAIRY.
Early-flowering dandelions may be distinguished from coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) by their basal rosette of leaves, their lack of disc florets, and the absence of scales on the flowering stem.[11]
Other plants with superficially similar flowers include hawkweeds (Hieracium) andhawksbeards (Crepis). These are readily distinguished by branched flowering stems, which are usually hairy and bear leaves.
The genus is taxonomically complex, with some botanists dividing the group into about 34 macrospecies, and about 2000microspecies;[12] about 235 apomictic and polyploid microspecies have been recorded in Great Britain and Ireland.[13] Some botanists take a much narrower view and only accept a total of about 60 species.[12]
Selected species
* Taraxacum albidum, a white-flowering Japanese dandelion
* Taraxacum aphrogenes, Paphos dandelion
* Taraxacum brevicorniculatum, frequently misidentified as Taraxacum kok-saghyz, and a poor rubber producer
* Taraxacum californicum, the endangered California dandelion
* Taraxacum centrasiaticum, the Xinjiang dandelion
* Taraxacum ceratophorum, northern dandelion[14]
* Taraxacum erythrospermum, often considered a variety of T. laevigatum[15]
* Taraxacum farinosum, Turkish dandelion
* Taraxacum holmboei, Troödos dandelion
* Taraxacum japonicum, Japanese dandelion, no ring of smallish, downward-turned leaves under the flowerhead
* Taraxacum kok-saghyz, Russian dandelion, which produces rubber[16]
* Taraxacum laevigatum, red-seeded dandelion, achenes reddish brown and leaves deeply cut throughout length, inner bracts' tips are hooded
* Taraxacum officinale (syn. T. officinale subsp. vulgare), common dandelion. Found in many forms.
* Taraxacum platycarpum, the Korean dandelion
* Cultivars
* 'Amélioré à Coeur Plein' yields an abundant crop without taking up much ground, and tends to blanch itself naturally, due to its clumping growth habit.
* 'Broad-leaved' - The leaves are thick and tender and easily blanched. In rich soils, they can be up to 60 cm wide. Plants do not go to seed as quickly as French types.
* 'Vert de Montmagny' is a large-leaved, vigorous grower, which matures early.[17]
Dandelions are thought to have evolved about 30 million years ago in Eurasia.[18] They have been used by humans for food and as an herb for much of recorded history.[19]
The Latin name Taraxacum originates in medieval Persian writings on pharmacy. The Persian scientist Al-Razi around 900 AD wrote "the tarashaquq is like chicory". The Persian scientist and philosopher Ibn S?n? around 1000 AD wrote a book chapter on Taraxacum. Gerard of Cremona, in translating Arabic to Latin around 1170, spelled it tarasacon.[20]
The English name, dandelion, is a corruption of the French dent de lion[21] meaning "lion's tooth", referring to the coarsely toothed leaves. The plant is also known as blowball, cankerwort, doon-head-clock, witch's gowan, milk witch, lion's-tooth, yellow-gowan, Irish daisy, monks-head, priest's-crown, and puff-ball;[22] other common names include faceclock, pee-a-bed, wet-a-bed,[23] swine's snout,[24] white endive, and wild endive.[25]
The English folk name "piss-a-bed" (and indeed the equivalent French pissenlit) refers to the strong diuretic effect of the plant's roots.[26] In various northeastern Italian dialects, the plant is known as pisacan ("dog pisses"), because they are found at the side of pavements.[27]
In Swedish, it is called maskros (worm rose) after the small insects (thrips) usually present in the flowers.[28] In Finnish andEstonian, the names (voikukka, võilill) translate as butter flower, due to the color of the flower.
Dandelions are found on all continents and have been gathered for food since prehistory, but the varieties cultivated for consumption are mainly native to Eurasia. A perennial plant, its leaves will grow back if the taproot is left intact. To make leaves more palatable, they are often blanched to remove bitterness.[19] or sauteed in the same way as spinach.[29]Dandelion leaves and buds have been a part of traditional Kashmiri, Slovenian, Sephardic, Chinese, and Korean cuisines. In Crete, the leaves of a variety called 'Mari''Mariaki' or 'Koproradiko'  are eaten by locals, either raw or boiled, in salads. T. megalorhizon, a species endemic to Crete, is eaten in the same way; it is found only at high altitudes (1000 to 1600 m) and in fallow sites, and is called pentaramia  or agrioradiko .[30]
The flower petals, along with other ingredients, usually including citrus, are used to make dandelion wine. The ground, roasted roots can be used as a caffeine-free dandelion coffee.[31] Dandelion was also traditionally used to make the traditional British soft drink dandelion and burdock, and is one of the ingredients of root beer. Also, dandelions were once delicacies eaten by the Victorian gentry, mostly in salads and sandwiches.
Dandelion leaves contain abundant vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C, and K, and are good sources ofcalcium, potassium, iron, and manganese.[32]
Medicinal uses
Main article: Medicinal properties of dandelion
Historically, dandelion was prized for a variety of medicinal properties, and it contains a number of pharmacologically active compounds.[33] Dandelion is used as a herbal remedy in Europe, North America, and China.[33] It has been used in herbal medicine to treat infections, bile and liver problems,[33] and as a diuretic.[33]
Food for wildlife
Taraxacum seeds are an important food source for certain birds.[34]
Dandelions are also important plants for Northern Hemisphere bees, providing an important source of nectar and pollen early in the season.[35] Dandelions are used as food plants by the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera (butterflies andmoths). They are also used as a source of nectar by the pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne), one of the earliest emerging butterflies in the spring.
Benefits to gardeners
The dandelion plant is a beneficial weed, with a wide range of uses, and is even a good companion plant for gardening. Its taproot will bring up nutrients for shallower-rooting plants, and add minerals and nitrogen to soil. It is also known to attract pollinating insects and release ethylene gas which helps fruit to ripen.[36]
Cultural importance
Four dandelion flowers are the emblem of White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.[37] The citizens celebrate spring with an annual Dandelion Festival.
The dandelion is the official flower of the University of Rochester and "Dandelion Yellow" is one of the school's official colors. "The Dandelion Yellow" is an official University of Rochester song.[38]
As a noxious weed
The species T. officinale is listed as a noxious weed in some jurisdictions,[41] and is considered to be a nuisance in residential and recreational lawns in North America.[42] It is also an important weed in agriculture and causes significant economic damage because of its infestation in many crops worldwide.[41]
As source of natural rubber]
Dandelions secrete latex when the tissues are cut or broken, yet in the wild type, the latex content is low and varies greatly. Using modern cultivation methods and optimization techniques, scientists in the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME) in Germany developed a cultivar that is suitable for commercial production of natural rubber. The latex produced exhibits the same quality as the natural rubber from rubber trees.[43] In collaboration with Continental Tires, IME is building a pilot facility. As of May 2014, the first prototype test tires made with blends from dandelion-rubber are scheduled to be tested on public roads over the next few years.[44]
1.       ^ Adrian John Richards (1985). "Sectional nomenclature in Taraxacum (Asteraceae)". Taxon 34 (4): 633–644. JSTOR 1222201.
2. ^        to:a b Luc Brouillet. "Taraxacum F. H. Wiggers, Prim. Fl. Holsat. 56. 1780". Flora of North America.
3.       ^ "Wild About Dandelions". Mother Earth News.
4.       ^ J. Doll & T. Trower. "Dandelion". WeedScience. University of Wisconsin. Archived from the original on October 22, 2008.
5.       ^ Stace, C.A. (2010). New flora of the British isles (Third ed.). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. p. 712.ISBN 9780521707725.
6.       ^ "blowball". McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2003. Retrieved26 January 2013.
7.       ^ "Blowball" entry, Collins Dictionary
8.       ^ "Blowball", InfoPlease Dictionary
9.       ^ "dandelion clock - Definition from Longman English Dictionary Online". Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier. Retrieved 2010-07-03.
10.       ^ "Clock" entry, American Heritage Dictionary
11.       ^ Blamey, M.; Fitter, R.; Fitter, A (2003). Wild flowers of Britain and Ireland: The Complete Guide to the British and Irish Flora. London: A & C Black. p. 274. ISBN 978-1408179505.
12. ^        to:a b A. J. Richards (1970). "Eutriploid facultative agamospermy in Taraxacum". New Phytologist 69 (3): 761–774.doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1970.tb02461.x. JSTOR 2430530.
13.       ^ Richards, A.J. (1997). Dandelions of Great Britain and Ireland (Handbooks for Field Identification). BSBI Publications. p. 330.ISBN 978-0-901158-25-3.
14.       ^ "Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute - Taraxacum ceratophorum". Retrieved 2013-08-29.
15.       ^ "Flora of North America". Retrieved 2012-08-29.
16.       ^ "Plants for a future: Taraxacum kok-saghiz".
17.       ^ "Dandelion". Fondation Louis Bonduelle.
18.       ^ "Gardening in Western Washington: Dandelions". 2003-05-04. Retrieved 2012-08-29.
19. ^        to:a b McGee, Harold (2004). "A survey of common vegetables". On Food and Cooking: the science and lore of the kitchen. New York: Scribner. p. 320. ISBN 0-684-80001-2.
20.       ^ Reported in An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, by Walter W. Skeat (1888) (Downloadable at InAn Etymology Dictionary of Modern English by Ernest Weekley (1921) it is reported that Arabic tarashaqun is derivable in turn from Persian talkh chakok, bitter herb (Downloadable at
21.       ^ S. Potter & L. Sargent (1973) Pedigree: essays on the etymology of words from nature. Collins New Naturalist series Volume 56
22.       ^ Britton, N. F.; Brown, Addison (1970). An illustrated flora of the northern United States and Canada: from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. New York: Dover Publications. p. 315. ISBN 0-486-22644-1.
23.       ^ "Common Dandelion_Family: Asteraceae" (PDF).
24.       ^ Loewer, Peter (2001). Solving weed problems. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press. p. 210. ISBN 1-58574-274-0.
25.       ^ "Dandelion clock".
26.       ^ Taylor, Joseph (1819). Antiquitates curiosae: the etymology of many remarkable old sayings, proverbs and singular customs explained by Joseph Taylor (2nd ed.). T&J Allman. p. 97. Retrieved 25 May 2010.
27.       ^ Anon. "Dandelion - far more than a weed" (PDF). Frapez soothie spa. Retrieved 30 May 2010.
28.       ^ "Den virtuella floran: Taraxacum F. H. Wigg. - Maskrosor" (in Swedish). Retrieved 2010-07-03.
29.       ^ "Sauted Dandelion Greens",
30.       ^ Kleonikos G. Stavridakis , ????????? ?. ??????????? (2006). Wild edible plants of Crete - ? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ??????. Rethymnon Crete. ISBN 960-631-179-1.
31.       ^ Castronovo Fusco, MA (2008-04-15). "Dandelion as underrated as underfoot". New Jersey On-Line. Retrieved 2011-03-07.
32.       ^ "Dandelion greens, raw". Retrieved 2011-03-07.
33. ^        to:a b c d Katrin Schütz, Reinhold Carle & Andreas Schieber (2006). "Taraxacum—a review on its phytochemical and pharmacological profile". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 107 (3): 313–323. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2006.07.021. PMID 16950583.
34.       ^ D. L. Buckingham and W. J. Peach (2005). "The influence of livestock management on habitat quality for farmland birds".Animal Science 81: 199–203. doi:10.1079/asc50700199.
35.       ^ Pellett, Frank Chapman (1920). American Honey Plants; Together With Those Which Are of Special Value to the Beekeeper as Sources of Pollen. American Bee Journal Publication. p. 178. ISBN 1-152-86271-5.
36.       ^ Anon. "Companion Planting for Vegetables & Plants". Country living and farm lifestyles. Retrieved2011-03-07.
37.       ^ "Welcome to Main Street White Sulphur Springs...Make it home". Retrieved 2010-07-03.
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40.       ^ Lourdes Rodriguez-Fragoso, Jorge Reyes-Esparza, Scott W. Burchiel, Dea Herrera-Ruiz & Eliseo Torres (2008). "Risks and benefits of commonly used herbal medicines in Mexico". Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 227 (1): 125–135.doi:10.1016/j.taap.2007.10.005. PMC 2322858. PMID 18037151.
41. ^        to:a b Stewart-Wade, S. M.; Newmann, S.; Collins, L. L.; Boland, G. J. (2002). "The biology of Canadian weeds. 117. Taraxacum officinale G.H. Weber ex Wiggers". Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82: 825–853. doi:10.4141/P01-010.
42.       ^ Richardson, Jonathan (1985). "In praise of the archenemy". Audubon 87: 37–39.
43.       ^ "Making Rubber from Dandelion Juice". Retrieved 22 November 2013.
44.       ^ "Fraunhofer and Continental come together when the dandelion rubber meets the road". Retrieved 31 May 2014.
[sourc - retrieved from  on  11/15/2015]
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George Cairns is a man who was faced with an impossible choice. He was told by doctors that his cancer would kill him. George had to decide if he would simply give in to his disease or if he would do something about it, if he would fight. This is the story of how George Cairns took back his life, and how he helped others fight back.
Government numbers have shown that the rate of cancer deaths have not changed in the last decade. Each week, 10,000 people die from cancer. The most common and recommended treatment, chemotherapy, only helps about 10% of patients. Doctors are given many options when it comes to treating patients.
3 years ago, George was stricken with cancer. When he was, essentially, on his deathbed he had a sudden epiphany. He was filled with this incredible desire to heal himself using dandelionroot instead of conventional medicine. As soon as he was able to get up, he immediately dug up some roots and began preparing the dandelion.
It took him about a week to finish preparing it, and once it was done he immediately took it. After three weeks, the pain in his side and back had gone and his bowels had improved, Five and a half months later, doctors could not find cancer anywhere in his body.
Sharing His Secret
George immediately wanted to share this great healing power, and he wanted to share this knowledge for free. When he told doctors, they simply smiled and patronized him. Finally, he told a friend about his discovery who knew someone that was dying of lung cancer. This person was given only 4 to 6 weeks to live.
After being on the dandelion root powder for 6 weeks, this individual was up and about after being bed ridden. He went to the hospital and the doctors performed a CAT scan on him. They found no cancer lesions on either of his lungs and proclaimed it a miracle.
After that, George put out an ad in the Northwest Herald offering this cure to people for free. Eventually word began to spread and people were using this cure to heal cancers among other illnesses.
Dandelion root has been found to be effective for prostate, colon, breast, liver and best of all with lung cancer. Five people have taken it for lung cancer and all five have been cured once.
The immune system controls the cancer cells in your body.
As long as the immune system is healthy, you don’t usually have a cancer problem. When your immune system gets run down, it loses control of the cancer cells, and they start eating live cells and this is what they call cancer. This powder made from dandelion root has something in it that builds up the blood and the immune system.
When the immune system is built up so far, it gets back control of cancer cells, and they do an about face and start cleaning up the mess they’ve made This is why you must have a fair appetite because your body must build itself up and be healthy if your immune system is going to be strong.
This cure will not work for people who have lost their appetite or are on chemo. Chemotherapy ruins your appetite and immune system, which are the two things you need for this treatment to work.
How To Prepare The Dandelion Root
George is adamant about how to prepare the dandelion root though. There is a certain way to prepare the root, and only this way makes it able to combat cancer.
First you need to collect the seed, which are at the base of the white fluffy crown that appears after the yellow flowers have matured. These seeds can be picked in May and June and they need to be frozen immediately before planting. When August comes around, turn up the soil you plant them in, spread the seeds, and rake them into the soil. Water lightly daily.
In October you can begin to start digging up the roots, which will be about an inch in diameter. Shake off most of the dirt, but not all of it. Slice the bigger roots lengthwise about ¼ of an inch so they dry evenly.
To dry them, use a forced-air incubator without any water in it. Set the incubator at 100 degrees or a little less. It takes about 5 days until they are ready to grind. You can use a dehydrator set around 100 degrees. If it doesn’t have settings, don’t use it. You can also dry in the sun if you put them in something the wind can blow through, like a small potato or onion sack.
Hang them in the sun but take them down in late afternoon and put them in a plastic sack and tie it. If you don’t they will pick up moisture and you will be back where you started. Then put them out the next day when the sun is up. Once you have heat in the house, it’s no trouble as they will dry OK most anywhere there is heat, like near a register or stove. The excess dirt will pop off as they dry.
When you make powder, try not to lose anything. Pound the roots flat, then put in an electric coffee grinder for 25 seconds and you have powder. You can also keep pounding and crumbling until you have it the right fineness. George also recommends using a cast iron pestle and mortar. With this you can get it down as fine as you wish.
To store, put in an air-tight jar and fill as near to the top as possible. I’ve kept it 10 months this way. Also, keep in a dry place.
And there you have it. One man’s journey to self healing through the power of mother nature has given hope to many suffering from deadly illnesses. This is surely something that everyone should be made aware of, because when it comes to your health no stone – or root – should be left unturned.
In Genesis 1:11-13, "And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (American Standard Version, ASV)[for more details, go to].
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