Religious Truths

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9/05/2016 10:12 am  #1421

Re: Scripture of the Day

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.   Isaiah 41:10,  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
In ancient times, Almighty God (YHWH) told His chosen people at Deuteronomy 20:1, [AV] “When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” As He would protect them as long as they followed his commandments.  Once more at Joshua 1:9, [AV] this same thought is stated, “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”  But to receive His support they must per Psalms 147:12, [AV] “Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.”  Indeed His intent was to protect them as long as they were obedient as stated at Psalms 29:11, [AV] “The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.”  Yes, he will protect His people as shown at Psalms 37:40, [AV] “And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.” 
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
Here is a Commentary on Bountiful Trees and Vegetables God (YHWH) has provided for mankind, specifically the Marula bears small round shaped fruit; (green in colour when unripe) that ripens to a yellow colour and can be harvested by being collected from the ground from January to March. According to Matt Marten operations manager of MNP, an analysis of the ripe fruit in the 2004 season yielded the following results: Average weight of 19.6g, peel of 31.6 %, stone 33.7% and pulp of 34.7%. The pulp is used as a base for juices, jams, jellies, ciders and alcohol drinks. The peel of the fruit is believed to have more than 27 different kinds of flavours and contains ten newly-isolated volatile esters that may be able to be extracted for use in aromatherapy, homeopathic medicines and essential oils and the freeze dried pulp of the marula fruit can be used in a number of cosmetic applications. Other products are the marula tea and as flavourant for ice –creams, etc. The fruit pulp contains up to four times vitamin C than oranges. Even though this fruit is seasonal, it can be processed into pulp in large volumes and stored frozen for a period of over a year.  [source - retrieved from  on  4/25/2014]
Sclerocarya birrea, the marula, (Greek skl?rós, "hard", and káryon, "nut", in reference to the stone inside the fleshy fruit) is a medium-ized dioecious tree, indigenous to the miombo woodlands of Southern Africa, the Sudano-Sahelian range of West Africa, and Madagascar. The tree is a single stemmed tree with a wide spreading crown. It is characterised by a grey mottled bark. The tree grows up to 18 m tall mostly in low altitudes and open woodlands. The fruitsare used in the liqueur Amarula. The distribution of this species throughout Africa and Madagascar has followed the Bantu in their migrations, as it has been an important item in their diet since time immemorial.
The fruits which ripen between December and March have a light yellow skin, with white flesh, rich in vitamin C—about eight times the amount found in an orange—are succulent, tart with a strong and distinctive flavour.[2] Inside is a walnut-sized, thick-walled stone. These stones, when dry, expose the seeds by shedding 2 (sometimes 3) small circular plugs at one end. The seeds have a delicate nutty flavour and are much sought after, especially by small rodents who know to gnaw exactly where the plugs are located.
Relationships: Belongs to the same family Anacardiaceae as the mango, cashew, pistachio and sumac, and is closely related to the genus Poupartia from Madagascar.
Common names:
English: jelly plum, cat thorn, morula, cider tree, marula, maroola nut/plum
Afrikaans: Maroela[3]
Bambara: nkuna, nkuntan
Portuguese (Mozambique): canhoeiro
Hausa: dania
Sotho: Morula[3]
Swahili: mng'ongo
Shona: mutsomo, mukwakwa, mushomo, muganu, mupfura; [fruits] pfura; [tree] mufura, mafuna, marula
Tswana: Morula[3]
Northern/Southern Ndebele: iganu, ikanyi, umganu, umkano
Swazi: [fruits] emaganu, [tree] umganu
Zulu: Umganu,[3] [fruits] amaganu, [seeds, tree] umganu
Other: Boran (Kenya) – didissa ; Kamba (Kenya) – muua; Kwangali – ufuongo; Lovedu – marula; Maasai (Kenya) – ol-mangwai; Meru (Kenya) – mura; Pedi [fruits] – lerula, marula; Pedi [tree] – morula, merula; Pokot (Kenya) – oruluo; Ronga (Mozambique) – ncanhi; Sebei (Kenya) – katetalum; Shangaan – nkanyi, inkanyi; Diga (Kenya) – mngongo; Tonga: tsua, tsula, umganu; Tugen (Kenya) – tololokwo; Dinka (Sudan) – Gummel; Nuer (Sudan) – Kamel, Omel; Moru (Sudan) – Kyele; Luo (Kenya) Ong'ono.
The Marula tree is protected in South Africa.[3]
Traditional Uses
While little known globally, the fruit is traditionally used for food in Africa, and has considerable socioeconomic importance.[4]
The seed kernels are high in protein and fat, with a subtle nutty flavour, and constitute an important emergency food. Marula oil, made from the seed kernel, is a delicious additive to meals in Africa. It contains antioxidants and oleic acid. The bark is used both as treatment and a prophylaxis for malaria. An infusion of the inner bark of the marula tree may be applied toscorpion stings and snake bites to alleviate pain. The leaves are chewed on to help indigestion and to treat heartburn. Marula oil, made from the seed kernel, can be used as a type of skin care oil. Products of fruits and the tree are useful in crafts and agriculture. Gums exudates from the stem are mixed with water and soot to make ink by certain tribes in the region. The bark also yields a red-brown dye used in colouring traditional craft ware. The fruit infusion is used to bathe tick-infested livestock. The fruit is regarded as a potent insecticide
Commercial Uses
On an industrial level the fruit of the marula tree is collected from the wild by members of rural communities on whose land the trees grow. This harvest and sale of fruit only occurs during two to three months but is an important income to poor rural people. The fruit is delivered to processing plants where fruit pulp, pips, kernels and kernel oil are extracted and stored for processing throughout the year.
The most important industrial product is Amarula which is probably still the second largest selling cream liquor in the world. Mirma, based in Phalaborwa, assembles and processes 4,000 tons a year of fruit. They produce a pulp from the skin and flesh which is refrigerated and shipped to Distel in the Cape Winelands. Here it is fermented, distilled, matured, blended and bottled before being internationally distributed.
Another fruit based product is a frozen marula puree, which is produced by Bronpro in Nelspruit. Bronpro supply puree to food manufacturers who use it as an ingredient in their products. The best known of these products is Marula Mania a juice blend produced by The Ceres Beverage Company under the Liquifruit label.
The third largest marula fruit based industry, is the production of marula oil as an ingredient for cosmetics. This tends to be scattered amongst many producers although PhytoTrade Africa is probably the leading "supplier" to the cosmetics industry through its integration of the production of many producers.
Popular culture
The alcoholic distilled beverage (maroela mampoer) made from the fruit is referenced in the stories of the South African writer Herman Charles Bosman.
The marula fruit is also eaten by various animals in Southern Africa. In the movie Animals Are Beautiful People by Jamie Uys, released in 1974, some scenes portray elephants, warthogs and monkeys becoming intoxicated from eating fermented marula fruit. Later research showed that these scenes, at least in large animals were improbable and, in all probability, staged. Elephants would need a huge amount of fermented marulas to have any effect on them, and other animals prefer the ripe fruit. The amount of water drunk by elephants each day would also dilute the effect of the fruit to such an extent that they would not be affected by it.[5] Reports of elephants becoming intoxicated from marula fruit, however, are persistent.[6]
1. Jump up^ "Entry for Sclerocarya birrea". JSTOR Global Plants. JSTOR. Retrieved 2014-01-12.
2. Jump up^ Wickens, G. E.; Food and Agriculture Organization (1995). "Potential Edible Nuts". Edible Nuts. Non-Wood Forest Products 5. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. ISBN 92-5-103748-5. OCLC 34529770. Retrieved 2008-11-10.
3. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e "Protected Trees". Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Republic of South Africa. 3 May 2013.
4. Jump up^ National Research Council (2008-01-25). "Marula". Lost Crops of Africa: Volume III: Fruits. Lost Crops of Africa 3. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.ISBN 978-0-309-10596-5. OCLC 34344933. Retrieved 2008-07-17.
5. Jump up^ Morris, Steve; David Humphreys and Dan Reynolds (2006). "Myth, marula, and elephant: an assessment of voluntary ethanol intoxication of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) following feeding on the fruit of the marula tree (Sclerocarya birrea)". Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 79 (2): 363–9. doi:10.1086/499983.PMID 16555195. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
6. Jump up^ Couper, Ross. "Elephants drunk on native fruit at South Africa's Singita Sabi Sand". Retrieved 25 April 2014.  [source - retrieved from   on  4/25/2014]
In Genesis 1:11-13, "And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (American Standard Version, ASV)[for more details, go to].
To view images of the tree and its fruit, go to,
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth."Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!



9/05/2016 7:45 pm  #1422

Re: Scripture of the Day

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.   Isaiah 41:10,  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
In ancient times, Almighty God (YHWH) told His chosen people at Deuteronomy 20:1, [AV] “When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” As He would protect them as long as they followed his commandments.  Once more at Joshua 1:9, [AV] this same thought is stated, “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”  But to receive His support they must per Psalms 147:12, [AV] “Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.”  Indeed His intent was to protect them as long as they were obedient as stated at Psalms 29:11, [AV] “The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.”  Yes, he will protect His people as shown at Psalms 37:40, [AV] “And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.” 

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!

At present there is a struggle between the forces of good, Almighty God (YHWH)and His Son, Jesus (Yeshua); and the forces of evil put forth by Satan the Devil in the form of false puppet gods such as Allah, Bael, Materialism, etc.

Unfortunately, many good people have been mislead into following the numerous false gods put forth by Satan the Devil to mislead. It is the duty of all genuine true followers of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ and His Father, Almighty God (YHWH), to attempt to assist these mislead ones.

In many cases the mislead ones will put forth preposterous proposals such as their false religion’s laws such as Sharia, Cannon Law, etc. should be followed by people of other religions also. This wrong contention leads to atrocities such as the attack on Charlie Hebdo and a Kosher Supermarket in Paris, the 7/7/2005 London transportation bombings, the murder of about 3,000 individuals and the destruction of the WTC in NYC on 9/11/2001, and many other crimes against humanity; and some of their members even posting nonsense such as, <<[ It has been going on since 9/11. The West refuses to address the causes. ]>>,[source - retrieved from Facebook posting on 1/18/2014 by Iftikhar on 1 /19/2014] instead of that religion recognizing that the so called west is in no way responsible for their wicked acts they believe justified under their wicked religion’s laws; to wit, Sharia. No one of another religion has any obligation to follow the religious laws of another religion as humans have an intrinsic right of freedom of conscience.

Individuals who are members of wicked false religions want governments, among other preposterous things, to support faith based schools for their members only without students of other faiths in the class. This is absurd as schools should be for instruction in academic subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and the social and technical sciences; and NOT for training in specific religions. Some evil faiths, as shown by their members un-corrected actions (to wit, their faiths failure to institute housekeeping) such as the very recent evil that occurred in Paris which was praised by their co-religionist in Karachi, Pakistan; Niger, and elsewhere – how unconscionable. Let’s face it, any honest thinking person would leave a religion that took no action against and/or even praised such evil actions, but unfortunately many are so deceived that they are no longer thinking for themselves.

It behoves all good people to bring their lives in harmony with 1 Peter 3:11, “Let him decline from evil and do good: Let him seek after peace and pursue it:” Those who have brought their life in harmony with this scripture will NOT be committing evil and wicked acts against others; but but showing love by exposing false religion and doctrines.


It is a genuine (true) follower of Jesus (Yeshua) obligation to warn all about false religion and doctrine. All genuine (true) followers should show love to all by exposing false doctrine so they have an opportunity to get in good standing with Jesus (Yeshua) and his Father, Almighty God (YHWH) per John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me." (American Standard Version; ASV); and this in keeping with what Jesus (Yeshua) said at Matthew 22:37-40, "And he said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second like unto it is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments the whole law hangeth, and the prophets." (ASV).

Exposure of false religion and doctrines would of course include the exposure of false religious books that many claim falsely came from the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob, creator of all there is, Almighty God (YHWH) by an angel or some other medium including ones that are a knockoff of the Bible. To understand why, let's look at what the Bible actually is. It is NOT the product of one committee or strongman. It has over 40 individual writers who wrote under divine inspiration/guidance putting the thoughts of God (YHWH) into the words of men much as transcribing secretaries today taking transcription and then later typing it out. In other words one real author, God (YHWH), and many scribes each of whom wrote in his own style over a period of approximately 1,600 years. All of what people call or consider inconsistencies are really not such, but most often just a problem of translation and/or understanding, i.e., lack of understanding of what the original writer writing in his own language and culture meant/said in his original writing. What is remarkable, is the writers over such a period of time all wrote in harmony when even most posters on threads on this forum can not even stay on track or subject over a period of a few days and/or weeks at most with the original subject of the thread. This fact of harmony over a period so great as to almost stagger the imagination shows that it had one guiding force or author who divinely inspired its writers as humans of their own volition can not keep on track over short periods of time.

To wit, the Bible is the ONLY book God (YHWH) ever inspired men to write as his scribes. In other words, God is its author and men only put his thoughts given to them by divine inspiration into their own words, the words of men. Not only that, all the other writers of later so called religious guidance books borrowed from it and made changes in accord with their strong man or so called prophet. Take the example of Joseph Smith who borrowed from it to write the Book of Mormon, but failed to give credit or source to the Bible and twisted some borrowed things into bizarre distortions. Other examples are of course the bizarre writings of David Koresh the Prophet of the Branch Dividians of Waco, Texas; and the Quran, etc.


Now all need to be showing love to their neighbors including Jews and telling them of the first step toward salvation given at John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (AV). Messages of hate assist no one in learning the truth per John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (Authorized King James Bible; AV).

With respect post of exposure of false religions, doctrine, traditions, etc., they have a worthy objective; to wit, enabling individuals to correct their wrong path. Articles of exposure of wrong are NOT ones of hate, as are many of others, but ones that expose false doctrine and wrong practice to lovingly give all the correct information so they can bring their life in harmony with the will of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ and his Father, Almighty God (YHWH). All should read these articles instead of writing hate literature and articles making false accusations. In any article I write you will find not one word of hate or bashing, only truth. They are posted to assist all in knowing the truth, per John 8:32, and to assist all in making a change in their lives by getting out of groups and/or religions that practice false doctrine and wrong practices.

All need to learn about love and that includes warning others with respect false doctrine and wrong practices instead of thinking of hate as many do and attacking the messenger who brings them the truth. One writer wrote, 

Quote:Love is patient and is kind, love does not envy. Love does not brag, is not proud, does not behave itself inappropriately, does not seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil. does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things... I Corinthians 13

Love is the power of faith. Faith needs love to be made perfect, because perfect faith results in faithfullness and faithfullness is a work of love. Faith and love go hand in hand because faith wants to believe, just as love trusts, faith sees through the darkness and weathers the storm, just as love endures all things, and faith seeks to put God first just as love always gives. 1 Corinthians 13 :4-7 Our faith is not just knowledge about God but a personal relationship with Him as Lord, and any relationship requires love to succeed, to endure trials and to grow, including our relationships with one another because we are called to be family in the Lord and to love one another. The perfect example of faith powered by love is seen in the life of Jesus Christ, who manifests Gods love ...
Because love is the power of faith we should focus on love, seize it and cultivate it... and we can because God is love, and He imparts that love to us when we draw near to Him as the scripture says... whatever touches what is holy shall become holy Leviticus 6:27, and love is of the Holy Spirit. By faith we draw near to God through sincere prayer, entering into His presence, because when Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain separating God and man was torn in two from top to bottom... Mathew 27:51 Gods promise says that if we draw near to Him then He will draw near to us, James 4:8 and when He who is Holy draws near to us then our spirits are sanctified by His Holy Spirit as His holiness is imparted to our spirits. If we allow God to fill our hearts with His Holy Spirit then we are filled with the love of God because love is the pre-eminate characteristic of God's holiness. Because God is the source of our love, love is the fruit of faith... Galatians 5: 22
When we submit to the love of God we have combined faith with love and have the power to fulfill the royal law, which is to love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul... Mathew 22:37-39 If we keep the royal law James 2:8 we are being faithful and are perfecting faith by faithfullness... James 2:22 If we love God we will seek to please Him and keep the royal law because the royal law embraces Gods will and all of His commandments. Without love we can't fulfill the royal law because we can't love the Lord unless we have love. To manifest the love of God is to overcome sin, whereas to not manifest the love of God is to sin. For the royal law is not to know about the Lord, but to love the Lord... and to love one another as ourselves. We can't do one without the other, because we can't truly love God whom we can't see if we don't love mankind who is made in the image of God. When we love one another we are manifesting our love for God whom we can't see by loving His image. If we love one another then we also love God because we can't love the reflection without loving its source. And if we love God we will love Jesus Christ and allow Him to reign in our hearts, keepings all of His commandments John 14:21 by subduing the will and power of the flesh through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that faith working through love does the will of God by turning the thought into reality which pleases Him and fulfills the royal law... 
Faith without love is incomplete, residing only in the mind as knowledge, and knowledge of Gods will alone can not perfect us by saving us from sin but allowing Jesus Christ to reign in our hearts. If knowledge of Gods will alone could save us then salvation would have been through the law of Moses or even a Christian law handed down by Jesus, and there would not have been any need for Christ to die for our sins Galatians 2:21 and dwell in our hearts. If Jesus reigns in our hearts then the love of Christ also reigns because He is the manifestation of Gods love. The heart without the love of God does not have Jesus Christ and the soul without the Spirit of Christ is not born again Romans 8:9 and cannot be perfected by being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ which is true salvation and the result of faith. But the soul which manifests the love of God has been washed clean by the Holy Spirit Romans 15:16 and manifests the spirit and glory of Jesus Christ... "[source - Simon Strahler]

Which does a very good job of summarizing what love is all about.


If one fails to lovingly warn others with respect false religion, doctrine, etc., it is quite possible Almighty God (YHWH) might reject him/her for not showing love by warning his/her neighbor. So be diligent in sounding the warning.









To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 



9/06/2016 9:46 pm  #1423

Re: Scripture of the Day

COMBINATION OF [1]  THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] The Need To Show Love To Neighbor By Exposing False Belief
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.   Proverbs 3:5, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
It is imperative that we acknowledge Almighty God (YHWH) and recognize Him as the supreme being per Proverbs 3:6, [AV] “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  We also must trust in Him as shown by Psalms 62:8, [AV] “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.”  This is also clearly stated at Isaiah 26:4, [AV] “Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:”  However, he who trust in his own ways per Proverbs 28:26, [AV] “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.”  Thus this scripture shows the difference between him who trust in his own wisdom and those trusting in Almighty God (YHWH).  We should seek to be among the latter.  

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2]    The Need To Show Love To Neighbor By Exposing False Belief
Now all need to be showing love to their neighbors including Jews and telling them of the first step toward salvation given at John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (AV).   Messages of hate assist no one in learning the truth per John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
Take my post for example, they have a worthy objective; to wit, exposing false doctrine so individuals can correct their wrong path. My post are NOT ones of hate, as are many of others, but ones that expose false doctrine and wrong practice.   All should read them instead of posting false accusations, as you will find not one word of hate or bashing in my articles, only truth.   They are posted to assist all in knowing the truth, per John 8:32, and to assist all in making a change in their lives by getting out of groups and/or religions that practice false doctrine and wrong practices.
All need to learn about love and that includes warning others with respect false doctrine and wrong practices instead of thinking of hate such as those examples you mentioned,
<<<"Love is patient and is kind, love does not envy. Love does not brag, is not proud, does not behave itself inappropriately, does not seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil. does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things... I Corinthians 13
Love is the power of faith. Faith needs love to be made perfect, because perfect faith results in faithfullness and faithfullness is a work of love. Faith and love go hand in hand because faith wants to believe, just as love trusts, faith sees through the darkness and weathers the storm, just as love endures all things, and faith seeks to put God first just as love always gives. 1 Corinthians 13 :4-7 Our faith is not just knowledge about God but a personal relationship with Him as Lord, and any relationship requires love to succeed, to endure trials and to grow, including our relationships with one another because we are called to be family in the Lord and to love one another. The perfect example of faith powered by love is seen in the life of Jesus Christ, who manifests Gods love ...
Because love is the power of faith we should focus on love, seize it and cultivate it... and we can because God is love, and He imparts that love to us when we draw near to Him as the scripture says... whatever touches what is holy shall become holy Leviticus 6:27, and love is of the Holy Spirit. By faith we draw near to God through sincere prayer, entering into His presence, because when Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain separating God and man was torn in two from top to bottom... Mathew 27:51 Gods promise says that if we draw near to Him then He will draw near to us, James 4:8 and when He who is Holy draws near to us then our spirits are sanctified by His Holy Spirit as His holiness is imparted to our spirits. If we allow God to fill our hearts with His Holy Spirit then we are filled with the love of God because love is the pre-eminate characteristic of God's holiness. Because God is the source of our love, love is the fruit of faith... Galatians 5: 22
When we submit to the love of God we have combined faith with love and have the power to fulfill the royal law, which is to love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul... Mathew 22:37-39 If we keep the royal law James 2:8 we are being faithful and are perfecting faith by faithfullness... James 2:22 If we love God we will seek to please Him and keep the royal law because the royal law embraces Gods will and all of His commandments. Without love we can't fulfill the royal law because we can't love the Lord unless we have love. To manifest the love of God is to overcome sin, whereas to not manifest the love of God is to sin. For the royal law is not to know about the Lord, but to love the Lord... and to love one another as ourselves. We can't do one without the other, because we can't truly love God whom we can't see if we don't love mankind who is made in the image of God. When we love one another we are manifesting our love for God whom we can't see by loving His image. If we love one another then we also love God because we can't love the reflection without loving its source. And if we love God we will love Jesus Christ and allow Him to reign in our hearts, keepings all of His commandments John 14:21 by subduing the will and power of the flesh through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that faith working through love does the will of God by turning the thought into reality which pleases Him and fulfills the royal law...
Faith without love is incomplete, residing only in the mind as knowledge, and knowledge of Gods will alone can not perfect us by saving us from sin but allowing Jesus Christ to reign in our hearts. If knowledge of Gods will alone could save us then salvation would have been through the law of Moses or even a Christian law handed down by Jesus, and there would not have been any need for Christ to die for our sins Galatians 2:21 and dwell in our hearts. If Jesus reigns in our hearts then the love of Christ also reigns because He is the manifestation of Gods love. The heart without the love of God does not have Jesus Christ and the soul without the Spirit of Christ is not born again Romans 8:9 and cannot be perfected by being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ which is true salvation and the result of faith. But the soul which manifests the love of God has been washed clean by the Holy Spirit Romans 15:16 and manifests the spirit and glory of Jesus Christ... "[source - Simon Strahler]>>>.


9/07/2016 7:17 pm  #1424

Re: Scripture of the Day

COMBINATION OF [1]  THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] Those That Know The Least About The Bible Make Grandiose Claims Of Error Where There is None:
The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.   Psalms 34:15,  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Yes, He is observing both His servants, the righteous ones, and the unrighteous ones.  He intends good things for His followers as shown at Psalms 33:18 - 22, [AV] “Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;  19  To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.  20  Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.  21  For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.  22  Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.”  And affirmed at 1 Peter 3:12, [AV] “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”  We should call on Him when in distress as shown at Psalms 18:6, [AV] “In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.”   .  

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2]   Those That Know The Least About The Bible Make Grandiose Claims Of Error Where There is None:
It is strange, but true.   Those who know little about the Bible and comprehend even less make grandiose claims of error in the Bible where clearly there is no error.   A good example is one individual's faulty understanding of Genesis 32:24-29.   Let's look at how he went wrong.
FIRST, You are missing the point somehow.   You must have an understanding of ancient customs to have an understanding of some Bible passages, and you lack this understanding.   In ancient times when someone performed a task of any kind for another as an agent, the task was attributed to the one for whom he was performing the task.   This is what is known as the Biblical Law of Agencies and correspondence with the modern legal concept of 'Power of Attorney.'    This should be self evident to anyone if they stop and reason on the scripture where an angel or Jesus (Yeshua), the Isa, is performing a task as agent for the true God (YHWH) of Abraham.   Common sense should tell you that in the instance of Genesis 32:24-29, "And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
25  And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.  26  And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.  27  And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.  28  And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.  29  And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there." (Authorized King James Bible; AV) which renders it that he wrestled with a man,
And the American Standard (ASV) renders it similar as follows, "And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.  25  And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was strained, as he wrestled with him.  26  And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.  27  And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.  28  And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for thou hast striven with God and with men, and hast prevailed.  29  And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there." (American Standard Version; ASV). Which likewise renders it that he wrestled with a man.
And the New World Translation (NWT) renders it as follows, "24 Finally Jacob was left by himself. Then a man began to grapple with him until the dawn ascended. 25 When he got to see that he had not prevailed over him, then he touched the socket of his thigh joint; and the socket of Jacob's thigh joint got out of place during his grappling with him. 26 After that he said: "Let me go, for the dawn has ascended." To this he said: "I am not going to let you go until you first bless me." 27 So he said to him: "What is your name?" to which he said: "Jacob." 28 Then he said: "Your name will no longer be called Jacob but Israel, for you have contended with God and with men so that you at last prevailed." 29 In turn Jacob inquired and said: "Tell me, please, your name." However, he said: "Why is it that you inquire for my name?" With that he blessed him there." (New World Translation, NWT). Which likewise renders it that he wrestled with a man.
And English Standard Version (ESV) renders it as follows, "And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. 25 When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26 Then he said, Let me go, for the day has broken. But Jacob said, I will not let you go unless you bless me. 27 And he said to him, What is your name? And he said, Jacob. 28 Then he said, Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed. 29 Then Jacob asked him, Please tell me your name. But he said, Why is it that you ask my name? And there he blessed him." (English Standard Version; ESV).  Which likewise renders it that he wrestled with a man.
And The New English Bible (NEB) renders it as follows, "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him there till daybreak.   When the man saw that he could not throw Jacob, he struch him in the hollow of his thigh, so that Jacob's hip was dislocated as they wrestled.  The man said, 'let me go for day is breaking', but Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.' He said to Jacob, 'What is your name?', and he answered, 'Jacob.'  The man said, 'Your name shall no longer be jacob, but Israel, because you strove with God and with men, and prevailed."  Jacob said, 'Tell me, I pray, your name.'  He replied, 'Why do you ask my name?', bet he have him his blessing there." (The New English Bible; NEB)  Which likewise renders it that he wrestled with a man.
Now this leads to the question that causes some who lack understanding and comprehension of the Bible and of the Biblical Law of Agencies which is similar to the modern legal concept of 'Power of Attorney' where one acts as the agent for another, and the acts he/she performs are said to have been done by the principle.   In the case at hand, what we have is a materialized angel acting as the agent of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, so under the Biblical Law of Agencies it can be said that Jacob "strove with God and with men."
This same principle is clearly shown in my Commentary on John 12:41 These things said Isaiah, because he saw his glory; and he spake of him. (New American Standard Version; NASB)
To understand this scripture fully we must have a working understanding of the Jewish Law of Agencies which is basically as follows, "Jesus (Yeshua) was God's (YHWH's) appointed agent in accordance with the 'Biblical law of agency' described as, "Scripture mentions something being done by Person A, whilst another mentions it being done by Person B. This is best understood when we grasp the Schaliach Principle, or the Jewish Law of Agency, which is expressed in the dictum, "A person's agent is regarded as the person himself." Therefore any act committed by a duly appointed agent is regarded as having been committed by the principle." (The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion, R.J.Z. Werblowski and Geoffrey Wigoder).
We, therefore, must understand this law of agencies since this will enhance our understanding of many key texts, such as why the Judges and angels were called "God" (Ex. 21:6; 22:8; Ps. 8:5; 82:1). Many more instances could be provided, but brevity is in order here. John 8:54 drives this law of agency home, "Jesus answered, 'If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say that he is your God." (Confraternity Edition of The New Testament; CENTN), showing that Jesus (Yeshua) was his Father's (YHWH's) agent, and he sought not his own glory, but glory from his Father (YHWH). Therefore, Jesus (Yeshua) could say as he did at John 11:40, "Jesus said to her, 'Have I not told thee that if thou believe thou shalt behold the glory of God?'" (CETNT). Even Satan the Devil recognized this, Jesus (Yeshua), as God's (YHWH's) agent, 2 Corinthians 4:4, "In their case, the god of this world has blinded their unbelieving minds, that they should not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (CETNT); thus he is trying to blind the minds of the unbelieving to prevent them from recognizing this truth. We must be constantly on guard against the imaginations of Satan the Devil and his attempts to get all men to believe God (YHWH) dishonoring doctrines of men such as the Duality and the Trinity and be noble like the Beroeans, Acts 17:11, "Now these were of a nobler character than those of Thessalonica and they received the word with great eagerness, studying the Scriptures every day to see whether these things were so." (CETNT). Thus, it is obvious that Jesus (Yeshua) and His Father, Almighty God (YHWH) are two distinct entities or beings and NOT one and the same and/or different manifestations of the same being, and that His Father (YHWH) is NOT co-equa but greates as Jesus (Yeshua) himself said at John 14:28, "Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father; for the Father is greater than I." (ASV). In fact, in heaven He will be at His Father's (YHWH's) right hand as testified to at Hebrews 10:12, "but he, when he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the right hand of God:" (ASV).
SECOND, Now some lack understanding and comprehension of the Bible and say such things as,
<<"Subhanallah some people are blind OR they intentionally refuse to see.">>
<<"Yet the King James Version has grave defects. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the development of Biblical studies and the discovery of many manuscripts more ancient than those upon which the King James Version was based, made it manifest that these defects are so many and so serious as to call for revision of the English translation. The task was undertaken, by authority of the Church of England, in 1870. The English Revised Version of the Bible was published in 1881-1885; and the American Standard Version, its variant embodying the preferences of the American scholars associated in the work, was published in 1901." 32 scholars of the highest emminence (RSV preface)">>
But all the Bibles quoted in Part FIRST are all modern Bibles whose translators had, unlike the translators of the Authorized King James Bible (AV), many ancient manuscripts, codex's, scrolls, fragments, etc. available to them.   In fact, the translators of the New English Bible and the New World Translation had over 30,000 available to them so the criticism leveled at the Authorized King James Bible (AV) can not apply to these translations.   However, the translators of the authorized King James Bible did an excellent job considering what they had to work with, and I have found few errors or mistranslation in the Authorized King James Bible (AV) of any consequence.
So what can we surmise from this?   We can surmise that individuals who do not understand the Bible look for contradictions and grasp at straws that they think are contradictions, but on closer examination prove not to be such.  These individuals need to study and learn the Bible and then they would no better than many of the things they say.    The saying of one such person could be very accurately applied to him; to wit, "Subhanallah some people are blind OR they intentionally refuse to see.">>
One such individual mentions the Revised Standard Version (RSV) and the American Standard Version (ASV) - previously quoted.   But if we examine the Revised Standard Version (RSV) we see no departure from the other translations and a clear application with respect the Biblical Law of Agencies as follows:
Genesis 32:24-29, "And Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. 25 When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and Jacob's thigh was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26 Then he said, "Let me go, for the day is breaking." But Jacob said, "I will not let you go, unless you bless me." 27 And he said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob." 28 Then he said, "Your name shall no more be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed." 29 Then Jacob asked him, "Tell me, I pray, your name." But he said, "Why is it that you ask my name?" And there he blessed him." (Revised Standard Version; RSV).  
Here it is very clear that we are dealing with a Biblical Law of Agencies situation.   How so?   In that it says, "for you have striven with God and with men," clearly showing he had striven with a man, a materialized anger who had taken on human form, and with the true God (YHWH) of Abraham in a Biblical Law of Agencies sense in that the materialized angel was the true God (YHWH) of Abraham's agent.   Being his agent would mean that what he did could be said as being done by his principle which in this case was the true God (YHWH) of Abraham.   This is in keeping with what the world renown Bible scholar, Robert Jamieson, D.D, said, " I will not let thee go, except thou bless me--It is evident that Jacob was aware of the character of Him with whom he wrestled; and, believing that His power, though by far superior to human, was yet limited by His promise to do him good, he determined not to lose the golden opportunity of securing a blessing. And nothing gives God greater pleasure than to see the hearts of His people firmly adhering to Him." ... Jacob asked, Tell me . . . thy name--The request was denied that he might not be too elated with his conquest nor suppose that he had obtained such advantage over the angel as to make him do what he pleased.[source - Jamieson, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on Genesis 32". "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". 1871]
[1] In none of the translation/version previously quoted did the materialized angel ever say he was the true God (YHWH) of Abraham; thereby, clearly showing his agency status.
[2] It is clear with respect Genesis 32:24-29 to any thinking individual the materialized angel - materialized as a male human -- must have the status of agent of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham and could NOT be the person of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham as the Bible clearly says at John 1:18, "No one, hath seen, God, at any time: An Only Begotten God, The One existing within the bosom of the Father, He, hath interpreted him. " (Rotherford Bible; RB); and 1 Timothy 1:17 says, "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." (RB) yet the materialized angel, the true God (YHWH) of Abraham's agent was clearly seen by Jacob so this fact also proves that the one Jacob wrestled with was NOT the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, but his agent.


9/08/2016 10:27 am  #1425

Re: Scripture of the Day

COMBINATION OF [1]  THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2]  Discourse On the Law Covenant Made by God With Israel and Fulfilled By The Ransom Sacrifice of his Son:
The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.   Psalms 34:15,  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Yes, He is observing both His servants, the righteous ones, and the unrighteous ones.  He intends good things for His followers as shown at Psalms 33:18 - 22, [AV] “Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;  19  To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.  20  Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.  21  For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.  22  Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.”  And affirmed at 1 Peter 3:12, [AV] “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”  We should call on Him when in distress as shown at Psalms 18:6, [AV] “In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.”  

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2]   Discourse On the Law Covenant Made by God With Israel and Fulfilled By The Ransom Sacrifice of his Son:
God (YHWH) made a covenant with natural Israel that remained in force until his son, Jesus (Yeshua) gave his life as a ransom sacrifice as the fulfillment  as shown in Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfil." (American Standard Version; ASV).  So Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled the law and it is NO longer in effect, but the principles embodied in the Law Covenant are beneficial for true Christians today.  Now let's look at the details with respect the Law Covenant God (YHWH) made with Israel in ancient times and its fulfillment.
The Law Covenant was NOT made with all tribes and nations, but only with the nation of Israel as shown at Exodus 24:3-8, "And Moses came and told the people all the words of Jehovah, and all the ordinances: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which Jehovah hath spoken will we do. 4 And Moses wrote all the words of Jehovah, and rose up early in the morning, and builded an altar under the mount, and twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel. 5 And he sent young men of the children of Israel, who offered burnt-offerings, and sacrificed peace-offerings of oxen unto Jehovah. 6 And Moses took half of the blood, and put it in basins; and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar. 7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that Jehovah hath spoken will we do, and be obedient. 8 And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant, which Jehovah hath made with you concerning all these words." (American Standard Version; ASV).  God's (YHWH's) specific words with respect the covenant are, Exodus 34:27-29, "And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. 28 And he was there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. 29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of the testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses knew not that the skin of his face shone by reason of his speaking with him." (ASV).  And God (YHWH) by means of his Holy Spirit, his active force or power spoke to the people of Israel out of a fire as recorded at Deuternonmy 4:12-13, "And Jehovah spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of words, but ye saw no form; only `ye heard' a voice. 13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone." (ASV).
This Law Covenant was given to the nation of Israel under awe-inspiring circumstances as clearly testified to at Exodus 19:18-20, "And mount Sinai, the whole of it, smoked, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. 19 And when the voice of the trumpet waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. 20 And Jehovah came down upon mount Sinai, to the top of the mount: and Jehovah called Moses to the top of the mount; and Moses went up." (ASV).  And this was mentioned in the New Testament at Hebrews 12:18-21, "For ye are not come unto `a mount' that might be touched, and that burned with fire, and unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, 19 and the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which `voice' they that heard entreated that no word more should be spoken unto them; 20 for they could not endure that which was enjoined, If even a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned; 21 and so fearful was the appearance, `that' Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:" (ASV).  Thus, we see here the harmony between the Old and the New Testament which shows God's (YHWH's) authorship of the entire Bible.
The Law Covenant was NOT made with any nation, but Israel.  This fact is testified to at many places in the Bible such as at Psalms 147:19-20, "He showeth his word to Jacob, his statutes and his judgments to Israel. 20 He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD." (the Webster Bible; WB); And at Deuteronomy 4:7-8, "`For which `is' the great nation that hath God near unto it, as Jehovah our God, in all we have called unto him? 8 and which `is' the great nation which hath righteous statutes and judgments according to all this law which I am setting before you to-day?" (Young's Literal Translation; YLT); And at Exodus 31:15-17, "Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, holy to Jehovah: whosoever doeth any work on the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. 16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."; And at Deuteronomy 5:2-3, "Jehovah our God made with us a covenant in Horeb; 3 not with our fathers hath Jehovah made this covenant, but with us; we -- these -- here to-day -- all of us alive." (YLT).
At Exodus 19:4-6 God (YHWH) stated his purpose for the Law Covenant, "Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. 5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be mine own possession from among all peoples: for all the earth is mine: 6 and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel." (ASV); And this is testified to in the New Testament at Galatians 3:19 showing the harmony once more of the entire Bible, "Why, then, the law? on account of the transgressions it was added, till the seed might come to which the promise hath been made, having been set in order through messengers in the hand of a mediator -" (YLT).  The Law Covenant was intended to produce righteousness, but due to the hard heartedness of many of the nation of Israel, it did not.
The Law Covenant with the nation of Israel did NOT produce righteousness as it was intended.  Why?  Let's look at what the Bible says with respect this in the New Testament at Romans 8:3-4, "for what the law was not able to do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, His own Son having sent in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, did condemn the sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." (YLT); And at Acts 13:38-39 showing, "`Let it therefore be known to you, men, brethren, that through this one to you is the forgiveness of sins declared, 39 and from all things from which ye were not able in the law of Moses to be declared righteous, in this one every one who is believing is declared righteous;" (YLT). 
Why did the nation of Israel not obtain righteousness under the Law Covenant is addressed at Romans 9:30-32, "What, then, shall we say? that nations who are not pursuing righteousness did attain to righteousness, and righteousness that `is' of faith, 31 and Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, at a law of righteousness did not arrive  32 wherefore? because -- not by faith, but as by works of law; for they did stumble at the stone of stumbling," (YLT); And at Galatians 3:21-22, "the law, then, `is' against the promises of God? -- let it not be! for if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly by law there would have been the righteousness, 22 but the Writing did shut up the whole under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ may be given to those believing." (YLT).
The Law Covenant became our tutor that leads to Christ as testified to at Galatians 3:24, "so that the law became our child-conductor -- to Christ, that by faith we may be declared righteous," (YLT); And at Romans 10:4, "For Christ is an end of law for righteousness to every one who is believing," (YLT).
But, as indicated above, the Law Covenant embodied prophetic pattern or shadow of things to come as shown at Hebrews 10:1, "For the law having a shadow of the good `things' to come, not the very image of the things, can never with the same sacrifices year by year, which they offer continually, make perfect them that draw nigh." (ASV); And at Colossians 2:16-17, "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a feast day or a new moon or a sabbath day: 17 which are a shadow of the things to come; but the body is Christ's." (ASV); And at Hebrews 8:4-5, "for if, indeed, he were upon earth, he would not be a priest -- (there being the priests who are offering according to the law, the gifts, 5 who unto an example and shadow do serve of the heavenly things, as Moses hath been divinely warned, being about to construct the tabernacle, for `See (saith He) thou mayest make all things according to the pattern that was shewn to thee in the mount;') -" (YLT); And at, Hebrews 9:7-9 and 23-24, "and into the second, once in the year, only the chief priest, not apart from blood, which he doth offer for himself and the errors of the people, 8 the Holy Spirit this evidencing that not yet hath been manifested the way of the holy `places', the first tabernacle having yet a standing; 9 which `is' a simile in regard to the present time, in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which are not able, in regard to conscience, to make perfect him who is serving," and "`It is' necessary, therefore, the pattern indeed of the things in the heavens to be purified with these, and the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these; 24 for not into holy places made with hands did the Christ enter -- figures of the true -- but into the heaven itself, now to be manifested in the presence of God for us;" (YLT).
Jesus (Yeshua) came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it as testified to at Matthew 5:17-19, "Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (ASV); And at Colossians 2:13-14, "And you, being dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, you, `I say', did he make alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses; 14 having blotted out the bond written in ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us: and he hath taken it out that way, nailing it to the cross;" (ASV); And at Ephesians 2:13-15, "But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ. 14 For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition, 15 having abolished in the flesh the enmity, `even' the law of commandments `contained' in ordinances; that he might create in himself of the two one new man, `so' making peace;" (ASV).
However, the principles embodied in the Law Covenant are beneficial for true Christians as clearly testified to at Romans 13:8-10, "Owe no man anything, save to love one another: for he that loveth his neighbor hath fulfilled the law. 9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not covet, and if there be any other commandment, it is summed up in this word, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfilment of the law." (ASV); And at Romans 12:18-19, "If it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men. 19 Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath `of God': for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord." (ASV); And at Ephesians 6:1-3, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honor thy father and mother (which is the first commandment with promise), 3 that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth." (ASV).   So we can clearly see Jesus (Yeshua) Christ fulfilled the Law Covenant and it was done away with, but its principles still apply.  Also, we see the New Testament is not separate from the Old Testament, but its fulfillment.


9/09/2016 11:50 am  #1426

Re: Scripture of the Day

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.   1 John 3:22,  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
What is one of the things we must do to keep his commandments?   Well 1 John 3:23- 24, says, [AV], “And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.  24  And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us”  We should ask for our needs and per Matthew 7:7 - 11, [AV], they will be given, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:  8  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.  9  Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?  10  Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?  11  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”  As Jesus (Yeshua) was recorded as saying at John 6:29, [AV], “Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”  So there we are informed what is required of us to win His good will.  
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
Here is a Commentary on Bountiful Trees and Vegetables God (YHWH) has provided for mankind, specifically the Matau, Garcinia Tinctoria, Garcinia is a plant genus of the family Clusiaceae native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and about 300 taxa as specifically valid. Commonly, the plants in this genus are called saptrees, mangosteens (which may also refer specifically to the purple mangosteen, G. mangostana), garcinias or, ambiguously, "monkey fruit".
Garcinia species are evergreen trees and shrubs, dioecious and in several cases apomictic. Many species are threatened due to habitat destruction, and at least G. cadelliana from South Andaman Island is almost or even completely extinct already.
The fruit are a food source for several animals, such as the archduke butterflies (Lexias) of tropical eastern Asia which relish the sap of overripe mangosteens.
Many species of Garcinia have fruit with edible arils, but most are eaten locally; some species' fruits are highly esteemed in one region, but unknown just a few hundred kilometres away. The best-known species is the purple mangosteen (G. mangostana), which is now cultivated throughout Southeast Asia and other tropical countries, having become established in the late 20th century. Less well-known, but still of international importance, are kandis (G. forbesii) with small round red fruits with subacid taste and melting flesh, the lemon drop mangosteen (G. intermedia) with yellow fruit that look like a wrinkled lemon, and the thin-skinned orange button mangosteen (G. prainiana).
In addition, mangosteen rind (exocarp) extract is used as a spice. It figures prominently in Kodava culture, and G. multiflora is used to flavour and colour the famous bún riêu soup of Vietnam, where this plant is known as h?t ?i?u màu. Gambooge (G. gummi-gutta) yields a spice widely used in South Asia, in particular in Kerala, where it is called kodumpulli.
Most species in Garcinia are known for their gum resin, brownish-yellow from xanthonoids such as mangostin, and used as purgative or cathartic, but most frequently – at least in former times – as a pigment. The colour term "gamboge" references the gambooge, whose obsolete scientific name is G. cambogia.
Hydroxycitric acid, a toxic appetite suppressant found in mangosteen rind.
Extracts of the exocarp of certain species – typically gambooge, but also purple mangosteen – are often contained in appetite suppressants such as Hydroxycut, Leptoprin or XanGo. But their effectiveness at normal consumption levels is unproven, while at least one case of severe acidosis caused by long-term consumption of such products has been documented.  Furthermore, they may contain significant amounts of hydroxycitric acid, which is somewhat toxic and might even destroy the testicles after prolonged use.  Fruit extracts from bitter kola (G. kola) have been claimed to be effective at stopping Ebola virus replication in laboratory tests,its seeds are used in folk medicine. G. mannii is popular as a chew stick in western Africa, freshening the breath and cleaning the teeth.
G. subelliptica, called fukugi in Japanese, is the floral emblem of Mobuto and Tarama on Okinawa. The Malaysian town of Beruas – often spelled "Bruas" – derives its name from the seashore mangosteen (G. hombroniana), known locally as pokok bruas.  (source - retrieved from  on  1/21/2013) 
In Genesis 1:11-13, "And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (American Standard Version, ASV)[for more details, go to].
Pictures of various fruits of this plant family can be viewed at
How this tree and other plants absorb water from the ground.   Plants have developed an effective system to absorb, translocate, store, and utilize water.  Plants contain a vast network of conduits, which consists of xylem and phloem tissues.  These conducting tissues start in the roots and continue up through the trunks of trees, into the branches and then into every leaf.  Phloem tissue is made of living elongated cells that are connected to one another and responsible for translocating nutrients and sugars (carbohydrates), which are produced by leaves for energy and growth.  The xylem is also composed of elongated cells but once the cells are formed, they die.  The walls of the xylem cells still remain intact and serve as an excellent peipline to transport water from the roots to the leaves.
The main driving force of water uptake and transport into a plant is transpiration of water from leaves through specialized openings called stomata.  Heat from the sun causes the water to evaporate, setting this ‘water chain’ in motion.  The evaporation creates a negative water vapor pressure.  Water is pulled into the leaf to replace the water that has transpired from the leaf.  This pulling of water, or tension, occurs in the xylem of the leaf.  Since the xylem is a continuous water column that extends from the leaf to the roots, this negative water pressure extends into the roots and results in water uptake from the soil.  [adapted from: ]
Clearly this clever water transport system shows a superior intelligence of the Creator (YHWH).
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth."Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!



9/10/2016 1:51 pm  #1427

Re: Scripture of the Day

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.   1 John 5:14, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Now who over cometh the world?  This question is qualified at 1 John 5:15, [AV] “Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”  Yes, if we have confidence in Almighty God (YHWH) then per 1 John 3:21, [AV] “Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.”  Clearly John 9:31, [AV] shows us, “Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.”  

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2]    God's (YHWH's) New Covenant
Our God (YHWH) is a god of covenants. Many covenants are mentioned in the Bible such as the old Law Covenant that God (YHWH) made specifically with the ancient nation of Israel which only applied to that nation and individuals living within that nation.
He also made a covenant with Noah promising to never to destroy the earth again with a deluge as recorded at Genesis 9:8-15, " And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, 9 And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; 10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. 11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. 12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: 15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh." (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
Now just what is the new covenant or contract? If it is the new covenant, does that mean that there is an old covenant? Are any other covenants related to it? These are important questions because Jesus said that the blood of the covenant would be poured out "for forgiveness of sins." We all need forgiveness of sins, and as recorded at Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;' (AV). This brief paragraph raises many questions that will shortly be answered.
The Law Covenant was NOT made with all tribes and nations, but only with the nation of Israel as shown at Exodus 24:3-8, "And Moses came and told the people all the words of Jehovah, and all the ordinances: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which Jehovah hath spoken will we do. 4 And Moses wrote all the words of Jehovah, and rose up early in the morning, and builded an altar under the mount, and twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel. 5 And he sent young men of the children of Israel, who offered burnt-offerings, and sacrificed peace-offerings of oxen unto Jehovah. 6 And Moses took half of the blood, and put it in basins; and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar. 7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that Jehovah hath spoken will we do, and be obedient. 8 And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant, which Jehovah hath made with you concerning all these words." (American Standard Version; ASV). God's (YHWH's) specific words with respect the covenant are, Exodus 34:27-29, "And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. 28 And he was there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. 29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of the testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses knew not that the skin of his face shone by reason of his speaking with him." (ASV). And God (YHWH) by means of his Holy Spirit, his active force or power spoke to the people of Israel out of a fire as recorded at Deuternonmy 4:12-13, "And Jehovah spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of words, but ye saw no form; only `ye heard' a voice. 13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone." (ASV).
The Law Covenant was NOT made with any nation, but Israel. This fact is testified to at many places in the Bible such as at Psalms 147:19-20, "He showeth his word to Jacob, his statutes and his judgments to Israel. 20 He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD." (the Webster Bible; WB); And at Deuteronomy 4:7-8, "`For which `is' the great nation that hath God near unto it, as Jehovah our God, in all we have called unto him? 8 and which `is' the great nation which hath righteous statutes and judgments according to all this law which I am setting before you to-day?" (Young's Literal Translation; YLT); And at Exodus 31:15-17, "Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, holy to Jehovah: whosoever doeth any work on the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. 16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."; And at Deuteronomy 5:2-3, "Jehovah our God made with us a covenant in Horeb; 3 not with our fathers hath Jehovah made this covenant, but with us; we -- these -- here to-day -- all of us alive." (YLT).
The Law Covenant was NOT intended to be permanent, but to point the need for a better covenant with forgiveness of sins in view. In fact, no one proved able to keep all the provisions of the Law Covenant and God's (YHWH's) intention to replace it a better covenant, a New Covenant, and this was made clear at Jeremiah 31:31-33, " Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people." (AV).
Shortly before his death, Jesus told his followers that his shed blood was the initalizing of a New Covenant per Matthew 26:26-28, " And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (AV) and Luke 22:20, " For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.
19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. 20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." (AV).
Ten days after he ascended to heaven, the new covenant was seen to be in operation when Holy Spirit was poured out on approximately 120 disciples gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem per Acts 1:15-16, " And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,) 16 Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus." (AV); and at Acts 2:1-4, " And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (AV). This bringing of approximately 120 disciples into the New Covenant clearly showed that the old Law Covenant, even for the nation of Israel, was now obsolete and replaced by the New Covenant per Hebrews 8:6-13, " But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. 13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." (AV).
Now some may wonder if the old Law Covenant had been a failure. Let's examine the facts and see what the case really is. No this was not the case at all. True, since it was now replaced, fleshly Israel was no longer God's special people per Matthew 23:37-39, " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. 39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." (AV). This outcome was due to Israel's disobedience and rejection of God's (YHWH's) Anointed One as recorded at Exodus 19:5, " Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:" (AV). Acts 2:21-36, "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. 22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: 23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: 24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. 25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: 26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: 27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. 28 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance. 29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; 31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. 34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,
Until I make thy foes thy footstool. 36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ." (AV).
However, before the Law Covenant was replaced, it had accomplished much. For many centuries, it had provided a way of approaching God (YHWH), and served as protection against false religion. It contained kernels of the New Covenant, and its requirements for repeated sacrifices drew attention and/or demonstrated man's urgent need of redemption or forgiveness from sin and death. It was the path or 'tutor' that lead up to Christ per Galatians 3:17-29, " Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. 18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. 19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. 20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. 21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. 22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. 23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (AV); and Romans 3:20-21 makes it clear that no flesh was justified by the Old Law Covenant, " Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. 21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; and Romans 4:15-16 states, " Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. 16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all," (AV); and Romans 5:12 says, " Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" (AV).
It is made clear at Hebrews 10:1-5 that sacrifices of animals do NOT take away sin, but were intended to remind those under the Law Covenant that they should look forward per Jeremiah 31:31 to something better, the New Covenant, " For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. 2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. 3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. 5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: 6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure." (AV). Yet, it was only through the New Covenant that the blessing promised to Abraham would be realized.
Per Psalm 19:7 the old Law Covenant was perfect, " The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." (AV). Yet, inspite of this God (YHWH) promised something better per Jeremiah 31:31-34, " Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." (AV). Now who would be part of or taken into this new covenant? Let's look at Hebrews 9:15-18 which showed it would not be the nation of Israel and also shows what would be required to put it into force, " And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. 16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. 18 Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood.
Galatians 6:16, " And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God."; and Jesus (Yeshua) showed at Matthew 22:37-40, that the New Covenant was based on love and forgiveness, " Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (AV). In fact, of the New Covenant, God (YHWH) said it would not be a covenant of do and do nots since it would be based on love and would be written on the hearts of obedient ones per Romans 2:2829, " For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God." (AV). Thus the obedient ones would prove to be a new 'Israel' or spiritual 'Israel" and not a literal Israel per Revelation 7:9-10, " After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb." (AV); which harmonizes with what Zechariah 8:23 foretells, " Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you." (AV).



9/10/2016 9:05 pm  #1428

Re: Scripture of the Day

COMBINATION OF [1]  THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] Facts On Hypocrisy Within Islam
Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,  17  Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.  2 Thessalonians 2:16 – 17, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Yes, the Father of Jesus, Almighty God (YHWH), loves His creation, and this is the first manifestation of love recorded in the Bible, and amplified at 1 John 4:10 – 11, [AV] “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.  11  Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.”  And we in turn should love our creator and work at keeping His commandments per 1 Peter 1:8, [AV] “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” 

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2]    Facts On Hypocrisy Within Islam
We all desire true justice without hypocrisy, and we all intrinsically know that punishment should fit the crime.   Yet in today's world, due to hypocrisy punishment often bears no relationship with respect the severity and/or level of the offense.   Murder is one of the most heinous of crimes and should bear a very heavy penalty and the prosecution of those committing this terrible crime should be most vigorous, but often is NOT and this is especially true within areas and nations where Islam is in control.   Some Muslim Imams even treat murder's as martyrs and urge some of their members to become murders.    Yet the Quran shows murder is wrong.   What gives?   
Reality shows much of Islam gives only lip service to the Quran when what it says goes against their personal agendas, and the remainder of Islam usually goes along with this in reality by turning their backs on what they should intrinsically know is very wrong.    Yet when someone commits what they consider an offense under Shariah Law that really is not based on the Quran, they desire to pronounce the maximum sentence against him/her of 'death.'    We will now examine this situation based on current events and actual statements by members of Islam.
Now let's investigate how Islam gives only lip service to the Quran's prohibition against killing and murder using quotes from members of Islam.  But first a little regression on the differences between Islamic religious divisions and divisions or different paths within so called Christianity.
--So Called Christianity and Islam Divided Differently-
Most religions of the world take a two part single path as they have some good and some bad.  Islam divided, for example, along the lines of who was the legitimate successor to Muhammad.  The two major divisions of Islam are the Muslim [Sunni] and the Shia [Shiite].  Of course there are many denominational differences within these two groups, but like most religions, both divisions of Islam have some good and some bad.
However, so called Christianity did NOT follow in the mold of other religions such as the Hindus, Islam, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, etc.   Instead, so called Christianity took two different paths, one bad and one good.  These two paths are as follows:
[1] In 325 AD the greater part of the so called Christian faith went apostate to when the good favor of a pagan emperor, a worshipper of the Unconquered Sun. And this branch of apostate Christians went on to commit many atrocities such as the rape of Goa, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the burning of individuals at the stake for disagreeing with them including one Bruno for simply saying that the earth revolved around the sun; whereas, they said the sun revolved around the earth.
[2] A second and much smaller group of Christians that remained genuine Christians and did NOT go apostate, but followed in the footsteps of Christ their leader and savior. These did NOT commit any atrocities.
Thus, as can be readily seen,  Christianity did not take the same path as most other religions that of having some good and some bad, but instead had a bad large group, and a much smaller good group. The colonial powers, however, brought the bad group to India, Pakistan, the New World [most of South America and North America], and many of the islands of the sea; and they went on committing atrocities in all of these places.    This was because the apostate Christians were actually doing Satan the Devils' work per 2 Corinthians 4:4, "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (Authorized King James Bible; AV); and John 5:19, "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." (AV).
But some members of other religions try to apply the Christian example to themselves to cover up or side step wrong doing.  Saying that apostate, Hindus, Islamist, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, etc. are the wrong doers, but this can NOT be correctly applied to members of these groups as those religions did NOT follow the two separate paths of so called Christianity, previously discussed.  Instead they followed the general practice of most religions by having a little good and a little bad.
--The Quran Prohibits Killing Per a Member of Islam-
Now let's look at what a member of Islam said with respect the Quran's prohibition on killing.
"When it is said to them; 'Make not mischief on the Earth', they say: ' We are only peace makers'. Indeed they are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive it not." (Al-Baqarah 2:11-12)
Not transgressing the limits means not to kill women and children, for the Messenger of Allaah "forbade the killing of women and children." (5)
Not transgressing the limits means that the elderly, the sick, monks, worshippers, and hired laborers are not attacked. Not transgressing the limits means not killing animals wantonly, burning crops and vegetation, polluting waters and destroying homes, monasteries, churches and synagogues. Allaah said (which means): "Allaah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion, nor dove you out of your homes. Indeed, Allaah loves those who deal with equity." (Al-Mumtahinah 60:8)
After reading such passages from the Qur'aan and knowing about what Islaam commands and prohibits in Jihaad, the rules of warfare are given a new meaning; a meaning of justice. How sad it is then, that while Islaam is condemned for striking terror into the hearts of the people, the likes of the Serbs, the Indian army in Kashmire and the Israeli soldiers in Palestine are left untarnished for the atrocities they have committed in the name of warfare.
So what about suicide bombing, is this too a part of Jihaad in Allaah's path? From what has already been stated above, it can be deduced that this is not part of the religion. However, unfortunately many Muslims have taken suicide bombing as being a virtuous act by which one receives reward. This could not be further from the truth. The Prophet said: " Those who go to extremes are destroyed" (6)
Suicide bombing is undoubtedly an extremity which has infiltrated the ranks of the Muslims. In the rules of warfare, we find no sanction for such an act from the behavior and utterances of the Prophet Muhammad or his blessed companions. Unfortunately, today some of the less-knowledgeable Muslims believe that such acts are paving the way for an Islaamic revival and a return to the rule of Islaam's glorious law. However, we fail to bear in mind that the Prophet said: "Do not be delighted by the actions of anyone, until see how he ends up." (7)
So, for example what is the end of a suicide bomber in Palestine? A leg here, an arm there. Massive retaliation by the Israeli's in the West Bank and Gaza. More Muslims killed and persecuted. How can we be delighted with such an end? What really hammers the final nail in the coffin of this act, is that it is suicide; something which is clearly forbidden in Islaam. The Messenger of Allaah said: "He who kills himself with anything, Allaah will torment him with that in the fire of Hell" (8).
Some are under the misconception that by killing oneself for an Islaamic cause, one commits an act which deserves Paradise. Once when a man killed himself, the Prophet said: "He is a dweller of the fire". When the people were suprised at this, the Prophet said: "A person performs the deeds which to the people appears to be the deeds befitting the dweller of Paradise, but he is in fact one of the dweller of the fire." (9)
The taking of one's life, which Allaah has given as a trust to the human, is a great sin. Likewise, the unwarranted taking of other lives (which is so often the case with suicide bombing) is also forbidden, as human life is indeed precious. Allaah clarifies (which means): "..If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or for his spreading evil in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And (likewise) if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole mankind." (Al-Maa'idah 5:32)
Thus, all other types of extremities such as hostage taking, hijacking and bombs in public places, are clearly forbidden in Islaam."
As can be seen, this member of Islam clearly and correctly showed killing and murder is wrong and proscribed by the Quran, but let's look at present day facts.
--Present Day Realities, NOT Related To Quranic Principles--
As previously stated in the Introduction, In today's world, due to hypocrisy punishment often bears no relationship with respect the severity and/or level of the offense.   Murder is one of the most heinous of crimes and should bear a very heavy penalty and the prosecution of those committing this terrible crime should be most vigorous, but often is NOT and this is especially true within areas and nations where Islam is in control.   Some Muslim Imams even treat murder's as martyrs and urge some of their members to become murders.    Yet the Quran shows murder is wrong.   What gives? 
As we shall see later, Islam wants to melt out the extreme punishment of death to none criminals, yet even though the Quran condemns murder one of the most heroines of crimes, some Muslim Imams even encourage it, and declare those committing it are martyrs.  What gives is simple, lip service only is being paid to the Quran by many members of Islam including their leaders such as Imams. 
Now you would think this would cause a great outcry of indignation by right thinking people who are members of Islam, but this as NOT happened.  They have simply turned their backs to these heroines crimes and have NOT sought punishment for the wrong doers.  In fact, the situation is so bad that I have actually heard a taped recording secretly made by a Muslim (Sunni) in the tribal area of Pakistan of an Imam, a religious leader of the people, actually exhort young men to terrorism!  A clear violation of principles set out in the Quran and other members of Islam did NOT call for his punishment, clearly showing their tacit approval by inaction to something they well know is wrong as clearly previously stated by a quotation of what one member of Islam said.  Let's just look at a few examples:
3/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 87 0 Eighty-seven victims of sectarian violence are found in at least four separate locations around the city in a 24-hour period.
3/14/06 Indonesia Ambon 1 0 In a suspected Muslim attack, a 33-year-old Catholic nun is stabbed to death by an intruder.
3/13/06 Bangladesh Comilla 3 0 An Islamic militant sets off a suicide blast to avoid arrest. A mother and two children are blown apart as well.
3/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three civilians, including a child, are killed by two terrorist bombings.
3/13/06 Iraq Tikrit 5 18 At least five people are killed when Islamic radicals set off a bomb along a city street.
3/13/06 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 The Taliban execute four Albanian cleaning-company contractors that were abducted a day earlier.
3/13/06 India Ganderbal 1 0 After keeping him in captivity for two days under harsh conditions, the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen hang an abducted civilian.
3/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Radicals gun down a journalist outside his home.
3/13/06 Afghanistan Miansheen 5 6 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing five officers.
3/12/06 Afghanistan Kunar 4 0 Four American soliders are killed by a remote-controlled blast while on security patrol to protect civilians from Taliban attacks.
3/12/06 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Islamic militants kill a 44-year-old Buddhist as he is riding his motorcycle. They also bomb a Buddhist temple, injuring a young girl and her mother.
3/12/06 Pakistan Madakhel 1 0 A civlian is abducted, tortured and killed by Muslim radicals.
3/12/06 Pakistan Anghar 1 0 Islamists kill a man and pin a note to his body.
3/12/06 India Kader 1 0 A boy is abducted and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
3/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 8 14 Jihadis kill six civilians with a remote-controlled bomb and shoot two policemen to death in a separate attack.
And we all know about the mass murder of 1,000 on 9/11, the London subway bombing, etc.  Yet no attempt by Islam to punish its member, Osama bin Ladin, the wicked Muslim [Sunni] behind this egregious violation of the Quran on killing.
Now how do members of Islam excuse these killings when asked?  They retort with distortions of truth, false accusations, and outright untruths.  Let's look at an actual example by a member of Islam, "Ever stop to wonder why? You're the hypocrite, not me. You claim that no "true" christian has ever committed a murder.   And you lie. You wont admit to your religions violent past but you feel justified to JUDGE Islam. Talk about double standards, hypocrite."   Of course genuine (true) Christians have NOT been committing murder, do not have a violent past, I am not a hypocrit, and I am just making the true facts known and NOT judging anyone as I am NOT a judge and I do NOT have a double standard.   My standard is murder is ALWAYS wrong no matter who the murderer is - period.
This self-same member of Islam went on to bring up the many violent acts committed by apostate (counterfeit) Christians, and the examples she mentioned were factual.   Now what is wrong with this?   Plenty, she is being deceptive any attempting to throw a pale on the innocent genuine (true) Christians, the foot step followers of Christ, and to justify wrong doing by members of Islam, i.e., side stepping pure and simple.
So as can readily be seen, Islam on the whole is turning their head on wrong doing by some members; whereas, they should be calling for their vigorous punishment.   Of course, saying this is NOT hypocritical, but factual.   Now we will look at how they try and make criminals out of NONE criminals and want to put them to death.   Nothing short of murder in the name of their religion.
Now let's look at how members of Islam desire to condemn the none criminal to death due to an unjust law which is actually not based on the Quran, nor on the standard acceptable conduct of fairness and true justice.  Let's first look at the unjust law's source.
--Source and Misuse of and Unjust Law--
We will now examine the source and unjust use of Shariah Law using Muslim sources.  The first source reference is the Anti Terrorism Resources - Free Muslim coalition:
"As one Islamic source admitted, "This is how our Prophet is misused by countless similar examples recorded in core Islamic scriptures. In secondary or tertiary so-called Islamic sources, extremely objectionable words are mentioned in his name. Example: -. "If a woman offered one of her breasts to be cooked and the other to be roasted, she still will fall short of fulfilling her obligations to her husband. And besides that if she disobeys her husband even for a twinkling of an eye, she would be thrown in the lowest part of Hell, except she repents and turns back." - Tuffaha, Ahmad Zaky, Al-Mar'ah wal- Islam, Dar al-Kitab al-Lubnani, Beirut, first edition, 1985, p. 176. It is also quoted in Al-Musanaf by Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn 'Abd Allah Ibn Mousa Al-Kanadi who lived 557H, vol. 1 part 2, p. 255." [reference from - Anti Terrorism Resources - Free Muslim coalition]
And as Imam Shafi'i and Imam Abu Hanifa noted with respect Shariah Law, "It is indeed man-made law because more than six thousand laws cannot be made based on only few Qura'anic verses relating legal instruction, which are indeed contextual. As other sources of Sharia are not divine, those cannot contribute to so called "Allah's Law".[source - Imam Shafi'i's and Imam Abu Hanifa's books as reported by Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism].
As we can readily see human history of injustice, hatred, and crimes against humanity as witnessed in the 'dark ages' under the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church is apparently now to be repeated under the new 'inquisition' and 'dark ages' of Islam as shown by the present case of Mr. Abdul Rahman.  This is even noted my modern Muslim intellectuals that have no interest to returning to the barbaric times of the original 'dark ages.'  One group, the Free Muslim Coalition, said, "It is strange that without taking the burden of the challenge Political Islam acts a copycat of the past, the original "dark ages,' and tries to impose Sharia without updating. Once updated, Sharia might be very similar to existing laws of secular democratic countries. Muslims are not alone regarding objection to few laws such as same-sex marriage or abortion; some non-Muslims share the same vision. It is indeed surprising that Political Islamists remain vague about explaining how to integrate "Islamic teaching" in universal legal matters. They never point out which Western Law is against Islamic teaching and why. Dr. Hisham Kamali showed the serious and huge work done in 7-8th centuries to build Islamic Jurisprudence. But at the end it does not meet justice to humanity in general and women rights in particular. It is like the huge fifty thousand pages research-paper of a medicine that has serious and malignant side effects." [source - Anti Terrorism Resources - Free Muslim coalition].
As noted also Imam Shafi'i and Imam Abu Hanifa "The very concept of Sharia as a tool of governance violates the Qura'an in Chapters Ahkwaf -9, Ahzab-45 & 48, Anam -48, 52, 66, 69 & 107, Araf -61, 62, 67, 68, 79 & 93, 188, Bakara 272, Gashiyah -21 & 22, Kwahf - 29 & 56, and Mayedah -92 & 99, Nisa 165, Kwaf 45, Yunus -108, As-Shura 48, Ra'ad 40 etc. In these verses, the Qura'an clearly declares that the only responsibility of Prophets was not to govern, but only to deliver God's message. Even the word "Poygamber" (Prophet) comes from the word "Poygam" (Message). Examples- "I send messengers only to deliver message", "Prophets' task is only to deliver", "Duty of My Prophets is nothing but to deliver the message", "You are not their administrator, you are only a messenger", "Do you want to force them?" etc. [reference source - Imam Shafi'i's and Imam Abu Hanifa's books as reported by Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism].
--Attempt to Implement Injustice Against A None Criminal To Further Personal Agendas --
Now we will look at an actual well publicized case that occurred in March of 2006, the case of Mr. Abdel Rahman.  This case fits perfectly what was said in the introduction, "Reality shows much of Islam gives only lip service to the Quran when what it says goes against their personal agendas, and the remainder of Islam usually goes along with this in reality by turning their backs on what they should intrinsically know is very wrong.  Yet when someone commits what they consider an offense under Shariah Law that really is not based on the Quran, they desire to pronounce the maximum sentence against him/her of 'death.'  Now let's look at this case and what others have said.
First, a little foreword, some fail to grasp that I am speaking about basic human rights, not specifically granted rights which is a political thing.   I am speaking of rights all individuals should have by the very nature of being human, and any state depriving one of these is denying basic human rights separate and apart from politics.   Now consider the following statement by the UN that defines these basic human rights.
The United Nations defines this basic human right in Article 18 as follows:
" UN covenant on civil and political rights
Article 18
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.
No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.
Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions."[source - United Nations].
A egregious violation of basic human rights occurred in Afghanistan with respect Abdel Rahman where Imams of Islam wanted this man put to death for simply exercising a basic human right of freedom of worship as he pleases.   And the Palm Beach Post - March 29, 2006 said the following in an article written by a Washington Post columnist, Richard Cohen whose e-mail address is, the following.
"Apostasy?  And he's crazy?    What strikes me about the threat to execute Abdul Rahman, the Afghan who converted to Christianity, is not that Afghanistan remains deeply medieval and not even remotely the democracy that George Bush would like it to be but that with the exception of the (largely) Christian West, the rest of the world has been mostly silent. ...But if there has been a holler of protest from anywhere in the Muslim world, it has not reached my ears.   That is appalling.    
The murder of a person for his religious belief ought to be inconceivable.
It is something we in the West stopped doing hundreds of years ago and,...the right of the government to take a life on account of religion has not even been argued in the longest time.  We are way beyond that....
:The world is too much with us Wordsworth once wrote.  This is the way I feel.  To be confronted on almost a daily basis with the horrors of Iraq is profoundly disturbing.  The torture and decapitation of huge numbers of people, the casual homicides, the constant suicide bombings - all of this makes you wonder about your fellow man.  It no longer is possible to see the world only from your front porch, being disturbed only the ringing of the bell on some passing ice cream truck.  Africa, Asia, too much of the world - it is Joseph Conrad much of the time: "The horror! The Horror!"
But you can say that these horrors are being inflicted by a minority.  It is a few crazed terrorists in Iraw who are doing the killing.  It is not most Iraqis.  You can say the same about suicide bombers and torturers and rogue governments, like the one Saddam Hussein once headed.  You can take solace in numbers.  Most people are like us.
Then comes the Rahman case, and it is not a solitary crazy prosecutor who brings the charge of apostasy but an entire society.  It is not a single judge who would condemn the man but a culture.  The taliban are gone at gunpoint and their atrocities supposedly a thing of the past.  In our boundless optimism, we consign them to the "too hard" file of horrors we cannot figure out: the Khmer Rouge, the Nazis, the communists of the Stalin period.  Now, though, this awful thing returns and it is not just a single country that would kill a man for his beliefs but a huge swath of the world which would not protest.  There can be only one conclusion: They were in agreement.
The groupthink of the Muslim world is appalling, frightening.  I know there are exceptions - many exceptions.  But still it seems that a man could be killed for his religious beliefs and no one will say anything in protest.  It also is frightening to confront how differently we in the West think about such matters and why the word 'culture' is not always a mask for bigotry but an honest statement of how things are.  It is sometimes a bridge too far - the leap that cannot be made.
I can embrace an Afghan for his children, his work, even his piety - all he shares with much of humanity.  But when he insists that a convert must die, I am stunned into disbelief: Is this my fellow man?" [source - Palm Beach Post - March 29, 2006 article by Washington Post columnist, Richard Cohen].
Or as a cartoon in the Palm Beach Post put it,
"Praise Allah!  Afghanistan is free.  Religious persecution is over.  Christians will be executed." [source - the Palm Beach Post].
Now there is the evil of Islam in a nut shell, what else need be said.  It is just plain WRONG, and an attempt to murder the NONE criminal in the name of religion.
And as said in the Introduction, Reality shows much of Islam gives only lip service to the Quran when what it says goes against their personal agendas, and the remainder of Islam usually goes along with this in reality by turning their backs on what they should intrinsically know is very wrong.   Yet when someone commits what they consider an offense under Shariah Law that really is not based on the Quran, they desire to pronounce the maximum sentence against him/her of 'death.'


9/11/2016 8:49 pm  #1429

Re: Scripture of the Day

COMBINATION OF [1]  THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2]  Jesus (Yeshua) Is The Only Begotten Son of God
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;  Revelation 7:9,  [authorized King James Bible; AV]
This, of course, raised the question with regard to who they are, and this is answered at Revelation 7:13 - 15, [AV] “And one of the ancients answered and said to me: These that are clothed in white robes, who are they? And whence came they?  14  And I said to him: My Lord, thou knowest. And he said to me: These are they who are come out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and have made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  15  Therefore, they are before the throne of God: and they serve him day and night in his temple. And he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell over them.” 

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2]   Jesus (Yeshua) Is The Only Begotten Son of God
There are false prophets that actually challenge the fact that Jesus (Yeshua) Christ is the only begotten Son of God.   They make evil misleading comments such as, "Is God playing tricks with christians, or Bible is just a fabricated book, where God has numerous sons and children, like in greek mythology," in an attempt to side step the truth.   Of course this was foretold at Matthew 24:11, "And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray." (American Standard Version; ASV).
One of the reasons these evil ones do that is because they do NOT understand the term begotten which places Jesus (Yeshua) Christ in a very unique position with respect to all the other children of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham. The expression "only-begotten" in the ASV and many other Bibles is unfortunate as it is so often misunderstood.   The Greek is quite clear though. It means "one-and-only," or just "only."   It can refer to the only child of a parent.   It is used in general to refer to a "unique" person.   How is the Son of God (Jesus) unique?   He is the only Son of God.   Do not confuse this with the idea that when we trust in Him for eternal life we become adopted children into God's family.   The idea "one-of-a-kind" may be a little strong, but it gives the correct sense, as shown by John 1:14, "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth." (ASV); And John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life." (ASV); And Hebrews 5:5, "So Christ also glorified not himself to be made a high priest, but he that spake unto him, Thou art my Son, This day have I begotten thee:" (ASV).
Why is Jesus (Yeshua) called the only begotten Son of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham when in reality there are many sons of God (YHWH)? John 1:14 states, "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth." (ASV); And at John 3:16-18, " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God sent not the Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through him. 18 He that believeth on him is not judged: he that believeth not hath been judged already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God." (ASV); And at 1 John 4:9, "Herein was the love of God manifested in us, that God hath sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him." (ASV); now this does not mean that the other created spirit beings were not also God's (YHWH's) sons, as they are also called sons as affirmed at Genesis 6:2, "that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose." (ASV); And at job 1:6, "Now it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Jehovah, that Satan also came among them" (ASV); And at Job 38:4-7, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. 5 Who determined the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon were the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner-stone thereof, 7 When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (ASV); And at Job 2:1, "Again it came to pass on the day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Jehovah, that Satan came also among them to present himself before Jehovah." (ASV). So what makes Jesus (Yeshua) unique?
He is unique by virtue of his being the only direct creation by Almighty God (YHWH), thus making him different from all others of God's (YHWH's) sons, allof whom were created or begotten by god (YHWH) through that firstborn Son, Jesus (Yeshua). Therefore, Jesus was God's (YHWH) 'only-begotten Son' in a very special sense just as Isaac was Abraham's 'only-begotten son' in a special sense even though he already had a son, Ishamel, but not by his wife Sarah as testified to at Hebrews 11:17, "By faith Abraham, being tried, offered up Isaac: yea, he that had gladly received the promises was offering up his only begotten [son];" (ASV); And at Genesis 16:15, "And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called the name of his son, whom Hagar bare, Ishmael." (ASV).
Of course some will say begotten does not mean create, but they never quantify what it means. They have to consider the facts which are (1) the Bible says at Revelation 3:14, "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God:" (ASV); (2) the meaning of the word create which is "To cause to come into existence; originate" [Funk & Wagnalls Standard College Dictionary, ISBN #s 0-308-10309-2 and 0-308-10310-6, and most other standard English dictionaries]; (3) That humans create by means of copulation as did Abraham in the creation or begetting of his son, Isaac, as shown in Hebrews 11:17 and Genesis 16:15, quoted previously; whereas, the Bible makes no mention of a Mrs. God (YHWH). Therefore, God (YHWH) creates differently, obviously, from man. He always existed as shown at Psalms 90:2, "Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. " (ASV); And at Psalms 93:2, "Thy throne is established of old: Thou art from everlasting." (ASV); and at Job 36:26, "Behold, God is great, and we know him not; The number of his years is unsearchable." (ASV); And at 1 Timothy 1:17, "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, [be] honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." (ASV). Of course another way of looking at the verb beget is to look at its synonyms and its definition which are (1) To procreate; be the father of. (2) To cause to be; occasion [Funk & Wagnalls Standard College Dictionary, ISBN #s 0-308-10309-2 and 0-308-10310-6, and most other standard English dictionaries]. Now that makes it clear one of its meanings is to cause to be same as for create. If that is not clear enough for some, let's consider the definition of its synonym as given above, procreate which means by definition (1) To engender or beget (offspring), (2) To originate; produce; and at its ethnology from Latin, [- before + creare to create> ] which leaves no doubt that it means to create as does the other synonym, engender which by definition means (1) To cause to exist; give rise to; produce. (2) beget, (3) To come into being; and its ethnology from Latin [- in + genus, generis race] [Funk & Wagnalls Standard College Dictionary, ISBN #s 0-308-10309-2 and 0-308-10310-6, and most other standard English dictionaries].
Of course some critics say that having been created makes Jesus (Yeshua) inferior, but the Bible shows the exact opposite at Philippians 2:1-11, "If there is therefore any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassions, 2 make full my joy, that ye be of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; 3 [doing] nothing through faction or through vainglory, but in lowliness of mind each counting other better than himself; 4 not looking each of you to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others. 5 Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; 8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient [even] unto death, yea, the death of the cross. 9 Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name; 10 that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven and [things] on earth and [things] under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (ASV). Obviously all thinking people should believe the Bible and not accept the opinions of man.
Now let's look at scriptures in the Bible clearly showing that Jesus (Yeshua) Christ did NOT have an earthly biological father, but only an earthly step father, and that his life force was put into a virgin Hebrew female per prophecy - he having existed previously for untold eons of time in Heaven as confirmed by John 8:58, "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was born, I am." (ASV).   Now let's look at the actual scriptures in context that prove he had no earthly biological father:
Matthew 1:18-25, "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.
19  And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
20  But when he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
21  And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins.
22  Now all this is come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,
23  Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us.
24  And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took unto him his wife;
25  and knew her not till she had brought forth a son: and he called his name JESUS." (American Standard Version; ASV)
Luke 1:27-35, "to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.
28  And he came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee.
29  But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this might be.
30  And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.
31  And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
32  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
33  and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
34  And Mary said unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
35  And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of God." (ASV).
And this fact that he had no earthly biological father is also confirmed in the Bible knockoff, the Quran, as follows, using three different translations/versions of the Quran:
Sura 3.33
YUSUFALI: Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all people,-
PICKTHAL: Lo! Allah preferred Adam and Noah and the Family of Abraham and the Family of 'Imran above (all His) creatures.
SHAKIR: Surely Allah chose Adam and Nuh and the descendants of Ibrahim and the descendants of Imran above the nations.
Sura 3.34
YUSUFALI: Offspring, one of the other: And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
PICKTHAL: They were descendants one of another. Allah is Hearer, Knower.
SHAKIR: Offspring one of the other; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
Sura 3.35
YUSUFALI: Behold! a woman of 'Imran said: "O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So accept this of me: For Thou hearest and knowest all things."
PICKTHAL: (Remember) when the wife of 'Imran said: My Lord! I have vowed unto Thee that which is in my belly as a consecrated (offering). Accept it from me. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower!
SHAKIR: When a woman of Imran said: My Lord! surely I vow to Thee what is in my womb, to be devoted (to Thy service); accept therefore from me, surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.
Sura 3.36
YUSUFALI: When she was delivered, she said: "O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!"- and Allah knew best what she brought forth- "And no wise is the male Like the female. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected."
PICKTHAL: And when she was delivered she said: My Lord! Lo! I am delivered of a female - Allah knew best of what she was delivered - the male is not as the female; and lo! I have named her Mary, and lo! I crave Thy protection for her and for her offspring from Satan the outcast.
SHAKIR: So when she brought forth, she said: My Lord! Surely I have brought it forth a female-- and Allah knew best what she brought forth-- and the male is not like the female, and I have named it Marium, and I commend her and her offspring into Thy protection from the accursed Shaitan.
So as all, except the wicked false prophets, can readily see, Jesus (Yeshua) Christ had NO earthly biological father.   He was actually the first, or only begotten, of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham's creation as clearly shown by Revelation 3:14, "And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God:" (ASV); Amd Colossians 1:15, "who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;" (ASV).
The Jewish Law of Agencies which is basically as follows, "Jesus (Yeshua) was God's (YHWH's) appointed agent in accordance with the 'Biblical law of agency' described as, "Scripture mentions something being done by Person A, whilst another mentions it being done by Person B. This is best understood when we grasp the Schaliach Principle, or the Jewish Law of Agency, which is expressed in the dictum, "A person's agent is regarded as the person himself." Therefore any act committed by a duly appointed agent is regarded as having been committed by the principle." (The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion, R.J.Z. Werblowski and Geoffrey Wigoder). Now that we know what the Jewish Law of Agencies is, let's see how it applies to Jesus (Yeshua).
First it is necessary to understand that Jesus (Yeshua) is often referred to as the 'Word' as shown at John 1:14, "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth." (ASV); And at 1 John 1:1, "That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we beheld, and our hands handled, concerning the Word of life " (ASV); And at Revelation 19:13, "And he [is] arrayed in a garment sprinkled with blood: and his name is called The Word of God." (ASV). That which is said about the Word in the New Testament fits remarkably the description of 'wisdom' in the Old Testament given at Proverbs 8:22-31, "Jehovah possessed me in the beginning of his way, Before his works of old. 23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, Before the earth was. 24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth, When there were no fountains abounding with water. 25 Before the mountains were settled, Before the hills was I brought forth; 26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, Nor the beginning of the dust of the world. 27 When he established the heavens, I was there: When he set a circle upon the face of the deep, 28 When he made firm the skies above, When the fountains of the deep became strong, 29 When he gave to the sea its bound, That the waters should not transgress his commandment, When he marked out the foundations of the earth; 30 Then I was by him, [as] a master workman; And I was daily [his] delight, Rejoicing always before him, 31 Rejoicing in his habitable earth; And my delight was with the sons of men." (ASV). There wisdon is personified, and represented as able to speak and act per Proverbs 8:1, "Doth not wisdom cry, And understanding put forth her voice?" (ASV). In fact it was understood by many Christian writers of the early centuries of the C.E. that this section referred symbolically to God's (YHWH) Son, Jesus (Yeshua) in his pre-human state. Thus, in view of the scriptures already considered, there is no denying that the Son, Jesus (Yeshua) was 'produced' by God (YHWH) 'as the "beginning of his way, Before his works of old" or the earliest of his achievements very long ago and was beside God (YHWH) as his agent or master worker during the creation of the earth as described in Proverbs just quoted. Hebrew, like modern day Spanish, assigns gender to its nouns, and the word for 'wisdom' is always in the feminine gender. Thus, this would remain the case even when is personified and therefore would not rule out wisdom's being used in a figurative way to represent God's firstborn Son, Jesus (Yeshua). It is to be remembered that the title "gohe'leth"or "Kohelet" or congregator in English that Solomon applied to himself at Ecclesiastes 1:1, "The words of Kohelet, the son of David, king in Yerushalayim" (Hebrew Names Version of World English Bible ), and this word also is in the feminine gender.
God's (YHWH's) own wisdom was shown in creation at Proverbs 3:19-20, "Jehovah by wisdom founded the earth; By understanding he established the heavens. 20 By his knowledge the depths were broken up, And the skies drop down the dew." (ASV), but only through his Son, Jesus (Yeshua); this is also shown at 1 Corinthians 8:6, "yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we through him." (ASV). Likewise God's (YHWH's) purpose toward mankind is made manifest through his Son; therefore the Apostle John could say that Jesus (Yeshua) represents per 1 Corinthians 1:24 & 30, "but unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God." (ASV); And at "30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who was made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption:" (ASV); And at 1 Corinthians 2:7-8, "but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, [even] the [wisdom] that hath been hidden, which God foreordained before the worlds unto our glory: 8 which none of the rulers of this world hath known: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory:" (ASV); And at Proverbs 18-21, "Riches and honor are with me; [Yea], durable wealth and righteousness. 19 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; And my revenue than choice silver. 20 I walk in the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice; 21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance, And that I may fill their treasuries. " (ASV). Thus as we can see that Jesus (Yeshua) Christ has become to us wisdom from God, and also righteousness and sanctification and a release by ransom.
As can readily be seen, Jesus (Yeshua) Christ is truly unique among all of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham's creation by virtue of being FIRST of CREATION; therefore, the term only begotten Son of God (YHWH) is used as shown at John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not judged: he that believeth not hath been judged already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God." (ASV).   So there is no legitimate excuse to say, "Is God playing tricks with christians, or Bible is just a fabricated book, where God has numerous sons and children, like in greek mythology," and anyone saying such and/or similar is under the wicked influence of this world per 1 John 5:18-20, "We know that whosoever is begotten of God sinneth not; but he that was begotten of God keepeth himself, and the evil one toucheth him not.
19  We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one.
20  And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." (ASV).


9/13/2016 12:53 pm  #1430

Re: Scripture of the Day

COMBINATION OF [1]  THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2]  The Apostle Paul, a Called One By Jesus (Yeshua) Christ
Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O LORD, and teachest him out of thy law;  13  That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged for the wicked.  14  For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.   Psalms 94:12 – 14, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
The need for correction and that it is given to all those believing in Him is given emphasis at Proverbs 3:11 – 13, [AV] “My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:  12  For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.  13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.”  It is imperative to recognize that Almighty God’s (YHWH’s) law is just aS stated at Psalms 19:7 – 9, [AV] “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.  8  The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.  9  The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.”  This is because He is our creator and loves us, and well knows our weaknesses and the need to give His followers correction from time to time.  

To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to, 
Your Friend in Christ Iris89 
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] The Apostle Paul, a Called One By Jesus (Yeshua) Christ
There are false prophets that actually challenge the fact that Jesus (Yeshua) Christ is the only begotten Son of God.  These same false prophets make false claims such as the Apostle Paul was a corrupter of Christianity, he was the founder of Christianity, and that Jesus (Yeshua) never detoured on his way to Heaven to call Paul.   But should we be surprised at what wicked false prophets say?   Not at all per Matthew 24:11, "And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray." (American Standard Version; ASV).
These ones also make many other false claims about the Apostle Paul, but let us examine what the Bible says with respect his special calling by the resurrected Jesus (Yeshua) Christ and learn the facts directly from the true God (YHWH) of Abraham's word, the Bible.
The Bible shows that at the end of Jesus' (Yeshua's) earthly ministry at John 20:17, "Jesus saith to her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended unto the Father: but go unto my brethren, and say to them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God." (ASV); for at this time he had NOT yet ascended to Heaven to take up the position he had at the right hand of his Father, the true God (YHWH) and he is shown praying to his Father (YHWH) at John 17:5 to have his former position back, "And now, Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." (ASV).  
Now, AFTER Jesus (Yeshua) Christ had ascended to Heaven, he observed from there a Jewish religious leader Saul persecuting his faithful footstep followers on earth, the genuine (true) Christians.   But he also could 'read' Saul's heart condition and found it okay, and clearly saw that Saul was doing what was wrong out of ignorance.
So let's see what Jesus (Yeshua) did from his position at the right hand of his Father, the true God (YHWH) of Abraham in heaven to 'gather' Saul to him as a follower.   The most extra-ordinary account of what occurred next, as recorded in the Bible at Acts 9:1-22, "But Saul, yet breathing threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,
2 and asked of him letters to Damascus unto the synagogues, that if he found any that were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
3 And as he journeyed, it came to pass that he drew nigh unto Damascus: and suddenly there shone round about him a light out of heaven:
4 and he fell upon the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest:
6 but rise, and enter into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.
7 And the men that journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing the voice, but beholding no man.
8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw nothing; and they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.
9 And he was three days without sight, and did neither eat nor drink.
10 Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and the Lord said unto him in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.
11 And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go to the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for one named Saul, a man of Tarsus: for behold, he prayeth;
12 and he hath seen a man named Ananias coming in, and laying his hands on him, that he might receive his sight.
13 But Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard from many of this man, how much evil he did to thy saints at Jerusalem:
14 and here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call upon thy name.
15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings, and the children of Israel:
16 for I will show him how many things he must suffer for my name's sake.
17 And Ananias departed, and entered into the house; and laying his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, who appeared unto thee in the way which thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mayest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
18 And straightway there fell from his eyes as it were scales, and he received his sight; and he arose and was baptized;
19 and he took food and was strengthened. And he was certain days with the disciples that were at Damascus.
20 And straightway in the synagogues he proclaimed Jesus, that he is the Son of God.
21 And all that heard him were amazed, and said, Is not this he that in Jerusalem made havoc of them that called on this name? and he had come hither for this intent, that he might bring them bound before the chief priests.
22 But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews that dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is the Christ." (American Standard Version; ASV).
And that is how the Apostle Paul became a genuine (true) Christian, a footstep follower of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ; to wit, by direct calling of him by Jesus (Yeshua) from Heaven.
We can readily see from the account in the Bible at Acts 9:23-35 that the Apostle Paul was a genuine footstep follower of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ by his acceptance by the other apostles.   Now let's look at one account of his acceptance.
"And when many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel together to kill him:
24  but their plot became known to Saul. And they watched the gates also day and night that they might kill him:
25  but his disciples took him by night, and let him down through the wall, lowering him in a basket.
26  And when he was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: and they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.
27  But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how at Damascus he had preached boldly in the name of Jesus.
28  And he was with them going in and going out at Jerusalem,
29  preaching boldly in the name of the Lord: and he spake and disputed against the Grecian Jews; but they were seeking to kill him.
30  And when the brethren knew it, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus.
31  So the church throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria had peace, being edified; and, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, was multiplied.
32 ¶  And it came to pass, as Peter went throughout all parts, he came down also to the saints that dwelt at Lydda.
33  And there he found a certain man named Aeneas, who had kept his bed eight years; for he was palsied.
34  And Peter said unto him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ healeth thee: arise and make thy bed. And straightway he arose.
35 And all that dwelt at Lydda and in Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord." (ASV).
Now who exactly was Paul?   One Bible dictionary says this,
"Hebrew name Saul and the Roman name Paul from childhood (Ac 9:17; 2Pe 3:15), this apostle may have chosen to go by his Roman name in view of his commission to declare the good news to the non-Jews.-Ac 9:15; Ga 2:7, 8.
Paul was born in Tarsus, a prominent city of Cilicia. (Ac 21:39; 22:3) His parents were Hebrews and evidently adhered to the Pharisaic branch of Judaism. (Ac 23:6; Php 3:5) He was a Roman citizen from birth (Ac 22:28), his father having perhaps been granted citizenship for services rendered. Paul probably learned the trade of tentmaker from his father. (Ac 18:3) But, at Jerusalem, he received instruction from the learned Pharisee Gamaliel, suggesting that Paul was from a prominent family. (Ac 22:3; 5:34) Languagewise, Paul was versed at least in Greek and Hebrew. (Ac 21:37-40) At the time that Paul traveled as a missionary, he was unmarried. (1Co 7:8) During this general period, if not already earlier, he had a sister and a nephew who resided in Jerusalem.-Ac 23:16-22.
It was the apostle Paul's privilege to write more books, or letters, of the Christian Greek Scriptures than anyone else. He was given supernatural visions (2Co 12:1-5) and, by means of the holy spirit, was enabled to speak numerous foreign tongues.-1Co 14:18." [source - Insight on the Bible, Vol. 2].
Paul on becoming a genuine (true) Christian joined a small group that was despised in the 1 st. century and to a large degree are still despised, and few in number.
Of course many will say there are great numbers of individuals belonging to religions that are not genuine (true) Christians, footstep followers of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ, and that is true.   But does this mean that they are his followers and/or acceptable to him?   No, it absolutely does NOT.   Jesus (Yeshua) even prophesied that his footstep followers would be few in number. First let's consider both Luke 13:24 and Matthew 7:13-14, it is in both of these that the road followed by true believers would be narrow and cramped, Luke 13:24, "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." (Authorized King James Bible: AV); And Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, abroad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (AV); thereby, clearly showing few would be entering the narrow gate "which leadeth unto life." In reality, it will be difficult for even true Christians to enter as testified to at 1 Peter 4:18, "And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear." (AV). In order to enter, we must have the right sort of guide, Luke 1:79, "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." (AV). Now, if one picks the wrong group, just because it is popular or the so called 'one to belong to in a community' and not because of Bible Truths, there is an important warning given at Matthew 15:14, "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (AV). In fact, being with the wrong group can mean you are NOT having fellowship with the Son of God, Jesus (Yeshua) as testified to at 1 John 1:6, "If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not [have] the truth." (AV). This danger is made abundantly clear at Luke 12:32 when Jesus (Yeshua) spoke of his true followers as a little flock and not a large one, "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (AV). Simply stated, his true followers will be relatively few in number which should cause all sincere individuals to question whether mainstream religion with its vast membership is heading for the narrow gate!
As can clearly be seen from the Bible, Paul, the former persecutor of genuine Christians, became the Apostle Paul by direct calling/appointment by Jesus (Yeshua) from Heaven.  He became one of the most fearless preachers of the good news about the Christ, and was privileged to be used as the faithful scribe with respect to writing many of the books of the New Testament of the Bible.


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