The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. Psalms 46:7 – 11 [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Almighty God (YHWH) has always wanted his people to per Joshua 1:9, [AV] “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” And, He will be a refuge for them as shown at
Psalms 9:9 – 10, [AV] “The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. 10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
INTRODUCTION – Most of an individual’s thoughts about race, outlook on the world, and how they make sense of the world around them are developed very early in life before they ever go to school. This REALITY is overlooked by many intentionally as they want to assign later behavior to schools or other institutions since they can not face reality that the parents, religious institutions, and acquaintances are really responsible. As one expert group on development put it:
“People develop best intellectually, emotionally and inter-personally when their formative years are free of repression, natural disasters, malnutrition, polluted water and armed conflict, according to UNICEF. The formative years of a child differ, however, based on the specific type of development in question. According to PBS, when considering the development of attachments to caregivers, the first five years of life are the most important. PBS indicates that therapy helps some adults develop attachments even when they are deprived of connections during their first five years. [[SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]”
PROJECTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL’S BAD QUALITIES ON NONE RESPONSIBLE CAUSES – Many try to project bad actions later on life on other entities instead of accepting reality as to the causative formative year learning. This is especially so with respect to members of Islam. Take for example, Iftikhar Ahmad, of the Islamic School of London, He tries to assign responsibility to state schools of the United Kingdom. Yet he claims to be an expert on education with over 40 years of experience in that field. However, he tries to assign radicalization of some Muslims to education received to state schools, and even tries to justify this erroneous conclusion by stating none of the students of a few Muslim Faith Based Schools in the United Kingdom became terrorist. However, he overlooks reality since he fails to recognize these may not come from the same pool of Muslims in that country as the ones who became radicalized.
Yes, the Muslims in the United Kingdom are not one monolithic pool or group, but made up of several who bring up their children very differently. Many Muslims bring up their children in love and to hate violence such as members of the Free Muslim Coalition. To learn more on this group, go to APPENDIX 1 On The Free Muslim Coalition – below.
However, many Muslims in the United Kingdom instruct their children knowingly or unknowingly to hate, love violence, and a disregard for the person and property of others. This bad instruction at home during the formative years is further amplified in many mosques and by individuals they are around during their formative years. The fruits of this become clearly evident years later with over 800 Muslims from the United Kingdom actually traveling to the middle east to become co-murders and/or partners in murder an terrorism with murder groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, ISIS actually used one such individual from London as their beheading executioner. And as we all know the ones who were corrupted during their formative years blew up buses, tube carriages, and committed many other atrocities in the United Kingdom. To learn more about how important the formative years are to the outlook and how individuals view the world around them, go to APPENDIXES 2 TO 6 on THE FORMATIVE YEARS
No where is the fact that many children are corrupted with respect their future outlook and world view as many male adult Muslims view toward sex. To wit, a view it as a right to have by rape or force with non-Muslim young females. As shown in one article, “DESIRABLE VS. UNDESIRABLE IMMIGRANTS IN A ‘NUTSHELL’”
Here are actual realities especially towards none Muslims of their bad actions due to bad influence in their formative years:
“Muslim rape gangs that go out and systematically rape young girls of the host country.
Let’s look at some examples. Muslim Child-Rape Gangs in Britain, the facts.
While Muslim groups have sought to discredit the police investigations by claiming "Islamophobia," it recently emerged that British police had known for more than a decade that Muslim rape gangs were targeting young girls in England, but they ignored evidence because they were afraid of being accused of racism.
To learn more, go to,
To see account of this, go to [this can be read in its entirety at OR
as of 11/24/2016] “ .
AND here is a news item on an actual court case in Australia that vividly illustrates the point of how many Muslim males are corrupted during their formative years to believe none Muslim females are to be taken for sex and rape is not wrong if the victim is NOT a Muslim.
“By Sharon Lapkin | December 15, 2005
In Australia this week amidst anger over an Islamic man's rape conviction and the bashing of two Aussie life savers, working-class locals erupted in a rampage of anger and brawling in some of the worst racial riots in decades. But there is more to the story than is being repeated in the American mainstream media....
Four days after he set foot in Australia, the rape spree began. And during his sexual assault trial in a New South Wales courtroom, the Pakistani man began to berate one of his tearful 14-year-old victims because she had the temerity to shake her head at his testimony.
But she had every reason to express her disgust. After taking an oath on the Qur'an, the man - known only as MSK - told the court he had committed four attacks on girls as young as 13 because they had no right to say "no." They were not covering their face or wearing a headscarf, and therefore, the rapist proclaimed: "I'm not doing anything wrong."
MSK is already serving a 22-year jail term for leading his three younger brothers in a gang rape of two other young Sydney girls in 2002. In his own defence, he argued that his cultural background, was responsible for his crimes.[source -, December 15, 2005, in an article by Sharon Lapkin]”
The Free Muslims Coalition believes that there can NEVER be a justification for terrorism.
The Coalition believes that fundamentalist Islamic terror represents one of the most lethal threats to the stability of the civilized world. The existence of Islamic terrorists is the existence of threats to democracy. There is no room for terrorism in the modern world and the United States should take a no-tolerance stance on terrorism in order to avoid another tragedy, along the lines of 9-11. With the added threat of biochemical weapons, the call to defeat terrorism has never been so urgent.
Among Islamic scholars, the concept of jihad ranges in definition from the personal struggle against temptation to holy war. All calls for jihad to create an Islamic state should be rejected as heretic and a threat to modern society. The Coalition feels that the concept of jihad should be reinterpreted for a modern day context in which holy war is obsolete. No holy war needs to be waged; there is no clear and present threat to Islam; the only war that needs to be waged in the modern world is one against terrorists and extremists. As militant Islamic fundamentalism increases, the Coalition will wage a battle of minds as we bring Islam into the 21st century and introduce a doctrine which is compatible with democracy and modern living.
So far, the few Muslims who choose to speak up against militant extremist Islam have faced threats of violence and accusations of being anti-Islam. In effect, the message disseminated by radical Muslims is that merely discussing Islamic terrorism is to be construed as an attack on Islam.
More effectively, Muslim extremists have quelled criticism against them from peaceful Muslims by adopting popular Muslim and Arab causes. A case in point is the adoption of the Palestinian cause. The issue of Palestine and the suffering of the Palestinians is the single most important issue that unites the entire Muslim and Arab world. No issue evokes the passion of Muslims and Arabs as much as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is so important to Arabs and Muslims that every extremist group from Morocco to Indonesia that seeks legitimacy and a following, places the "liberation" of Palestine at the forefront of their agenda. For example, recall that Saddam Hussein responded to the world's request that he leave Kuwait by insisting that Israel first evacuate the West Bank and Gaza. Osama Bin Laden also invoked the Palestinian issue to justify 9-11. Iran has made the Palestinian issue its most important foreign policy priority since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
The clever adoption of the Palestinian cause has made it difficult for peaceful Muslims to attack terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda. The real aim of organizations such as Al-Qaeda is not just the "liberation of Palestine" but the creation of a fundamentalist Muslim empire made up of every Muslim nation. This desire to create a Muslim empire is based on the delusion that modernity is a threat to Islam and the idea that the Muslim community has strayed from God and if they were to return to a strict interpretation of Islam that the problems in the Muslim world would be solved. It is this exact mentality spurned of paranoia, ignorance and fear that inspired and supported the Taliban and the creation of a medieval society in Afghanistan.
The Coalition rejects the urgent desire by extremist groups to create a strict Islamic empire as a justification for terrorism. The coalition rejects the use of terrorism to help Palestinians. The coalition rejects the use of terrorism under any circumstances and will challenge the terrorists' propaganda machines head on.
The Coalition will seek to raise the peaceful voices of Muslims world wide. The terrorist and extremist Muslims will no longer go unchallenged. Their days of sympathetic leaching off the Muslim community are numbered. [sourc - retrieved from on 11/24/2016]
Developmental status of children Access to good-quality care and education programmes outside the home are important in providing children with the basic cognitive and language skills they need to flourish in school. Such programmes can also help foster social competency and emotional development. In fact, it is widely recognized that early childhood care and education form the foundation of a high-quality basic education. Questions on attendance in organized early childhood care and education were first collected in the birth registration and early learning module during the second round of MICS (MICS2). For the third round of MICS (MICS3), conducted mainly in 2005 and 2006, information about preschool attendance was again collected in the birth registration and early learning module. Beginning with the fourth round of MICS (MICS4), questions on attendance in early childhood care and education were included in the consolidated early childhood development module included in the questionnaire for children under 5. Mothers or primary caregivers are asked whether each child aged 36 to 59 months living in the household is currently attending any organized early learning or early childhood education programme, whether public or private, and for how many hours per week. In some cases, the question is customized to make specific reference to relevant country examples of early childhood education programmes. Early childhood development is multidimensional, encompassing several aspects of a child’s well-being: physical, social, emotional and mental. In general, development takes place in a series of predictable and common stages: Children become progressively more independent and learn increasingly advanced skills and capacities as they grow older. However, children develop at different speeds and may reach developmental milestones at different times. What is considered normal child development also varies across cultures and environments, since expectations and parenting strategies may differ not only among countries but also among cultural, ethnic or religious groups within the same country. In 2007, UNICEF commissioned a review of existing tests, measures and items used to establish the developmental status of children aged 0 to 6 years, with a specific focus on those tested cross-culturally. This work led to a recommendation to create a set of age-specific indicators in five developmental domains: motor, language, cognitive, social-emotional and learning. In early 2008, a validation study of the recommended items was conducted with the goal of producing a reliable and feasible set of items to be used in the MICS. The validation study was conducted in two countries: Jordan and the Philippines, in close collaboration with local UNICEF offices. Data were collected from approximately 900 children aged 3 to 6 years in each of the two countries, with an even distribution between boys and girls. Both urban and rural regions of each country were also represented. A subsample of the total was also used for reliability testing (both testretest and inter-rater reliability). The recommended set of questions was tested alongside several other validated tools, including, for example, the Early Development Instrument,4 and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.5 All items used in the study were translated into the appropriate local languages. A series of factor analyses were also conducted to detect the underlying factors and item integrity (using all variables from each of the various instruments). These factor analyses resulted in a long (48-item) and short (18-item) set of items covering six developmental domains: language, cognitive, physical, social, emotional and approaches to learning, with each demonstrating excellent reliability and validity. Items are based on benchmarks that children would be expected to have reached if they are developing like the majority of children of the same age. Following discussion and consultation between UNICEF and a broad group of experts, the 18-item draft early childhood development index (ECDI) was field tested in February 2009 in Mombasa, Kenya. After the field work experience in Kenya, further revisions were made to the draft index and the number of items was reduced from 18 to 10. The original language and cognitive domains were collapsed into one domain (literacy-numeracy), [[SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]
The Formative Years by Lisa Grajewski, MA American psychologist and behaviorist, B.F. Skinner said, “Education is not just the filling of a pail; it is the lighting of a fire.” University Synagogue’s Pre-School has been lighting a fire in the minds and souls of PreSchool students since 2006. Now in its fifth year, the program has gone from being a pre-school at University Synagogue to University Synagogue’s Pre-School. Directed by award winning early childhood educator Heidi Kahn, the Pre-School has grown into a diverse consortium of programs for not only its Pre-School students but members of the students’ families and PreSchool faculty as well. Just as the formative years of a child count as some of the most important years, so too have the first five years of the Pre-School proven to be salient to its growth. Kahn and the faculty have nurtured the school and helped it develop and grow into a healthy place for children to learn, grow and thrive. Kahn takes a holistic approach to early childhood education. The environment at University Synagogue’s Pre-School is warm, nurturing and provides requirements necessary to build strong, early development; however, she ensures that the staff and families are educated as well. One of the new programs the Pre-School is involved in for the 2011 – 2012 school year is Irvine Unified School District’s School Readiness Program. A partnership between University Synagogue and IUSD, the program provides support and services to the PreSchool, the students and families, ensuring the children’s readiness for kindergarten. Some of the specifics of the program include: teacher training and support; classroom strategies designed to work with the routines and environment of children; individualized interventions to meet students’ and families’ unique strengths and needs; and parent workshops ranging from kindergarten readiness to challenging behavior. Most recently, Sandy Avzaradel, M. Ed. (IUSD) and Haley Goldberg, MFT met with 40 of the Pre-School families, answering questions about kindergarten readiness and helping families navigate the transition from PreSchool to primary school. And there is also the traditional side of Pre-School. Kahn has creatively interwoven early childhood enrichments, including art, singalongs, storytelling, photography, creative dance, sports and even math and science into the daily curriculum. All of the Pre-School classes are taught by accredited, early childhood education staff, with special appearances made by December 2011 University Synagogue congregants and members of the greater Orange County community, which include other synagogues and Jewish organizations. Finally, in addition to the traditional developmental components of education, the Pre-School offers a warm and creative representation of the Jewish values and culture that provide its foundation. Regardless of the religion or culture of the student, everyone celebrates the Jewish holidays together in a way that is comfortable and welcoming. Understanding the importance of early childhood development and the formative years, the Pre-School also offers programs that are open to the public and provide outreach to every member of the student’s family and the greater community at large. The programs are designed to introduce the members and nonmembers to the environment and ethos of the Pre-School and build community within the framework of the Pre-School’s culture. Beginning at the age of three months, parents and their infants can join the Cuddle Club, a walking club that meets Wednesday mornings or join parents and toddlers in a warm and nurturing setting for Parent and Me. These programs also provide an opportunity for a child to make a comfortable transition into the academic environment, such as in the case of Nicole Green, who said, “Our experience at University Synagogue Preschool has been priceless. We have been at the school since our oldest daughter, Leah, was 6 months old. We participated in the Cuddle Club every week. It was wonderful! Leah got time to engage other babies, and I got time to engage other parents… As Leah grew into a toddler, we then participated in the weekly Parent and Me program… All of this great preparation made her transition into the two-year-old classroom nearly effortless last fall. Leah was surrounded by familiar faces and familiar routines, as now she would participate in her first classroom experience without me present three days a week. Yes, we had our days of separation sadness, which quickly became history as she realized she was still surrounded by people who loved her and cared for her and were really fun to be with… Now my youngest daughter Clara is 1½ years old and participating in the weekly Parent and Me program. I am once again amazed at how she has taken to the structure and music and crafts and snack time. I know she too will have a smooth transition into her independent class time next fall.” It is evident that all of the programs, from Cuddle Club to the Pre-School, provide an opportunity for parents to develop new friendships and for children to interact with children of similar age.” Within the community of families is a strong commitment and turnout by parents and family members. Parents and significant caregivers of students meet regularly to organize fundraisers for the school, support and promote programs, welcome new families and support Pre-School faculty. Andrea Norman, the mother of twin boys attending the Pre-School stated, “The experience [of having children in the school] inspired my volunteering as one of the Parent Committee presidents, so that I might be a small part of helping in providing the school and the teachers with the extras that are needed each year to give our children all that they do.” Nadine Dubery, a Pre-School parent, was recently pleasantly surprised by the dedication of parents, remarking, “You should know that this type of participation is unique and does not [always] happen at other preschools.” The dedication of faculty and staff is evident in the responses of parents. Norman went on to say, “University Pre-School has provided a safe, warm, loving, and creative environment in which my children have been nurtured for three years. They have grown and blossomed and love going to school.” For Dubery the Pre-School holds an extraordinary element. Her daughter Lili “just loves her teachers and her classroom, the yard and her new friends… each day is an awesome adventure in learning and becoming more self expressed for her… ” She went on to say, “Your [Heidi Kahn] leadership, love, warmth and energy are not taken for granted for even one second… We may have to adopt another child, so that we can continue coming to your pre-school when Lili is finished there!” Adding to the uniqueness of University Synagogue is the richness and diversity of students, family and faculty. Families represent almost every continent on the planet – a tribute to the openness and diversity of University Synagogue. And then there are the dozens of cultures across students and staff, creating an environment rich in cultural awareness and providing fodder for creatively educating the young minds and souls about the diverse world they live in. The first five years of life are formative – even a pre-school. It is important to have that guide or caregiver who can take one through developmental milestones, nurture, love, educate and discipline – sometimes all at once. Perhaps it is best said by another parent, Jennifer Anderson, a mother to three-year-old twins: “I feel so incredibly fortunate to send my children to this pre-school, and why I believe it stands out from the rest is something that I cannot even quantify, because it is a feeling; a feeling I get when I walk into this pre-school… every time I walk into University Synagogue Pre-School, I feel like I am coming home.” [SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]
Neurological research shows that the early years play a key role in children’s brain development.
Babies begin to learn about the world around them from a very early age – including during the prenatal, perinatal (immediately before and after birth) and postnatal period.
Children’s early experiences – the bonds they form with their parents and their first learning experiences – deeply affect their future physical, cognitive, emotional and social development.
Optimizing the early years of children’s lives is the best investment we can make as a society in ensuring their future success. [SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]
Formative years critical for child’s development, success throughout life
June 12, 2011, Sunday
GEORGE TOWN: The first five years of a child’s life often called the formative years, are absolutely critical for the development, performance and success of the child throughout his life, said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: Rosmah (centre) sings with children at the opening of the International Conference on Early Childhood and Special Education (ICECSE). — Bernama photo
The Prime Minister’s wife said the importance of early childhood development had been acknowledged by economists, behavior scientists, educators, neuroscientists and biologists.
“The formative period was said to be the best window of opportunity that we must seize or we will forever lose the vast human potential that exists in these children,” she said in her speech at the opening of the International Conference on Early Childhood and Special Education (ICECSE), here yesterday.
She said recent neuroscience research shows that development of the brain over the first five years is more rapid, intensive and vulnerable to external influences or the environment.
“With the proper environmental stimulation, the child’s cognitive development can be developed early. For example, 80 per cent of the child’s intelligence at age 18 has been developed by the age of six,” she said.
Rosmah said from economic perspective, early childhood education and development was the foundation of quality human capital.
“Early childhood education is also said to have a snowballing effect in increasing the preparedness of a child to study,” she said.
Thus, Rosmah said, to promote early childhood education, Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) was initiated under the banner of Permata Negara.
She said the Permata Pintar, Permata Seni and Permata Insan were launched to complement the ECEC programme.
“I am pleased to announce that the Permata Pintar children have been doing the country proud,” she said.
Rosmah said they won gold and bronze medals at the third Apec Future Scientist Conference in Taipeh this year, one was selected to enter the Genius Olympiad competition in New York and another student had received a scholorship to join a course on theory of numbers at Johns Hopkins University next week.
“Just yesterday we were informed that the Permata Programme is shotlisted for best global education which will be announced at a summit to be held in New Delhi,” she said.
She said within a span of four years, 600 Permata centres had been established throughout the country involving more than 20,000 children. — Bernama [SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]
Preschoolers (3-5 years of age)
Developmental Milestones
Skills such as naming colors, showing affection, and hopping on one foot are called developmental milestones. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (like crawling, walking, or jumping).
As children grow into early childhood, their world will begin to open up. They will become more independent and begin to focus more on adults and children outside of the family. They will want to explore and ask about the things around them even more. Their interactions with family and those around them will help to shape their personality and their own ways of thinking and moving. During this stage, children should be able to ride a tricycle, use safety scissors, notice a difference between girls and boys, help to dress and undress themselves, play with other children, recall part of a story, and sing a song.
Positive Parenting Tips
Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your preschooler during this time:
* Continue to read to your child. Nurture her love for books by taking her to the library or bookstore.
* Let your child help with simple chores.
* Encourage your child to play with other children. This helps him to learn the value of sharing and friendship.
* Be clear and consistent when disciplining your child. Explain and show the behavior that you expect from her. Whenever you tell her no, follow up with what he should be doing instead.
* Help your child develop good language skills by speaking to him in complete sentences and using "grown up" words. Help him to use the correct words and phrases.
* Help your child through the steps to solve problems when she is upset.
* Give your child a limited number of simple choices (for example, deciding what to wear, when to play, and what to eat for snack). [SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]
Racism learned
New research suggests prejudices may form at a much earlier age, but it also offers hope that biases can be unlearned
New research suggests prejudices may form at a much earlier age, but it also offers hope that biases can be unlearned
For more than four decades, the notion that racism and physical prejudice don’t fully develop in humans until the teen or adult years has been at the root of research into racism. Popular scientific belief had been that children, who only develop the ability to express racial preferences at around age 3, gradually develop those preferences over time and only cement them well into their teen years.
But new research not yet published by Mahzarin Banaji, a renowned Harvard University psychologist, brain researcher, and racism and physical prejudice expert, and colleagues suggests that even though they may not understand the “why’’ of their feelings, children exposed to racism tend to accept and embrace it as young as age 3, and in just a matter of days.
“We have known for a very long time that children process information differently than adults. That is a given,’’ says Banaji. “But what has changed, where racism and other prejudice are concerned, is that we had far over-calculated how long it takes for these traits to become imbedded in a child’s brain. It’s quite shocking really, but the gist of it is that 3- and 4-year-olds demonstrate the same level and type of bias as adults. This tells us that children ‘get it’ very, very quickly, and that it doesn’t require a mature level of cognition to form negative biases.’’
Banaji’s study, conducted with two Harvard peers, examined how children and adults identified ambiguously featured faces as happy (smiling) or angry (frowning). They showed 263 white children, between the ages of 3 and 14, a number of graphically drawn facial images in different skin tones from very light tan to brown, and asked them to describe them as happy or angry.
Bottom of Form
One part of the test showed the children a set of faces that were an “inconclusive’’ light tan color that could have represented a white person or a black person. In that segment, most of the children, without prompting, described the faces as black, and also, no matter the facial expression in the drawing, as angry.
Conversely, those faces the children said they believed to be white - even the faces bearing frowns - were almost exclusively described as happy.
When the white children were asked to compare white faces with Asian faces, the outcome was the same: The Asian faces, and the faces that they perceived to be Asian, were described as angry. And the white faces were almost exclusively happy, the children said.
A group of black children tested in the study revealed equal favorability and negativity biases, regardless of whether they perceived the test faces to be black or white. In other words, the black children showed no pro-black or pro-white bias.
So the $64,000 question: Will the physical prejudices young children learn early in life stick with them into adulthood?
Maybe not.
“As children age, let us say past 10, environment begins to play a tremendous role in how they perceive in-group and out-group people - people who look like them, and people who do not,’’ Banaji says. “So the good news is that even a child whose parents make no conscious effort to teach [him] not to be prejudiced can shed that prejudice if he finds himself in a diverse enough place and consistently observes in-group and out-group people interacting positively and as equals.’’
“The odds of aging children losing or at the very least lessening their bias against out-group people are only increased, of course, when responsible adults in their lives consciously place their children in a position to see different groups interacting as equals,’’ Banaji adds.
“It is not the fault of the children that they grow up to see a majority of power and influence concentrated among one race,’’ she says. “So if we don’t act in their lives, as they age, to show context to that imbalance, they may continue to believe that one group is better or worse than the other, based on nothing more than color, features, or expressions.’’
James H. Burnett III is a Globe reporter. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @JamesBurnett. [SOURC - RETRIEVED FROM ON 11/21/2016]
Last edited by iris89 (3/06/2017 5:21 pm)
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. Psalms 2:9, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Jesus (Yeshua) shall rule God’s Kingdom and do away with all the enemies of Almighty God (YHWH) that are doing the will of his arc enemy, Satan the Devil as shown at Revelation 2:27, [AV] “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”
As revealed at Revelation 12:5, [AV] “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Is a prophecy about Jesus (Yeshua) who rule God’s Kingdom for his Father. All of this was foretold long before at Daniel 2:44, [AV] “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Hezbollah is Responsible For All and Should Pay For All:
Many overlook the fact, the reality, that no damage would have been done to Lebanon if the criminal organization Hezbollah that they gave sanctuary had not sent a group over into Israel to murder and kidnap Israelis. So what is so great about them helping to rebuild the damage that resulted from their criminal act?
The answer to one poster's question on forum should be self evident,
Same as I have against any criminal organization that is full of hate and violence and that triggers tragic events which result in mass property damage, the loss of over 900 lives, and that upset the tranquility of the world, so get real.
You overlook the fact, the reality, that no damage would have been done to Lebanon if the criminal organization Hezbollah that they gave sanctuary had not sent a group over into Israel to murder and kidnap Israelis. So what is so great about them helping to rebuild the damage that resulted from their criminal act? Kind-a sick isn't it?
[b]Now why should the burden for rebuilding Lebanon fall on the world? It should be the sole responsibility of the criminal organization of Hezbollah as they brought all the destruction on Lebanon and should bear all the responsibility for their actions.
Let's face it, Islam's SOP is the source of much of the strife of today:
Let's see what the Weekend Australian (newspaper) had to say on the matter,
" Did you know that 90-95% of the conflicts in the world today are Muslims fighting non-muslims or each other?
Islam is intolerant of other religions, so much so that Christians in Nigeria, Sudan and middle eastern countries are killed for practicing their religion. Muslims are also responsible for burning down their churches. Sydney has recently seen an attack on four churches for similar reasons. (December 16, 2005) How can we tolerate such intolerance?" [source - The Weekend Australian, November 26-27, 2005]
Says it all, so clearly Islam should be redefined as something other than a religion. So it is very necessary that this greed and hate be addressed. Remember, Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: 19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. Ephesians 4:17 – 19, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
And 1 Peter 4:3, [AV] “For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:” shows we should give up our wrong ways. Yes, many of those doing what Almighty God (YHWH) does not want knew who He is , but as stated at Romans 1:21, [AV] “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Yes, all need to per Acts 26:18, [AV] “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” For those not wanting to be obedient to him, He per Romans 1:28, [AV] “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” So we should per Isaiah 56:11 - 12, [AV] “Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. 2 Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.”
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Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Here is a Commentary on Bountiful Trees and Vegetables God (YHWH) has provided for mankind, specifically the milk thistle, Silybum marianum, colloquially identified as Carduus marianus, known as milk thistle, is an annual or biannual plant of the Asteraceae family. This fairly typical thistle has red to purple flowers and shiny pale green leaves with white veins. Originally a native of Southern Europe through to Asia, it is now found throughout the world. The medicinal parts of the plant are the ripe seeds.
Common names for this species include blessed milk thistle, Marian Thistle, Mary Thistle, Saint Mary's Thistle, Mediterranean Milk Thistle, Variegated Thistle and Scotch Thistle.
It grows 30 to 200 cm tall, having an overall conical shape with a approx. 160 cm max. diameter base. The stem is grooved and more or less cottony, and with the largest specimens the 'trunk' is hollow.
The leaves are oblong to lanceolate. They are either lobate or pinnate, with spiny edges. They are hairless, shiny green, with milk-white veins.
The flower heads are 4 to 12 cm long and wide, of red-purple colour. They flower from June to August in the North or December to February in the Southern Hemisphere ( Summer through Autumn ).
The bracts are hairless, with triangular, spine-edged appendages, tipped with a stout yellow spine.
The achenes are black, with a simple long white pappus, surrounded by a yellow basal ring.[1]
Medicinal uses
In herbalism, it is used in cases of liver diseases (cirrhosis, jaundice and hepatitis), gallbladder disease,[citation needed] and is claimed to protect the liver against poisons. Silibinin (syn. silybin, sylimarin I) is a hepatoprotective (antihepatotoxic), antioxidant (radical-scavenging agent), thus stabilizing and protecting the membrane lipids of the hepatocytes (liver cells). Silicristin inhibits the enzymes peroxidase and lipoxygenase. Silidianin is a plant growth regulator. A 2000 study of such claims by the AHRQ concluded that "clinical efficacy of milk thistle is not clearly established". However a more recent study did show activity against liver cancer cells in vitro.[2] A 2005 Cochrane Review considered thirteen randomized clinical trials which assessed milk thistle in 915 patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus liver diseases. They question the beneficial effects of milk thistle for patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus liver diseases and highlight the lack of high-quality evidence to support this intervention. Cochrane concluded that more good quality randomized clinical trials on milk thistle versus placebo are needed.
Its potent extract is used in medicine under the name silymarin (a flavonolignane complex consisting of silibinin A and B/silybin/silymarin I, isosilibinin A and B, silicristin/silymarin II, silidianin). Silibinin is used against poisoning by amanitas, such as the Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)[3] as well as in cerebral edema and acute hepatitis therapy.
Mary thistle has been grown as a medicinal plant in monastery gardens since ancient times. The seed is the part of the plant used medicinally.
Silybum marianum extract has antifungal effects, preventing the growth of dermatophyte more than saprophyte fungi.[4]
One pilot study showed that milk thistle may be as effective as fluoxetine in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.[5]
Where it grows
Possibly native near the coast of south east England. It has been widely introduced outside its natural range, for example into Iran, North America, Australia, and New Zealand where it is considered an invasive weed. Cultivated fields for the production of raw-material for the pharmaceutical industry exists on a larger scale in Austria (Region Waldviertel), Germany, Hungary, Poland, China and Argentina. In Europe it is sown yearly in March-April. The harvest in 2 steps (cutting and threshing) takes place in August, about 2–3 weeks after the flowering.
Animal toxicity
Due to potassium nitrate content, the plant has been found to be toxic to cattle and sheep. When potassium nitrate is eaten by ruminants, the bacteria in animal's stomach breaks the chemical down, producing a nitrite ion. Nitrite ion then combines with hemoglobin to produce methaemoglobin, blocking the transport of oxygen. The result is a form of oxygen deprivation. [1]
Other uses
The extract is now also being used in beverages as an energy enhancing agent, as exemplified by Rockstar Energy Drink. { } The thistle is the unofficial floral emblem of Scotland.
1. ^ Rose, Francis (1981). The Wild Flower Key. Frederick Warne & Co. pp. 388–389. ISBN 0-7232-2419-6.
2. ^ "Scientific Evidence Of The Significant Anti-cancer Effect Of Milk Thistle". 2007-11-15. Retrieved 2012-08-26.
3. ^ Saller R., Brignoli R., Melzer J., Meier R."An updated systematic review with meta-analysis for the clinical evidence of silymarin" Forschende Komplementarmedizin 2008 15:1 (9-20)
4. ^ Salehi M., Hasanloo T., Mehrabian S., Farahmand S. , "Effects of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn seeds extract on dermatophytes and saprophytes fungi in vitro compare to clotrimazol" Pharmaceutical Sciences 2011 16:4 (203-210)
5. ^ Sayyah, M., Boostania, H., Paksereshta S., Malayeria A., "Comparison of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. with fluoxetine in the treatment of Obsessive?Compulsive Disorder" Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 2011 35:4 (887-895) (source - retrieved from on 3/9/2013)
The Mayo Clinic on milk thistle, Silybum marianum
Milk thistle has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. A flavonoid complex called silymarin can be extracted from the seeds of milk thistle and is believed to be the biologically active component. The terms "milk thistle" and "silymarin" are often used interchangeably.
Milk thistle products are popular in Europe and the United States for various types of liver disease. Although numerous human trials have been published, most studies have not been well designed or reported. (source - retrieved from on 3/9/2013)
In Genesis 1:11-13, "And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (American Standard Version, ASV)[for more details, go to].
See picture and distribution of this plant in North America at,
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Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth."Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!
COMBINATION OF [1] THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] World Gone Mad - Lebanon a Case Study
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. Psalms 2:9, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Jesus (Yeshua) shall rule God’s Kingdom and do away with all the enemies of Almighty God (YHWH) that are doing the will of his arc enemy, Satan the Devil as shown at Revelation 2:27, [AV] “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”
As revealed at Revelation 12:5, [AV] “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Is a prophecy about Jesus (Yeshua) who rule God’s Kingdom for his Father. All of this was foretold long before at Daniel 2:44, [AV] “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] World Gone Mad - Lebanon a Case Study
Are we living in the last days foretold at Matthew 24:7, "For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places." (The Darby Bible; DB). The 20th. Century was the most murderous period in recorded history and the beginning of the 21th is already starting to show a worst record. The Worldwatch Institute states: "Three times as many people fell victim to war in the 20th century as in all the wars from the first century AD to 1899." Even if we know the sorrow of losing one's loved ones in warfare, it is still hard to imagine such misery and pain multiplied millions of times.
What is behind all this hate and turmoil? The source is given at Ephesians 6:12-13, "because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against principalities, against authorities, against the universal lords of this darkness, against spiritual power of wickedness in the heavenlies.
13 For this reason take to you the panoply of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having accomplished all things, to stand." (AV).
A lot of this hate and turmoil today is being caused by members of a religion that claims to be a religion of peace, but spews out hatters and those causing turmoil as if there is no tomorrow. In this case study, we will learn the facts through a case study of the recent Lebanese-Israel battle of July-August 2006.
Let's see what the Weekend Australian (newspaper) had to say on the matter,
" Did you know that 90-95% of the conflicts in the world today are Muslims fighting non-muslims or each other?
Islam is intolerant of other religions, so much so that Christians in Nigeria, Sudan and middle eastern countries are killed for practicing their religion. Muslims are also responsible for burning down their churches. Sydney has recently seen an attack on four churches for similar reasons. (December 16, 2005) How can we tolerate such intolerance?" [source - The Weekend Australian, November 26-27, 2005]
Now, let's consider the facts as continually revealed in the world news that shows if any thing that the newspaper editor may have been a little low when he said 95 percent of the violence in the world was caused by Muslims. Let's look at some facts:
(1) World Trade Center - 9/11 - unprovoked attack and mass murder by Muslims.
(2) London Subway Bombing by Muslims
(3) Continued mosque bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(4) Suicide bombings in Israel by Muslims.
(5) Suicide bombing of a wedding reception in Jordan by Muslims.
(6) Daily roadside bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(7) Train bombings in Spain my Muslims.
(8) Riots and car burnings and murders in France by Muslims.
(9) Suicide bombings in Iraq by Muslims, a daily occurrence.
(10) Car and truck bombings in Iraq by Muslims, a daily occurrence.
(11) Unprovoked murder of 8 Israelis and the kidnapping of 2 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Lebanon and Israel by Muslims.
(12) Unprovoked murder of 2 Israelis and the kidnapping of 1 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Gaza by Muslims.
(13) Bombing of restaurants and cafes in Bali, Indonesia by Muslims.
(14) Bombing of a trains in India by Muslims.
(15) Take over of a grammar school in Russia resulting in the deaths of many students by Muslims.
(16) Attempted shoe-bombing of a plain by a Muslim.
(17) Conspiracy to bomb about 10 planes going from UK by Muslims.
(18) Attempted murder of several Indian politicians in Kashmir by Muslims.
(19) Many violent acts by Muslims in Afghanistan, a daily occurrence.
(20) Murder of a girl by Shiite Muslims in Iran.
(21) And the list could go on and on, get it?
Says a lot about a religion that claims to be a religion of peace, but spawns those filled with hate and violence. Obviously, there is a major problem here that is NOT being effectively dealt with. As one forward looking group of Muslims that are NOT hiding from the facts said, <<"[b]Muslims must look inward and put a stop to many of our religious leaders who spend most of their sermons teaching hatred, intolerance and violent jihad. We should not be afraid to admit that as Muslims we have a problem with violent extremism. We should not be afraid to admit that so many of our religious leaders belong behind bars and not behind a pulpit. Only moderate Muslims can challenge and defeat extremist Muslims. We can no longer afford to be silent. If we remain silent to the extremism within our community then we should not expect anyone to listen to us when we complain of stereotyping and discrimination by non-Muslims; we should not be surprised when the world treats all of us as terrorists; we should not be surprised when we are profiled at airports. Simply put, not only do Muslims need to join the war against terror, we need to take the lead in this war." [source - Free Muslim Coalition, ] >>.
Status quo, For years there has been no serious violence along the boarder between Israel and Lebanon and the neighbors for the most part have co-existed peacefully. The only violence had been occasional rockets shot at Israel by a criminal organization, Hezbollah who the Lebanese government had given sanctuary. Lebanon had been warned by the United Nations to disarm all militias such as the criminal organization of Hezbollah, but did not do so.
Disruption of status quo, In mid July 2006 the evil criminal organization of Hezbollah choose to disrupt the mostly peaceful status quo and pull the proverbial trigger to ignite a major battle due to their unwarranted hate and lust for violence.
How did they pull the proverbial trigger and with what results? In mid July they sent a group of murders and kidnappers across an international boundary to murder eight Israelis and to kidnap two Israelis. This was the wicked spark that ignited a real battle that took over 900 lives and caused major property damage.
Of course, the criminal organization of Hezbollah is completely responsible for all that resulted from their unwarranted criminal act. However, many in IslamT clearly show they have the inability to distinguish between cause and effect in the crisis between Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Israel (year 2006). Many point to the number killed and which side did it, i.e., hospital in Israel and town of Qana in Lebanon, but ignore the fact that both are but effects of a causative act. Now the causative act that resulted in so much adverse effects, destruction and death, was a surprise unprovoked across boarder attack by a criminal organization, Hezbollah, given tacit approval by the government of Lebanon who even permits members of this group to be members of its parliament. So this attack was the 'trigger' and/or cause responsible for all the adverse effects, death and destruction, that results; therefore, total responsibility for all the effects rest solely on this criminal organization and the Lebanese government for permitting their operation in Lebanon.
Let's look at the facts, Many in Islam hold the belief in ERROR put forth by greedy Ishmalites, that hold over 98 percent of the entire middle east, yet are so greedy they do not want their brother tribe, the Hebrews to occupy the less than 2 percent given them by the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael that Ishmael. Why? Simply, they do NOT want to recognize who really was the promised seed; whereas, in reality it was Isaac as made clear at Genesis 17:19-21, "And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. 21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year." (AV). So this scripture makes it clear that Isaac is the line through which the covenant is made, and NOT Ishmael, who was only stated to become a 'great nation.'
Therefore, greed and hate is at the root of this turmoil between Israel-Lebanon, and it is greed of members of a wicked criminal organization, Hezbollah, and their backers.
Now Hezbollah is committing a great farce by telling many Lebanese that they will rebuild south Lebanon when in reality NO REBUILDING WOULD BE NECESSARY if Hezbollah had NOT pulled the proverbial fuse and caused the battle in the first place due to their hate and love for violence. Also, Hezbollah is NOT replacing the lives that were lost due to their wicked acts.
Yet many Many overlook the fact, the reality, that no damage would have been done to Lebanon if the criminal organization Hezbollah that they gave sanctuary had not sent a group over into Israel to murder and kidnap Israelis. So when looking at reality what is so great about them helping to rebuild the damage that resulted from their criminal act? It is nothing but a hollow sham to obfuscate the fact that they, alone, are responsible for all that occurred. Everyone should wake up to reality per John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (DB).
COMBINATION OF [1] THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] Ishmael The Wild One Who Became A Great Nation
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Colossians 3:23, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Yes, we should love Almighty God (YHWH) and to all things He desires of us per Luke 10:17, [AV] “And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” And we should per Psalms 9:1, [AV] “I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Ishmael The Wild One Who Became A Great Nation
Abraham had two sons, Isaac by his wife Sarah, and Ishmael by his wife's servant, Hagar the concubine or secondary wife. His youngest son, Isaac, was the one through whom the everlasting covenant was to be established as recorded at Genesis 9:16, "And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth." (Authorized King James Bible; AV); and Genesis 17:7, " And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee." (AV); and Genesis 17:19, "And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.' (AV).
However, the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael told , Hagar the concubine or secondary wife, his wife's servant at Genesis 16:11, "And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction." (AV); and Genesis 17:20 says, "And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation." (AV). So Ishmael was to become a great nation, but the everlasting covenant was to come through his half brother's line and not his.
Now, Ishmael had twelve sons as recorded at Genesis 25:12-16, "Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham: 13 And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, 14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, 15 Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah: 16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations." (AV).
Ishmael grew up a true child of the desert, wild and wayward, and not interested in spiritual things as was his half brother Isaac.
The Concise Bible Dictionary says, <<" Son of Abraham and Hagar the bondmaid of Sarah. Before he was born, when Hagar ran away because of the severity of her mistress, the angel of the Lord appeared to her, and told her to return to her mistress: her seed should be numberless, and she was to call her son's name Ishmael, which signifies 'El shall hear.' He would be a wild man, his hand would be against every man, and every man's hand against him. Abraham prayed that Ishmael might live before God, but typically he represents the seed of Abraham according to the flesh, hence though God answered that He would bless Ishmael, and multiply him exceedingly, he should also beget twelve princes, and God would make him a great nation; yet the covenant should be established with Isaac. When Ishmael was thirteen years old Abraham circumcised him, and all the men of his house. In this act Abraham acknowledged in faith that the blessing asked for his natural seed could not be had through the strength of the flesh: all the mercies of God are secured in resurrection.
At the 'great feast' when Isaac, the child born after the Spirit, was weaned, Ishmael mocked, and Sarah besought Abraham to cast out both mother and son. This was grievous to Abraham, but God, having approved the suggestion, he rose early in the morning, and providing them with some bread and a bottle of water he sent them away. The water was soon consumed, and Hagar in despair placed Ishmael under a shrub, and departed so as not to see him die. The angel of God called to her, shewed her a well, and the child was saved. God was with the lad, for he was the seed of Abraham; he dwelt in the wilderness and became an archer. At first he was located in the wilderness of Beer-sheba and afterwards at Paran, a region between Canaan and mount Sinai. His mother chose a woman of Egypt for his wife. His twelve sons are recorded, and their 'towns' and 'castles,' or encampments, according to their nations, are spoken of. Ishmael was present at the burial of his father and lived 137 years. #Ge 16:11-16 17:18-26 25:9-17 28:9 36:3 1Ch 1:28-31." [source - Concise Bible Dictionary by George Morrish]>>.
The Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary says of Ishmael, <<"Abraham's eldest son, by Hagar the concubine #Ge 16:15 17:23 He was born at Mamre, when Abraham was eighty-six years of age, eleven years after his arrival in Canaan #Ge 16:3 21:5 At the age of thirteen he was circumcised #Ge 17:25 He grew up a true child of the desert, wild and wayward. On the occasion of the weaning of Isaac his rude and wayward spirit broke out in expressions of insult and mockery #Ge 21:9,10 and Sarah, discovering this, said to Abraham, "Expel this slave and her son." Influenced by a divine admonition, Abraham dismissed Hagar and her son with no more than a skin of water and some bread. The narrative describing this act is one of the most beautiful and touching incidents of patriarchal life #Ge 21:14-16 See Easton on HAGAR 1583 Ishmael settled in the land of Paran, a region lying between Canaan and the mountains of Sinai; and "God was with him, and he became a great archer" #Ge 21:9-21 He became a great desert chief, but of his history little is recorded. He was about ninety years of age when his father Abraham died, in connection with whose burial he once more for a moment reappears. On this occasion the two brothers met after being long separated. "Isaac with his hundreds of household slaves, Ishmael with his troops of wild retainers and half-savage allies, in all the state of a Bedouin prince, gathered before the cave of Machpelah, in the midst of the men of Heth, to pay the last duties to the 'father of the faithful,' would make a notable subject for an artist" #Ge 25:9 Of the after events of his life but little is known. He died at the age of one hundred and thirty-seven years, but where and when are unknown #Ge 25:17 He had twelve sons, who became the founders of so many Arab tribes or colonies, the Ishmaelites, who spread over the wide desert spaces of Northern Arabia from the Red Sea to the Euphrates #Ge 37:25,27,28 39:1 "their hand against every man, and every man's hand against them." [source - Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary]>>.
Let's look at the life of the mother is Ishmael the concubine or secondary wife, the servant of Abraham's wife Sarah, so as to better understand why he was conceived and later sent away. Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary says, <<" Hagar, Flight, or, according to others, stranger, an Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid #Ge 16:1 21:9,10 whom she gave to Abraham (q.v.) as a secondary wife #Ge 16:2 When she was about to become a mother she fled from the cruelty of her mistress, intending apparently to return to her relatives in Egypt, through the desert of Shur, which lay between. Wearied and worn she had reached the place she distinguished by the name of Beer-lahai-roi ("the well of the visible God"), where the angel of the Lord appeared to her. In obedience to the heavenly visitor she returned to the tent of Abraham, where her son Ishmael was born, and where she remained #Ge 16:16 till after the birth of Isaac, the space of fourteen years. Sarah after this began to vent her dissatisfaction both on Hagar and her child. Ishmael's conduct was insulting to Sarah, and she insisted that he and his mother should be dismissed. This was accordingly done, although with reluctance on the part of Abraham #Ge 21:14 They wandered out into the wilderness, where Ishmael, exhausted with his journey and faint from thirst, seemed about to die. Hagar "lifted up her voice and wept," and the angel of the Lord, as before, appeared unto her, and she was comforted and delivered out of her distresses #Ge 21:18,19 Ishmael afterwards established himself in the wilderness of Paran, where he married an Egyptian #Ge 21:20,21 "Hagar" allegorically represents the Jewish church #Ga 4:24 in bondage to the ceremonial law; while "Sarah" represents the Christian church, which is free." [source - Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary]>>.
Let's look at the facts as many do NOT understand why Hagar and her son, Ishmael, were dismissed from the household of Abraham. Let's see what the Commentary on the Old Testament, 1973, has to say, <<"A year later Isaac was born; Ishmael was now 14. (Ge 16:16; 21:5) Five years after that, in 1913 B.C.E., on the day of Isaac's being weaned, Ishmael was caught "poking fun" at his younger half brother. (Ge 21:8, 9) This was no innocent child's play on the part of Ishmael. Rather, as implied by the next verse in the account, it may have involved a taunting of Isaac over heirship. The apostle Paul says these events were "a symbolic drama" and shows that the mistreatment of Isaac by the half-blooded Egyptian Ishmael was persecution. Hence, this was the beginning of the foretold 400 years of Israel's affliction that ended with deliverance from Egyptian bondage in 1513 B.C.E.-Ga 4:22-31; Ge 15:13; Ac 7:6; see ISAAC.
Ishmael's demonstration of scorn toward Isaac led to the dismissal of him and his mother from Abraham's household, but not without provisions for their journey. Abraham "took bread and a skin water bottle and gave it to Hagar, setting it upon her shoulder, and the child, and then dismissed her." (Ge 21:14) Some have interpreted this to mean that Ishmael, now 19 years old, was also placed on the back of Hagar, and indeed this is the way some translations read. (JB, Mo, Bagster's LXX) Certain scholars, however, consider the phrase "setting it upon her shoulder" as only parenthetical, inserted to explain how the bread and water were carried, and so, if this phrase is placed in parentheses or set off by commas, the difficulty is removed. Professors Keil and Delitzsch assert that the expression "and the child" depends upon the sentence's principal verb "took," not on the verb "gave" or the word "setting." This tie-in of "the child" with "took" is made by the conjunction "and." The thought, therefore, is this: Abraham took bread and water and gave them to Hagar (placing them on her shoulder) and took the child and also gave it to her"[source - Commentary on the Old Testament, 1973, Vol. I, The First Book of Moses, pp. 244, 245]>>.
Cook's Commentary says, <<" Certain Targums, as well as the Syriac Peshitta, at Genesis 21:9, give Ishmael's remarks the sense of "deriding." Concerning tsa·chaq', "It probably means in this passage, as it has generally been understood, 'mocking laughter.' As Abraham had laughed for joy concerning Isaac, and Sarah had laughed incredulously, so now Ishmael laughed in derision, and probably in a persecuting and tyrannical spirit." Deciding the matter, the inspired apostle Paul clearly shows that Ishmael's treatment of Isaac was affliction, persecution, not childlike play. (Ga 4:29) Certain commentators, in view of Sarah's insistence, in the next verse (Ge 21:10), that "the son of this slave girl is not going to be an heir with my son, with Isaac," suggest that Ishmael (14 years Isaac's senior) perhaps quarreled and taunted Isaac with regard to heirship." [resource - Cook's Commentary by F. C. Cook]>>.
Just as their ancestor, Ishmael, was a wild man as brought out by his name which meant, <<" name Ishmael, which signifies 'El shall hear.' He would be a wild man, his hand would be against every man, and every man's hand against him. " [resource - Concise Bible Dictionary by George Morrish]>>, many of his modern day descendents are wild and greedy and lusted for violence. This fact was noted by an Australian newspaper as follows, <<"" Did you know that 90-95% of the conflicts in the world today are Muslims fighting non-muslims or each other?
Islam is intolerant of other religions, so much so that Christians in Nigeria, Sudan and middle eastern countries are killed for practicing their religion. Muslims are also responsible for burning down their churches. Sydney has recently seen an attack on four churches for similar reasons. (December 16, 2005) How can we tolerate such intolerance?" [source - The Weekend Australian, November 26-27, 2005]>>. Now some will say, not all Muslims are Ishmaelites which is true; however, most of those now being greedy and causing world turmoil are descendents of Ishmael.
Let's look at the facts, Many in Islam hold the belief in ERROR put forth by greedy Ishmalites, that hold over 98 percent of the entire middle east, yet are so greedy they do not want their brother tribe, the Isralites, the descendents of Isaac, to occupy the less than 2 percent given them by the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael that Ishmael. Why? Simply, they do NOT want to recognize who really was the promised seed; whereas, in reality it was Isaac as made clear at Genesis 17:19-21, "And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. 21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year." (AV). So this scripture makes it clear that Isaac is the line through which the covenant is made, and NOT Ishmael, who was only stated to become a 'great nation.'
No where is this fact more obvious than with respect the Israel-Lebanon conflict of July/August 2006. Greed and hate is at the root of this turmoil between Israel-Lebanon, and it is greed of members Islam who have the spirit of Ishmael in them.
Now the question is why do the greedy Ishmaelites have so much hate for their brother tribe, the Israelites, and so much desire to destroy world tranquility; whereas, they should have a love for their brother tribe, the Israelites, the descendents of Abraham through Isaac and the tribe with which the everlasting covenant was made, and should want peace? At present, many of these greedy Ishmaleites, I am referring only to the greedy ones,falsely claim they have no jobs/employment and blame it on their brother tribe, the Israelites; whereas, the blame actually belongs on the greedy Ishmaleites who would rather spend their time hating and their money on implements of violence instead using their time and resources for the setting up businesses and factories to provide employment. Something is wrong with them for letting greed destroy common sense and a chance to progress, but then they are following in the path of their ancestor, Ishmael.
Why are they so greedy and why do they love violence and putting others down instead of tranquility and friendly relationships in keeping with what Jesus (Yeshua) said at Matthew 22:37-40, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Authorized King James Bible; AV); and Matthew 5:43, " Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy." (AV); and Matthew 19:19, "Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (AV); and Matthew 22:39, " And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (AV); and Matthew 12:31, "And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (AV); and Romans 13:9, "For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (AV); Galatians 5:14, " For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (AV); and James 2:8, "If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:" (AV).
COMBINATION OF [1] THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] The Face of World Terrorism and Violence
And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? Nehemiah 4:2, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Just as Nehemiah made a successful petition to the King of his day for the benefit of his people, the Jews, against their enemies, so did
Ester 5:3, [AV] “Then said the king unto her, What wilt thou, queen Esther? and what is thy request? it shall be even given thee to the half of the kingdom.” This fact is further amplified at Ester 7:2, [AV] “And the king said again unto Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, What is thy petition, queen Esther? and it shall be granted thee: and what is thy request? and it shall be performed, even to the half of the kingdom. Therefore, we should per Ezra 5:11, [AV] “Now therefore make confession unto the LORD God of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] The Face of World Terrorism and Violence
Today, all we hear on the world news is acts of violence and terrorism. When we look at who these people are that are committing violence and/or acts of terrorism and/or plots of terrorism, we invariable find that the source is individuals/groups who are a part of Islam.
Now, why is this? It is because many individuals in Islam are full of hate and a lust for violence; whereas, members of other so called religious groups in our modern age are concerned about going about their business and making a living, enjoying life, and practicing live-and-let live. Others, not members of Islam, do not plan to hurt others and just want to live in peace and this includes the Israelites.
When these haters and individuals who have a lust for violence do NOT have any members of what ever group they hate, they turn on each other as shown by the world news. This fact was clearly shown in an article by London Times Writer, By Ashraf Khalil, A Times Staff Writer in his article of August 24, 2006 as follows:
<<" KHAN YUNIS, Gaza Strip - It's blazing hot every day; the electricity comes and goes. And when there's no electricity, there's no water. Nobody has any money, but everyone, it seems, has a weapon... doctors, police and mental health professionals here. Men are beating their wives and fighting with their neighbors. Families are living on the generosity of relatives and credit from merchants, both of which are starting to run dry. Youth are turning to petty crime. In Khan Yunis, a gritty southern Gaza city that features a thriving gunrunning trade, Brig. Gen. Mustafa Wafi's police force struggles to keep up. "People have a lot of weapons, and the slightest things set them off," he said... But so far, the citizens of Gaza haven't turned on the new government.
Instead, they may be turning on one another.
Thousands of young Palestinian men belong to armed militant groups. The militarization of Gazan society makes it more likely that otherwise harmless scuffles will turn deadly.
In a personal conflict, "they end up using the weapons that they have to defend against the occupation against each other," said Abu Thaer, a spokesman for the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade militia."[source - article at London Times Web Site By Ashraf Khalil, A Times Staff Writer on August 24, 2006]>>.
These haters and individuals who have a lust for violence may not have a job or enough money to feed their family, but they always have money for more bullets and other weaponry. Strange, but true.
They rail against poor economic opportunity, but instead of trying to improve their lot by investing in business and industry, they spend their money and time hating and planning/committing acts of violence. Of course, what is needed are some level headed individuals who are not haters that are willing to spend their money and time on productive endeavors.
Take the negative Palestinians relationship with the Israelites as an example. If they would stop hating the Israelites and start working with them to improve their lot, the Gaza strip for example, would become an economic powerhouse and the same holds true for south Lebanon. The Israelites are excellent businessman and industrialist, and if these two groups courted their assistance and cooperated with them instead of always trying to start conflicts with them, the entire region would prosper. Remember, all money spent on weapons and hatred is money NOT spent on productive efforts, i.e., increasing the Gross National Product and/or the Gross Regional Product.
In ancient times, Israelite King David and the King of Lebanon worked together and this proved to be to the mutual benefit of both parties. The same would prove true also in the modern world in the State of Israel, the Palestinians, and the Lebanese worked together; they would all mutually benefit.
Why do the Palestinians and the Lebanese not want to form a mutually beneficial economic situation for all by working together with the State of Israel? Simple, they would rather hate Israel and take their lust for violence out on Israel or each other when Israel is not available. This is just plain stupid, and beneficial to no one.
Actually this counterproductive hating and a lust for violence appears to be a character defect with regard to the descendents of Ishmael and has even rubbed off on other Muslims.
<<"Ishmael grew up a true child of the desert, wild and wayward, and not interested in spiritual things as was his half brother Isaac."[resource - Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary]>>. So it is quite possible that this counterproductive trait was inherited. And the Concise Bible Dictionary by George Morrish says, "<<He would be a wild man, his hand would be against every man, and every man's hand against him." [source - The Concise Bible Dictionary by George Morrish]>>, confirms this trait of Ishmael. Now if you look at many members of Islam today you can clearly see this trait, and it can clearly be seen in the criminal organization of Hezbollah to whom the Lebanese gave sanctuary and in many of the Palestinians of today. Of course, this would also apply to many Islamic groups.
Even a brief look at world news in the last five years clearly indicates this character defect of Ishmael has been carried over to his modern descendents and those whom it 'rubbed' of on.
Now, let's consider the facts as continually revealed in the world news that shows if any thing that the newspaper editor may have been a little low when he said 95 percent of the violence in the world was caused by Muslims. Let's look at some facts:
(1) World Trade Center - 9/11 - unprovoked attack and mass murder by Muslims.
(2) London Subway Bombing by Muslims
(3) Continued mosque bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(4) Suicide bombings in Israel by Muslims.
(5) Suicide bombing of a wedding reception in Jordan by Muslims.
(6) Daily roadside bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(7) Train bombings in Spain my Muslims.
(8) Riots and car burnings and murders in France by Muslims.
(9) Suicide bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(10) Car and truck bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(11) Unprovoked murder of 8 Israelis and the kidnapping of 2 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Lebanon and Israel by Muslims.
(12) Unprovoked murder of 2 Israelis and the kidnapping of 1 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Gaza by Muslims.
(13) Bombing of restaurants and cafes in Bali, Indonesia by Muslims.
(14) Bombing of a trains in India by Muslims.
(15) Take over of a grammar school in Russia resulting in the deaths of many students by Muslims.
(16) Attempted shoebombing of a plain by a Muslim.
(17) Conspiracy to bomb about 10 planes going from UK by Muslims.
(18) Attempted murder of several Indian politicians in Kashmir by Muslims.
(19) Many violent acts by Muslims in Afghanistan.
(20) Murder of a girl by Shiite Muslims in Iran.
(21) Conspiracy to bomb trains in Germany - as previously posted for you.
(22) And the list could go on and on, get it?
One group of honest Muslims admitted that evil Muslims were the cause for world terror and most of the world's violence, and issued an apology, <<"We are so Sorry for 9-11, By Kamal Nawash in 2004, This September 11 marks the third unforgettable anniversary of the worst mass murder in American history.
After September 11, many in the Muslim world chose denial and hallucination rather than face up to the sad fact that Muslims perpetrated the 9-11 terrorist acts and that we have an enormous problem with extremism and support for terrorism. Many Muslims, including religious leaders, and ?intellectuals? blamed 9-11 on a Jewish conspiracy and went as far as fabricating a tale that 4000 Jews did not show up for work in the World Trade Center on 9-11. Yet others blamed 9-11 on an American right wing conspiracy or the U.S. Government which allegedly wanted an excuse to invade Iraq and ?steal? Iraqi oil.
After numerous admissions of guilt by Bin Laden and numerous corroborating admissions by captured top level Al-Qaida operatives, we wonder, does the Muslim leadership have the dignity and courage to apologize for 9-11? If not 9-11, will we apologize for the murder of school children in Russia? If not Russia, will we apologize for the train bombings in Madrid, Spain? If not Spain, will we apologize for suicide bombings in buses, restaurants and other public places? If not suicide bombings, will we apologize for the barbaric beheadings of human beings? If not beheadings, will we apologize for the rape and murder of thousands of innocent people in Darfour? If not Darfour, will we apologize for the blowing up of two Russian planes by Muslim women? What will we apologize for? What will it take for Muslims to realize that those who commit mass murder in the name of Islam are not just a few fringe elements? What will it take for Muslims to realize that we are facing a crisis that is more deadly than the Aids epidemic? What will it take for Muslims to realize that there is a large evil movement that is turning what was a peaceful religion into a cult?
[b]Will Muslims wake up before it is too late? Or will we continue blaming the Jews and an imaginary Jewish conspiracy? The blaming of all Muslim problems on Jews is a cancer that is destroying Muslim society from within and it must stop.
Muslims must look inward and put a stop to many of our religious leaders who spend most of their sermons teaching hatred, intolerance and violent jihad. We should not be afraid to admit that as Muslims we have a problem with violent extremism. We should not be afraid to admit that so many of our religious leaders belong behind bars and not behind a pulpit. Only moderate Muslims can challenge and defeat extremist Muslims. We can no longer afford to be silent. If we remain silent to the extremism within our community then we should not expect anyone to listen to us when we complain of stereotyping and discrimination by non-Muslims; we should not be surprised when the world treats all of us as terrorists; we should not be surprised when we are profiled at airports. Simply put, not only do Muslims need to join the war against terror, we need to take the lead in this war.
As to apologizing, we will no longer wait for our religious leaders and ?intellectuals? to do the right thing. Instead, we will start by apologizing for 9-11. We are so sorry that 3000 people were murdered in our name. We will never forget the sight of people jumping from two of the highest buildings in the world hoping against hope that if they moved their arms fast enough that they may fly and survive a certain death from burning. We are sorry for blaming 9-11 on a Jewish or right wing conspiracy. We are so sorry for the murder of more than three hundred school children and adults in Russia. We are so sorry for the murder of train passengers in Spain. We are so sorry for all the victims of suicide bombings. We are so sorry for the beheadings, abductions, rapes, violent Jihad and all the atrocities committed by Muslims around the world. We are so sorry for a religious education that raised killers rather than train people to do good in the world. We are sorry that we did not take the time to teach our children tolerance and respect for other people. We are so sorry for not rising up against the dictators who have ruled the Muslim world for decades. We are so sorry for allowing corruption to spread so fast and so deep in the Muslim world that many of our youth lost hope. We are so sorry for allowing our religious leaders to relegate women to the status of forth class citizens at best and sub-humans at worse.
We are so sorry."[source - Free Muslim Coalition, ] >>.
Truly says it all.
COMBINATION OF [1] THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] Australian Event Proves Muslims More Decadent Than Others:
But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Yes, those who listen to Almighty God (YHWH) and do His will shall per Psalms 25:13, [AV] “His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.” He created all there is as testified to at
Isaiah 45:18, [AV] “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Australian Event Proves Muslims More Decadent Than Others:
The world is getting more decadent with Muslims leading the way as shown by an event in Australia. True, the west has gone somewhat decadent, but Muslims have gone beyond this limited decadence found in the west to extreme decadence/wickedness. They even consider it okay to rape young girls that do NOT wear their extreme clothing styles. What utter decadence. Look at the proof from Australia of what I say,
By Sharon Lapkin | December 15, 2005
In Australia this week amidst anger over an Islamic man's rape conviction and the bashing of two Aussie life savers, working-class locals erupted in a rampage of anger and brawling in some of the worst racial riots in decades. But there is more to the story than is being repeated in the American mainstream media....
Four days after he set foot in Australia, the rape spree began. And during his sexual assault trial in a New South Wales courtroom, the Pakistani man began to berate one of his tearful 14-year-old victims because she had the temerity to shake her head at his testimony.
But she had every reason to express her disgust. After taking an oath on the Qur'an, the man - known only as MSK - told the court he had committed four attacks on girls as young as 13 because they had no right to say "no." They were not covering their face or wearing a headscarf, and therefore, the rapist proclaimed: "I'm not doing anything wrong."
MSK is already serving a 22-year jail term for leading his three younger brothers in a gang rape of two other young Sydney girls in 2002. In his own defence, he argued that his cultural background, was responsible for his crimes.[source -, December 15, 2005, in an article by Sharon Lapkin]
COMBINATION OF [1] THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] Members of Islam Do NOT Want To Contend With The Wrongs Committed By Members of Islam:
The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 7:39, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
This same fact is repeated at Romans 7:2, [AV] “For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.” And with respect daughters, the parents shall seek to not have them marry unbelievers per Deuteronomy 7:3 – 4, [AV] “Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. 4 For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.” And 2 Corinthians 6:14, [AV] “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” restates the same thing.
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Members of Islam Do NOT Want To Contend With The Wrongs Committed By Members of Islam:
Today many members of Islam claim others have misconceptions about their religion. Why? Because they can not deal with reality, the facts, in keeping with John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (Authorized King James Bible; AV). Of course this sounds familiar as many of so called Christian groups are also in denial with respect the wrongs committed by their religions, such as Inquisitions, Murders, burning-at-the-stake, genocides, persecutions, etc. They like the members of Islam are in a state-of-denial as they can NOT face the facts since the facts would show their religion is NOT correct. So both groups are in denial with respect the word of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, the Creator of all there is. Why? Because their actions clearly show they are in opposition to the true word of God; hence, are false religions.
One member of Islam list 4 claimed misconceptions that none-Muslims have about Islam as follows:
Islam tolerates the killing of innocents because:
[1] Muslims can be terrorists
[2] Muslims engage in `holy wars' (jihad)
[3] Islam spread by the sword
[4] it has a harsh and cruel judicial system
He goes on to say, <<"This misconception is one of the most widely held misconceptions about Islam today. And yet in the Qur'an, the Creator unambiguously states (translation),
Sura 17:[33], "Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law)." [(YUSUFALI)]. Note, items in [ ] were items not included in the member of Islam's statement, but necessary to show where what he said came from.
Now let's look at each of these denials on the part of Islam that some of their members call misconceptions.
Many members of Islam are in denial and refuse to accept the fact that Muslims can be terrorist such as the one who called this a misconception and improperly quoted Sura [AL-ISRA (ISRA', THE NIGHT JOURNEY, CHILDREN OF ISRAEL)] 17:33.
Yet we all know of many terrorist acts by Muslims. Let's look at just a short list of some of these:
Let's consider the facts as continually revealed in the world news that shows if any thing that the newspaper editor may have been a little low when he said 95 percent of the violence in the world was caused by Muslims. Here are some instances of terrorism by members of Islam:
(1) World Trade Center - 9/11 - unprovoked attack and mass murder by Muslims.
(2) London Subway Bombing by Muslims
(3) Continued mosque bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(4) Suicide bombings in Israel by Muslims.
(5) Suicide bombing of a wedding reception in Jordan by Muslims.
(6) Daily roadside bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(7) Train bombings in Spain my Muslims.
(8) Riots and car burnings and murders in France by Muslims.
(9) Suicide bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(10) Car and truck bombings in Iraq by Muslims.
(11) Unprovoked murder of 8 Israelis and the kidnapping of 2 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Lebanon and Israel by Muslims.
(12) Unprovoked murder of 2 Israelis and the kidnapping of 1 by Muslims to provoke turmoil and violence in Gaza by Muslims.
(13) Bombing of restaurants and cafes in Bali, Indonesia by Muslims.
(14) Bombing of a trains in India by Muslims.
(15) Take over of a grammar school in Russia resulting in the deaths of many students by Muslims.
(16) Attempted shoebombing of a plain by a Muslim.
(17) Conspiracy to bomb about 10 planes going from UK by Muslims.
(18) Attempted murder of several Indian politicians in Kashmir by Muslims.
(19) Many violent acts by Muslims in Afghanistan.
(20) Murder of a girl by Shiite Muslims in Iran.
(21) Conspiracy to bomb trains in Germany - as previously posted for you.
(22) And the list could go on and on, get it?
Now let's look at how much of Islam went into denial about the events of 9/11 a day in infamy, <<" The September 11, 2001 attacks (often referred to as 9/11) consisted of a series of coordinated terrorist attacks upon the United States, predominantly targeting civilians, carried out on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
That morning, 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda[1] hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower. Both towers collapsed within two hours. The pilot of the third team crashed a plane into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth hijacked aircraft attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers; that plane crashed into a field in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 2,976 people died in these attacks.
The attacks began with the hijacking of four commercial airliners departing from East Coast airports, fueled for flights to California. With jet fuel capacities of nearly 24,000 U.S. gallons (91,000 liters) or 144,000 pounds (65,455 kilograms),[2] each aircraft effectively became an incendiary guided missile (the same order applies for take-off, for hijacking, and for subsequent crash):
* American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the north side of the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) at 8:46:30 a.m. local time (which was Eastern Daylight Time, or 12:46:30 UTC).
* United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower at 9:02:59 a.m. local time (13:02:59 UTC), an event covered live by television broadcasters from around the world who had their cameras trained on the buildings after the earlier crash.
* American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37:46 a.m. local time (13:37:46 UTC).
* United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in a field in southwest Pennsylvania just outside of Shanksville, about 150 miles (240 km) northwest of Washington, D.C., at 10:03:11 a.m. local time (14:03:11 UTC), with parts and debris found up to eight miles away. The crash in Pennsylvania is believed to have resulted from the hijackers either deliberately crashing the aircraft or losing control of it as they fought with the passengers.
[source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
But as usual, much of Islam did NOT want to accept the responsibility for the effect or consequence. In fact, many Muslims came up with absurd conspiracy theories of one kind or another and tried to pin the blame for the cause on the Hebrews, how absurd, which of course amounts to untruth and false accusation. Many Muslims always try to pin the blame on others for what other Muslims cause, but not all. One group of honest Muslims admitted that evil Muslims were the cause and issued an apology, <<"We are so Sorry for 9-11, By Kamal Nawash in 2004, This September 11 marks the third unforgettable anniversary of the worst mass murder in American history.
After September 11, many in the Muslim world chose denial and hallucination rather than face up to the sad fact that Muslims perpetrated the 9-11 terrorist acts and that we have an enormous problem with extremism and support for terrorism. Many Muslims, including religious leaders, and ?intellectuals? blamed 9-11 on a Jewish conspiracy and went as far as fabricating a tale that 4000 Jews did not show up for work in the World Trade Center on 9-11. Yet others blamed 9-11 on an American right wing conspiracy or the U.S. Government which allegedly wanted an excuse to invade Iraq and ?steal? Iraqi oil.
After numerous admissions of guilt by Bin Laden and numerous corroborating admissions by captured top level Al-Qaida operatives, we wonder, does the Muslim leadership have the dignity and courage to apologize for 9-11? If not 9-11, will we apologize for the murder of school children in Russia? If not Russia, will we apologize for the train bombings in Madrid, Spain? If not Spain, will we apologize for suicide bombings in buses, restaurants and other public places? If not suicide bombings, will we apologize for the barbaric beheadings of human beings? If not beheadings, will we apologize for the rape and murder of thousands of innocent people in Darfour? If not Darfour, will we apologize for the blowing up of two Russian planes by Muslim women? What will we apologize for? What will it take for Muslims to realize that those who commit mass murder in the name of Islam are not just a few fringe elements? What will it take for Muslims to realize that we are facing a crisis that is more deadly than the Aids epidemic? What will it take for Muslims to realize that there is a large evil movement that is turning what was a peaceful religion into a cult?
[b]Will Muslims wake up before it is too late? Or will we continue blaming the Jews and an imaginary Jewish conspiracy? The blaming of all Muslim problems on Jews is a cancer that is destroying Muslim society from within and it must stop.
Muslims must look inward and put a stop to many of our religious leaders who spend most of their sermons teaching hatred, intolerance and violent jihad. We should not be afraid to admit that as Muslims we have a problem with violent extremism. We should not be afraid to admit that so many of our religious leaders belong behind bars and not behind a pulpit. Only moderate Muslims can challenge and defeat extremist Muslims. We can no longer afford to be silent. If we remain silent to the extremism within our community then we should not expect anyone to listen to us when we complain of stereotyping and discrimination by non-Muslims; we should not be surprised when the world treats all of us as terrorists; we should not be surprised when we are profiled at airports. Simply put, not only do Muslims need to join the war against terror, we need to take the lead in this war.
As to apologizing, we will no longer wait for our religious leaders and ?intellectuals? to do the right thing. Instead, we will start by apologizing for 9-11. We are so sorry that 3000 people were murdered in our name. We will never forget the sight of people jumping from two of the highest buildings in the world hoping against hope that if they moved their arms fast enough that they may fly and survive a certain death from burning. We are sorry for blaming 9-11 on a Jewish or right wing conspiracy. We are so sorry for the murder of more than three hundred school children and adults in Russia. We are so sorry for the murder of train passengers in Spain. We are so sorry for all the victims of suicide bombings. We are so sorry for the beheadings, abductions, rapes, violent Jihad and all the atrocities committed by Muslims around the world. We are so sorry for a religious education that raised killers rather than train people to do good in the world. We are sorry that we did not take the time to teach our children tolerance and respect for other people. We are so sorry for not rising up against the dictators who have ruled the Muslim world for decades. We are so sorry for allowing corruption to spread so fast and so deep in the Muslim world that many of our youth lost hope. We are so sorry for allowing our religious leaders to relegate women to the status of forth class citizens at best and sub-humans at worse.
We are so sorry."[source - Free Muslim Coalition, ] >>.
Now we have seen the facts on terrorism and that it is NOT a misconception, let's look at 'Muslims engage in `holy wars' (jihad)' that the same member of Islam claims is a misconception.
Many members of Islam are in denial and refuse to accept the fact, the reality, with respect 'Holy Wars' or 'Jihad.' Let's look at the facts as shown in the statement of the World Islamic Front on February 23, 1998 as follows:
<<"Shaykh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin
Ayman al-Zawahiri, amir of the Jihad Group in Egypt
Abu-Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, Egyptian Islamic Group
Shaykh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan
Fazlur Rahman, amir of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh.
Praise be to Allah, who revealed the Book, controls the clouds, defeats factionalism, and says in His Book: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)"; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah, who said: I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but Allah is worshipped, Allah who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my orders.
The Arabian Peninsula has never -- since Allah made it flat, created its desert, and encircled it with seas -- been stormed by any forces like the crusader armies spreading in it like locusts, eating its riches and wiping out its plantations. All this is happening at a time in which nations are attacking Muslims like people fighting over a plate of food. In the light of the grave situation and the lack of support, we and you are obliged to discuss current events, and we should all agree on how to settle the matter." [source - World Islamic Front and Osama bin Ladin]
An encyclopedia has this to say on Jihad, <<" Jihad, sometimes spelled Jahad, Jehad, Jihaad Djehad or Cihad, (Arabic: ????? gihad) is an Islamic term, from the Arabic root ghd ("to exert utmost effort, to strive, struggle"), which connotes a wide range of meanings: anything from an inward spiritual struggle to attain perfect faith to a political or military struggle to further the Islamic cause. Individuals involved in the political or military forms of jihad are often labeled with the neologism "jihadist"." [source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].>>.
The ultimate goal of Jihad according to Osama bin Ladin is everyone becoming a Muslim which by-the-way is his definition of peace. <<"Peace is everybody becoming a Muslim, and you do not believe that there should be peace, until this happens. So therefore, you and the like will make sure that there is no peace until everybody becomes a Muslim, and there should be no peace until everybody becomes a Muslim. I just wanted to make sure everyone was clear on what you meant when you said your agenda was peace. A lot of people could have mistaken you for meaning things like coorperation, compromise, compassion, mutual understanding, and things like that. You don't mean that, and it would appear that a certain amount of other Muslims don't mean that either."[source - a reporter that interviewed Osama bin Ladin in 1998]>>.
But if everyone becomes a Muslim, then no one would merit the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael because he does not approve of false doctrines, myths, and legends. Let's look at the facts:
[1] All genuine (true) Christians are under obligation to try and lead others away from sin, be it homosexuality, murder and disturbance of world tranquility such as the criminal organization of Hezbollah practices, or any other. Have you not read,
Luke 15:10, "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
James 5:20, "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." (AV).
[2] You can not serve two masters, sin that is of the Devil, and the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael at the same time as clearly shown at:
Matthew 6:24, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (AV).
Luke 16:13, "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (AV)
[3] Some mentioned 'individual rights,' and we were all created free individuals capable of either doing right or wrong. But continuing in sin will NOT merit us the approval of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, get it? In fact, the scriptures say,
1Peter 4:18, "And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" (AV) so we should NOT even 'toy' with continuing sin such as homosexuality, murder and disturbance of world tranquility such as the criminal organization of Hezbollah practices, and false religious doctrines such as those of Islam and apostate (counterfeit) Christianity.
Now let's consider the alleged misconception of 'Islam spread by the sword.'
Many of Islam claim that others have a misconception of Islam because they claim it is spread by the 'sword', but let's look at the facts from Muslim sources themselves.
Muslim forces overran the Byzantine Empire by force, i.e., use of the sword, and eventually forced all to convert to Islam or get out, i.e., they stole the land and people belonging to the Byzantine Empire. Here is the proof in their own words, <<" It was not until the 10th century that the Turks reverted in any great number. Islamicization was accomplished largely through the missionary efforts supported by the Samanids, whose Muslim state of Central Asia straddled the river Oxus. At the end of the 10th century a group of Turks destroyed the hegemony of the samanids. Subsequently, those victors were themselves vanquished by a mighty group of nomadic Turks led by the descendents of a chieftain named Seljuk. Following a significant victory in 1040, the Seljuks divided the spoils of war. Seljuk's grandson Tughril received direction of the Seljuk thrust into the Islamic heartland. A combination of sound leadership, military prowess, unbridled energy and zeal, as well as a deteriorating economic and political situation in the Islamic territories in their path, enabled the Seljuks quickly to make themselves masters of the Iranian plateau, taking Isfahan in 1043. Sweeping down from that region into the eastern part of the Fertile Crescent in 1055, Tughril took the Caliphal seat of Baghdad.
As Seljuk leadership became more politically ad culturally more sophisticated, and identified its interests with those of the urban elites it had conquered, the more it became necessary to keep the predatory Turcomans out of the settled areas. The Turcomans were encouraged to satisfy their thirst for plunder and adventure in the north against Christian kingdoms in Georgia and Armenia. There they joined other Muslim warriors for the faith (ghazis) in the Holy struggle for the greater glory of Islam.
It was in Byzantium that the ghazis found a rich lode worthy of their efforts. Its own internal difficulties compounded the threat posed by the ghazis. Fifty years of strife between the bureaucracy and the army had weakened it. However under Alp Arslan, the Seljuks chose to maintain a tranquil northern flank whilst moving against the Shi'ite Fatimids in the south and the Byzantines and the Seljuks reached an accord in 1070.
This stalemate with Byzantium ended the following year, when the Emperor Romanus Diogenes gathered a large army and marched eastward across Anatolia. In august 1071 the two armies clashed at Manzikert near lake Van. At first the battle went in favour of the Emperor; but the tide swung and Romanus was captured (some sources say through treachery), and his army fled. Anatolia was now open to permanent Turkish settlement to become the Seljuks of Rum (Arabic term for Roman empire)." [source - under the title of Seljuks of Rum]
Also, they tried to steal much of Europe by force of the sword to convert them to Islam per <<" This clearly shows how they love to obfuscate and distort the issue of whose land it is, but this has always been the Standard Operating Principle (SOP) of the greedy members of Islam. Let's look at the facts, as previously shown by an Australian newspaper, 95 percent of the violence and destruction we see in the world so far in 2006 has been caused by greedy members of Islam, such things as train bombings, their different sects bombing each other's mosques and killing each others members, suicide bombers, road side bombs, bus bombings, kidnapping of other peoples soldiers to ignite violence, going irrationally insane over stupid cartoons, etc.
Of course this has been their SOP from the beginning as shown by what they did in the Eighth Century as one example, In 711 the Visigothic were ruling in Spain and in no way attacking Islam, yet Islam attacked them without any real provocation. Yes, of course they claimed they had provocation, i.e., they claimed that last Visigoth king, Roderick had seduced the young Florinda, daughter of Julian, Visigothic governor of Ceuta in north Africa an apostate (counterfeit) Christian and they were out to avenge this; but clearly two things stand out, First, it was none of their business, Second, there is no evidence that this ever occurred.
Now Let's look at proof that the greedy members of Islam were just out to grab land that belonged to others,"[source - Islam Does Not Know Difference Between Cause and Effect or Result: by Iris the Preacher]>>, <<" In 711 CE Tariq ibn Ziyad, the governor of Tangiers, landed in Gibraltar with around 10,000 men, mostly Berbers (indigenous North Africans). He had some of Roderick's Visigoth rivals as allies. In the same or following year in the Cadiz province, Roderick's army was decimated and he is thought to have drowned as he fled. The Visigothic survivors fled to the north of Spain, and within a few years, the Muslims had taken over the rest of the Iberian Peninsula bar a few areas in the Asturian Mountains bordering France."
[source - ]>>.
So we can readily see Islam's claim that this is a misconception is simply NOT supported by the facts, the reality.
Now let's consider the alleged misconception of 'it has a harsh and cruel judicial system.'
Let's look at the facts, mostly through examples.
First, as we can see from the previous section on Turkey, Islam clearly does not believe in freedom of religion. In fact, Islam even wants to put to death members of Islam that wish to convert to Christianity. Let's look at an Associated Press account of their attempt to put an individual to death for becoming a so called Christian, <<" KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan man facing a possible death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity may be mentally unfit to stand trial, a state prosecutor said Wednesday.
Abdul Rahman, 41, has been charged with rejecting Islam, a crime under this country's Islamic laws. His trial started last week and he confessed to becoming a Christian 16 years ago. If convicted, he could be executed.
But prosecutor Sarinwal Zamari said questions have been raised about his mental fitness...." [source - Associated Press]>>. Yet in Europe and North America, members of Islam want freedom of religion, but when they gain control, out goes freedom of religion.
Let's look at other examples from actual world news accounts:
KANO, Nigeria (Reuters) - A court in the northern Nigerian city of Kano has fined 45 motorcycle taxi riders for transporting women, in violation of a new rule to comply with Islamic Sharia law, a court official said on Friday. The ban on women passengers, brought in last year to make Kano state traffic laws compatible with Sharia, has caused controversy in the city, which is predominantly Muslim but has a sizable Christian community. Hisbah committees, or volunteers who help uphold Sharia, have clashed with motorcycle taxi riders caught with women passengers. Women are supposed to ride in special motorised...
Sudan: Criticising Islam & death threat over a woman
On September 26th members of Islamic government of Sudan issued a fatwa on best-selling author Kola Boof, a Sudanese woman's writer who lives in California. The details of the fatwa: Kola Boof has been found guilty of "Blasphemy and Treason" Ms. Boof is to be beheaded. The matter was ratified by the following: Hassan Turabi (National Islamic Front), Ali Muhammad Taha (NIF), Sharif al-Tuhami (NIF) Tanzim Wasti (London's Sudan Committee), Saad Faqih and Mohammed Sobieh.
Kola Boof points out that she has not been Muslim since around 10 and that the men issuing the fatwa are not qualified to do so. Ms. Boof states that she has been receiving "death messages" and warnings to "shut up" from Sudanese government officials by telephone since February 2002. Leader of the NIF, Hassan Turabi, under house arrest by Khartoum Regime has been especially threatening Boof.
A diplomat from Sudan's government, Gamal Ibrahaim, wrote a scathing article about Kola Boof in London's largest daily Arabic newspaper, "Al-Sharq al- Awsat in which he basically called Kola Boof, "a blasphemer of Islam" "mentally unstable"..."a prostitute" and "a liar".
Kola says that after nearly a year of constant intimidation tricks, death threats and an attempt on her life, they should not only drop the fatwa but do it publicly, so that she could believe it. [source - ]
Nosrat Abouii, a woman who was stoned in Yazd prison managed to escape while she was being stoned but was arrested immediately by the government and put in jail.
According to Islamic Sharia, women are buried up to their armpits for stoning, while men are buried up to their waist. Earlier, on September 25, Goli Nik-Khou was stoned to death after serving her 15 -year sentence in the town of Naqadeh, western Iran.
At the moment there are four women - Ferdows, Ashraf, Sima and Shahnaz - in prison waiting to be stoned to death.
[source - ]
As one member of Islam expressed it as reported by BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation].
<<"I have been wrestling with the rights and wrongs of attitudes expressed by Muslim spokesmen, both here in the United States and around the world, since the World Trade Center attack last year. I am not a Muslim, or an expert on Islam, but I have been trying to understand how the world looks from an "Islamic" or "Arabic" perspective. I've wanted to understand why so much public commentary by Muslim spokesmen sounds wrong to my Western ears. I've concluded that much of the Islamic world is doing a poor job of facing up to some grim realities, and doing a good job of blaming everyone else (especially the US and Israel) for their self-inflicted injuries.
So here is my message to the Islamic world. I believe you need to do the following:
1) Acknowledge that every nation of significance that has embraced Islam as the state religion, and has tried to govern according to the laws of Sharia, is a miserable failure. Egypt, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia: These are totalitarian nations that repress their own citizens every bit as savagely as did the former Soviet Union. Citizens in these countries have no freedom, no rights, and no hope for a better life. They cannot speak freely. They can be arrested, imprisoned, tortured, or killed for any reason. The governing authorities can even order mass slaughter of their own people at will (witness Syria).
Part of the reason for the abject failure of these nations is the tribal origins of their peoples. After communism, tribalism has been responsible for more slaughter and suffering than any other single cause in history. Tribal communities are, by definition, barbarian. True civilization arises only when tribal limitations are relegated to the dustbin of history.
Another reason for their failure is Islam itself. The laws of Sharia assume that the highest principle of governance is justice, not freedom. Justice, in this case, means that decisions are made by religious authorities in consonance with the teachings of the Koran. There are no checks on the power of these authorities, as their mandate is given as coming straight from God. Thus Sharia forbids the notion of rule by the people, with laws being made by the people and their elected representatives.
In contrast, Western civilization holds freedom as the highest principle of governance. Government is by the people, for the people. Laws are made by the people and their elected representatives. Western civilization, and especially American civilization, is based on the concept of preserving freedom by limiting powers through a system of checks and balances. Laws are, deliberately, man made, not taken as coming from God, although religious (Judeo-Christian) teachings are influential in guiding legislation.
The bottom line is that no successful civilization of significant size can exist without the separation of church and state. The weight of history has demonstrated this over and over again, as the utter failure of Islamic nations shows. Sharia prohibits this separation, therefore Sharia must be discarded.
[source - ,]
As can readily be seen, it is NOT a misconception, Islam does have a harsh and cruel judicial system which is also unfair and against basic human rights.
None of the alleged misconceptions are misconceptions, but unfortunately for humanity, they are all so true.
Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. Proverbs 18:1, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Truly as stated at Romans 14:7, [AV] “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.” Therefore, it is important for all genuine followers of Jesus (Yeshua) to assemble together and exhort one another per Hebrews 10:25, [AV] “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” In fact, as brought out at Proverbs 15:22, [AV] “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Here is a Commentary on Bountiful Trees and Vegetables God (YHWH) has provided for mankind, specifically the Mimusops elengi Maulsari is a medium-sized evergreen tree found in tropical forests in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Northern Australia. English common names include Spanish cherry,[1] Medlar,[1] and Bullet wood. In Hindi Maulsari. Its timber is valuable, the fruit is edible, and it has traditional medicinal uses.
Bullet wood is an evergreen tree reaching a height of about 16 m. It flowers in April, and fruiting occurs in June. Leaves are glossy, dark green, oval shaped, 5–14 cm long and 2.5–6 cm wide. Flowers are cream, hairy and scented. Bark is thick and appears dark brownish black or grayish black in colour, with striations and a few cracks on the surface. The tree may reach up to a height of 9–18 m with about 1 m in circumference.
Ayurvedic uses
The bark, flowers, fruits and seeds are astringent, cooling, anthelmintic, tonic, and febrifuge. It is mainly used in dental ailments like bleeding gums, pyorrhea, dental caries and loose teeth.
Extract of flowers used against heart diseases, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia and act as antiduretic in polyuria and antitoxin. The snuff made from the dried and powdered flowers used in a disease called Ahwa in which strong fever, headache and pain in the neck, shoulders and other parts of the body occurs.
Ripened fruits facilitates in burning urination. The ripe fruit pounded and mixed with water is given to promote delivery in childbirth. Powder of dried flowers is a brain tonic and useful as a snuff to relieve cephalalgia. Decoction of bark is used to wash the wounds.
Other uses
* The edible fruit is softly hairy becoming smooth, ovoid, bright red-orange when ripe.
* The wood is a luxurious wood that is extremely hard, strong and tough, and rich deep red in color. The heart wood is sharply defined from the sapwood. It works easily and takes a beautiful polish. Weight is 1008 kg per cubic meter.
^ a b Bailey, L.H.; Bailey, E.Z.; the staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium. 1976. Hortus third: A concise dictionary of plants cultivated in the United States and Canada. Macmillan, New York. (source - retrieved from on 3/23/2013)
Mimusops elengi L.
Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report.
Plantae – Plants
Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Sapotaceae – Sapodilla family
Mimusops L. – mimusops
Mimusops elengi L. – Spanish cherry
(source - retrieved from on 3/23/2013)
• Anti-Ulcer: Study investigating the effect of Mimusops elengi against experimental gastric ulcers showed anti-ulcer activity that can be attributed to decrease in gastric acid secretory activity along with strengthening of the mucosal defense mechanisms.
• Antibacterial: (1) Study isolated two antibacterial compounds from the seeds of M elengi – 2,3-dihydro-3.3'4'5,7-pentahydroxyflavone and 3'3',4;,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone – which showed strong inhibitory activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. (2) Study of an ethanolic bark extract of M elengi showed significant activity against three Staph isolates including S aureus. (3) Study of extracts of bark, fruit, and seed for antibacterial activity showed the fruit and seed extracts to be inactive. Stem bark showed activity against 6 bacteria, with the ethyl acetate extract showing highet inhibition against B. subtilis.
• Diuretic: Study of M elengi extracts showed potent diuretic and electrolyte excretion activity, highest in the alcoholic extracts, none in the chloroform and petroleum ether extracts.
• Antifungal: Study of the aqueous, methanol and ethanol extracts of M elengi exhibited highly significant antifungal activity against all tested fungi. Results suggest it may be exploited in the management of seed borne pathogenic fungi and prevent biodeterioration of grains and mytoxin elaboration during storage.
• Free Radical Scavenging Activity: Study of the methanol extract of leaves of M elengi showed significant activities in all antioxidant assays in a dose-dependent manner, compared to reference standard ascorbic acid.
• Anti-Diabetes: (1) Study in alloxan induced diabetic rats produced significant alterations in the biochemical and enzymatic parameters studies and reveals the anti-hyperglycemic potential of the bark extract of M elengi. (2) Study evaluated M. elengi extracts for antidiabetic activity against dexamethasone-induced diabetes in mice. Results showed the aqueous and n-Butanol fraction to have significant activity, with antioxidant activity along with ability to increase glycogenesis that could be beneficial in the management of insulin resistance diabetes and diabetic complications
• Anti-Inflammatory / Analgesic / Antipyretic: Study of 70% ethanol extract showed anti-inflammatory activity with significant inhibition of carrageenan-induced paw oedema, analgesic activity with decreased acetic acid-induced writhing, and antipyretic activity with decreased rectal temperature in Brewer's yeast-induced pyrexia.
• Cytotoxic / Anticancer: Study tested the cytotoic and anti-mitotic effect of standard anti-cancer drug cychophosphaide and an ethanolic extract of M. elengi barks in A. cepa root tip meristem model. Results demonstrated the extract to exhibit cytotoxic properties like the standard anticancer drug cyclophosphamide.
• Antioxidant: Study of a chloroform extract showed a total phenolic content significantly higher to stardard reference standard gallic acid. Results showed M. elengi had significant potential to use as a natural antioxidant agent.
• Memory and Anxiety Effects: Study evaluated the effects of a methanolic, aqueous, and n-butanol extract of bark on memory and anxiety-lite states. Methanolic extract at 200 mg/kg was found to have more significant activity as compared to aqueous and n-butanol extract.
• Antihyperlipidemic / Synergism with Moringa oleifera: Study evaluated the effects of combined extracts of M. elengi and Moringa oleifera on high fat diet-induced atheroma in rats. Antioxidant studies showed the combined extracts group produced significant reduction of LPO and increase level of SOD and catalase without any fatty infiltration and intimal layer thickeness. Mimusops showed better effect than the Moringa extract. The significant anti-atheroslceoritc activity may be due to flavonoids present in the leaves.
• Anti-Urolithiatic / Antioxidant: Study showed significant lowering of stone forming constituents in the kidneys of calculogenic rats with the alchohol extract. It also decreased the MDA, increased GSH, SOD, and CAT. The results confirmed the alcoholextract possess antiurolithiatic activity.
• Hypotensive Effect: Study showed a methanolic extract to cause hypotensive activity in anesthetized rats. The effect was dose-dependent, and independent of adrenergic, muscarinic, and histaminergic receptors. The results suggest M. elengi might possess calcium-blocking activity to explain its hypotensive effect. (source - retrieved from on 3/23/2013)
In Genesis 1:11-13, "And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (American Standard Version, ASV)[for more details, go to]
Pictures of this fruit can be viewed at,
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth."Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!
COMBINATION OF [1] THE SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY AND [2] Religious Research and Its Products
Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. Proverbs 18:1, [authorized King James Bible; AV]
Truly as stated at Romans 14:7, [AV] “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.” Therefore, it is important for all genuine followers of Jesus (Yeshua) to assemble together and exhort one another per Hebrews 10:25, [AV] “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” In fact, as brought out at Proverbs 15:22, [AV] “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.”
To enjoy an online Bible study called “Follow the Christ” go to,
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to WWW.JW.ORG!
[2] Religious Research and Its Products
First, the purpose of research can be any of the following four and/or a combination of them:
[1] To Explain or Instruct, i.e., requires providing further information to make a matter clear.
[2] To Convince, i.e., calls for giving reasons showing why a thing is so along with evidence presentation.
[3] To Refute or Show Error, i.e., involves a knowledge of both sides of the issue along with a careful analysis of evidence.
[4] To Motivate. i.e., involves moving others to action and/or an attempt to do so.
Usually the purpose of research is a combination of these.
Usually religious research involves first examining the context such as what do the items put forth or statement put forth conjure up, and the development of a hypothesis to be either proven correct and/or incorrect.
In this case one member of Islam quotes Sura 19:33 which is per three different versions/translations of the Quran is as follows;
Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law). [YUSUFALI]
PICKTHAL: And slay not the life which Allah hath forbidden save with right. Whoso is slain wrongfully, We have given power unto his heir, but let him not commit excess in slaying. Lo! he will be helped. [PICKTHAL]
And do not kill any one whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause, and whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided. [SHAKIR]
He also said, from a Hadith [he failed to mention which Hadith, but was from Muslim b. al-Hajjaj] as follows:
Book 019, Number 4294: [ Muslim b. al-Hajjaj]
It has been reported from Sulaiman b. Buraid through his father that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would say: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies; do not kill the children. When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them. Then invite them to migrate from their lands to the land of Muhairs and inform them that, if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajirs. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muilims and will be subjected to the Commands of Allah like other Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fai' except when they actually fight with the Muslims (against the disbelievers). If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them. When you lay siege to a fort and the besieged appeal to you for protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet, do not accord to them the guarantee of Allah and His Prophet, but accord to them your own guarantee and the guarantee of your companions for it is a lesser sin that the security given by you or your companions be disregarded than that the security granted in the name of Allah and His Prophet be violated When you besiege a fort and the besieged want you to let them out in accordance with Allah's Command, do not let them come out in accordance with His Command, but do so at your (own) command, for you do not know whether or not you will be able to carry out Allah's behest with regard to them.
Now let's examine both of these with respect their intent or purpose:
First, the Quran is saying in effect that wrongful slaying is wrong, and the heir has the right to go kill the one committing the slaying.
Second, The Muslim b. al-Hajjaj [Hadith] is saying when boiled down to its essence, that a military commander [Muslim] should be good to those with him, and fight against those who do not believe in Allah. Also, to make 'holy war' and to pillage, but not to mutilate or break pledges or to kill children. But to take spoil.
First, The validity of the two sources, i.e., the Quran and the concept of Hadith.
Second, Adherence of Muhammad (pbuh) and members of Islam to either and/or both of these.
First, Let's check the real source of much of the Quran and not the legend that it came from an Angel. The Bible which is NOT the product of one committee or strongman is the source of much of the data used by Muhammad (pbuh) in writing the Quran.
The Bible has over 40 individual writers who wrote under divine inspiration/guidance putting the thoughts of God (YHWH) into the words of men much as transcribing secretaries today taking transcription and then later typing it out. In other words one real author, God (YHWH), and many scribes each of whom wrote in his own style over a period of approximately 1,600 years. All of what people call or consider inconsistencies are really not such, but most often just a problem of translation and/or understanding, i.e., lack of understanding of what the original writer writing in his own language and culture meant/said in his original writing. What is remarkable, is the writers over such a period of time all wrote in harmony when even most posters on threads on this forum can not even stay on track or subject over a period of a few days and/or weeks at most with the original subject of the thread. This fact of harmony over a period so great as to almost stagger the imagination shows that it had one guiding force or author who divinely inspired its writers as humans of their own volition can not keep on track over short periods of time.
To wit, the Bible is the ONLY book God (YHWH) ever inspired men to write as his scribes. In other words, God is its author and men only put his thoughts given to them by divine inspiration into their own words, the words of men. Not only that, all the other writers of later so called religious guidance books borrowed from it and made changes in accord with their strong man or so called prophet. Take the example of Joseph Smith who borrowed from it to write the Book of Mormon, but failed to give credit or source to the Bible and twisted some borrowed things into bizarre distortions. Other examples are of course the bizarre writings of David Koresh the Prophet of the Branch Dividians of Waco, Texas; and the Quran, etc.
So as can be seen, the Quran is nothing but a distorted knockoff of the Bible and can only be correct when its author, Muhammad (pbuh) correctly copied which in many cases he failed to do so.
Second, Let's consider the Hadith, or more correctly the many Hadith's, and what it is. An encyclopedia says, <<" Hadith (Arabic: ??????? ? translit: al-h?adith) are traditions relating to the words and deeds of the prophet Muhammad. Hadith collections are regarded as important tools for determining the Sunnah, or Muslim way of life, by all traditional schools of jurisprudence.
The Arabic plural is ah?adith (Arabic: ??????? ?). In English academic usage, hadith is often both singular and plural.
Muslim scholars classify hadith relating to Muhammad as follows:
* What Muhammad said (???) (qawl)
* What Muhammad did (???) (fi'l)
* What Muhammad approved (?????) (taqrir) in others' actions
There are also hadith relating to the words and deeds of the companions, but they may not have the same weight as those about Muhammad.
Western scholars note that there is a great overlap between the records of early Islamic traditions. Accounts of early Islam are also to be found in:
* sira (stories, especially biographies of Muhammad)
* tafsir (commentary on the Qur'an)
* fiqh (juristic reasoning)
Some of these accounts are also found as hadith; some aren't. For a Western historian, these are all simply historical sources; for the Muslim scholar, hadith have a special status. They cite sura 7:157:
Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the Law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper. (Yusuf Ali translation)
They take this and other Qur'anic verses to require Muslims to follow authentic hadith. However, a small number of "Quran-only" Muslims disagree with this view and interpret these verses differently; they argue that the hadith are of human creation and have no authority." [source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]>>.
So we can see the Hadith consist of tradition and the purported words of Muhammad (pbuh), and lack fact. This is further shown by the fact that there is NOT one Hadith, but many used by various flavors of Islam. Let's look at the principle ones in brief:
Sunni's use the following:
Six major Hadith collections, used by Sunni's includes:
[1] Sahih Bukhari, collected by al-Bukhari (d. 870), included 7275 hadiths
[2] Sahih Muslim, collected by Muslim b. al-Hajjaj (d. 875), included 9200
[3] Sunan Abi Da'ud, collected by Abu Da'ud (d. 888)
[4] Sunan al-Tirmidhi, collected by al-Tirmidhi (d. 892)
[5] Sunan al-Sughra, collected by al-Nasa'i (d. 915)
[6] Sunan Ibn Maja, collected by Ibn Maja (d. 886).
Shia's use the following:
[1] Usul al-Kafi
[2] Al-Istibsaar
[3] Al-Tahzeeb
[4] Mun La YahDuruHu al-Faqeeh
Ibadi Islam uses the following:
Ibadi Islam (found mainly in the Arabian kingdom of Oman) accepts many Sunni hadith, while rejecting others, and accepts some hadith not accepted by Sunnis.
Ibadis is al-Jami'i al-Sahih, also called Musnad al-Rabi ibn Habib, as rearranged by Abu Ya'qub Yusuf b. Ibrahim al-Warijlani. A large proportion of its narrations are via Jabir ibn Zaid or Abu Yaqub; most are reported by Sunnis, while several are not. [resource - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].
Now the validity of the various Hadiths which are completely different writings and NOT mere versions/ translations must be questioned. Why?
[1] The various Hadiths are NOT in agreement with each other, and the various flavors of Islam recognize different ones as being valid. For example, the Shi'a Hadiths actually contradict much contained in the Hadiths recognized by the Sunni so how can any reasonable person believe these writings that sometimes contradict each other and which various flavors of Islam recognize different ones?
[2] The Bible clearly shows that the traditions of man stand in the way of true godly devotion. Let's look at some scriptural evidence:
Mark 7:8-13, "For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
Colossians 2:8, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (AV).
Matthew 15:2, "Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. Mt 15:3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Mt 15:6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.(AV).
From these scriptures and Hadith contradictions, Hadith to Hadith, we can see tradition is NOT a reason to transgress the word of the true God (YHWH) of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, and of course should not be relied on. We all know men over time do NOT accurately remember what was originally said, so anything in any Hadith is of course NOT an accurate reproduction.
So the two sources used have been shown to lack validity and NOT to even have harmony within. Now let's deal with the other hypothesis, the adherence of Muhammad (pbuh) and members of Islam to either and/or both of these.
As previously stated with respect to the Sura 19:33 and Book 19, Number 4294: of the Muslim b. al-Hajjah (Hadith).
Now let's examine both of these with respect their intent or purpose:
First, the Quran is saying in effect that wrongful slaying is wrong, and the heir has the right to go kill the one committing the slaying.
Second, The Muslim b. al-Hajjaj [Hadith] is saying when boiled down to its essence, that a military commander [Muslim] should be good to those with him, and fight against those who do not believe in Allah. Also, to make 'holy war' and to pillage, but not to mutilate or break pledges or to kill children. But to take spoil.
First proposition, did Muhammad (pbuh) violate either and/or both of these? Let's look at history that clearly shows he raided a camel caravan.
<<" The Battle of Badr (Arabic: ???? ????), fought March 17, 624 CE (17 Ramadan 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia), was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with the Meccan Quraish[1]. The battle has been passed down in Islamic history as a decisive victory attributable to divine intervention or the genius of Muhammad. Although it is one of the few battles specifically mentioned in the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, virtually all contemporary knowledge of the battle at Badr comes from traditional Islamic accounts, both hadiths and biographies of Muhammad, written decades after the battle.
Prior to the battle, the Muslims and Meccans had been engaging in several smaller skirmishes and by late 623 and early 624 the Muslim ghazawat had become more frequent. Badr, however was the first large-scale engagement between the two forces. Muhammad was leading a raiding party against a caravan when he was surprised by a much larger Quraishi army. Advancing to a strong defensive position, Muhammad's well-disciplined men managed to shatter the Meccan lines, killing several important Quraishi leaders including Muhammad's chief antagonist, Amr ibn Hisham. For the early Muslims the battle was extremely significant because it was the first sign that they might eventually overcome their persecutors in Mecca. Mecca at this time was one of the richest and most powerful pagan cities in Arabia, fielding an army three times larger than that of the Muslims.
Following the hijra, tensions between Mecca and Medina escalated and hostilities broke out in 623 when the Muslims began a series of raids (called ghazawat in Arabic) on Quraishi caravans. Ghazawat (s. ghazw) were plundering raids organized by nomadic Bedouin warriors against either rival tribes or wealthier, sedentary neighbors. Since Medina was located just off Mecca's main trade route, the Muslims were in an ideal position to do this. Even though many Muslims were Quraish themselves, they believed that they were entitled to steal from them because the Meccans had expelled them from their homes and tribes, a serious offense in hospitality-oriented Arabia.[3] Also, there was a tradition in Arabia of poor tribes raiding richer tribes. It also provided a means for the Muslim community to carve out an independent economic position at Medina, where their political position was far from secure. The Meccans obviously took a different view, seeing the Muslim raids as banditry at best, as well as a potential threat to their livelihood and prestige.[4]
In late 623 and early 624, the Muslim ghazawat grew increasingly brazen and commonplace. In September 623, Muhammad himself led a force of 200 in an unsuccessful raid against a large caravan. Shortly thereafter, the Meccans launched their own "raid" against Medina, although its purpose was just to steal some Muslim livestock.[5] In January 624, the Muslims ambushed a Meccan caravan near Nakhlah, only forty kilometers outside of Mecca, killing one of the guards and formally inaugurating a blood feud with the Meccans.[6] Worse, from a Meccan standpoint, the raid occurred in the month of Rajab, a truce month sacred to the Meccans in which fighting was prohibited and a clear affront to their pagan traditions.[4] It was in this context that the Battle of Badr took place." [source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].
Second, with respect that Muslims shall not mutilate, let's look at recent occurrences, <<" The New York Times published an article titled New Violence, Old Problem. By Neil MacFarquhar. (June 6, 2004)
He wrote:
"KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia - A recent fatwa posted on a popular Islamic Web site in Saudi Arabia explains when a Muslim may mutilate the corpse of an infidel.
The ruling, written by a Saudi religious sheik named Omar Abdullah Hassan al-Shehabi, decrees that the dead can be mutilated as a reciprocal act when the enemy is disfiguring Muslim corpses, or when it otherwise serves the Islamic nation. In the second category, the reasons include "to terrorize the enemy" or to gladden the heart of a Muslim warrior.
The religious ruling was evidently posted to address questions about the conflict in Iraq , but is not limited by geography. In fact, in each of two gruesome attacks in Saudi Arabia last month that left 25 foreigners and 5 Saudis dead, a Western corpse was dragged for some distance behind a car. One was the body of an American engineer in Yanbu on May 1, the other a British businessman in Khobar last weekend."
The above was posted by a cleric, which explains how the most radical interpretations of the Quran flourish in Saudi Arabia .
With ruling such as "To terrorize the enemy or to gladden the heart of a Muslim warrior" it is hard to imagine when mutilation can not be justified.
In the "Ask the Scholar" section of the popular Islamic site ( it was asked: - "How Islam views the issue of mutilating dead bodies of enemies." Sheik Faysal Mawlawi, the deputy chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research answered by declaring that mutilation is "not allowable" under Islam. But then came the loophole:
"It is possible to mutilate the dead only in case of retaliation. . . . If he inflicts any physical damage on anyone, he should be retaliated against in the same manner. In case of war, Muslims are allowed to take vengeance for their mutilated dead mujahids (fighters) in the same way it was done to them." This, then he explained, is the teaching of the Koran (16:126), which recommends patience but authorizes revenge.
June 19 2004 Saudi Arabia: Paul Johnson an American Engineer was behead and the gory picture of his severed head was posted on the Internet.
May 2004, Iraq: Nicholas Berg an American citizen in Iraq was caught and beheaded. The gruesome act was shown in Arab television Al Jazeerah.
February 2002, Pakistan: Daniel Pearls suffered the same end. His assassins, video taped their grim crime proudly and showed to the world the level of savagery to which they can stoop.
Mutilations, decapitations and other horrendous acts of barbarity have become the hallmark of Islamic terrorism. But where these Muslims "fighters" get their inspiration from?
To answer this question we have to look into the history of Islam and more importantly the examples set by Muhammad, the founder of Islam who repeatedly urged his cohorts to follow his examples and do as he did. "
[source - "A World Apart" by Ali Sina ]>>. Really says it all with respect the fact that members of Islam do not act in accordance with the Quran which they claim to believe, nor with the Hadiths.
Third, more ancient wrongs in violation of Quran 19:33 and Book 19, Number 4294: of the Muslim b. al-Hajjah,
By now, though Muhammad had two women in his harem, he was not yet content. From his new base in Medina he began a series of forays in which he ambushed passing caravans. In one successful raid he gained possession of stolen commodities valued at more than one hundred thousand dirhams (the unit of money in Arabia in those days). He took one-fifth of the booty for himself, according to Allah's ordinance in the Koran, and divided the rest among his followers: "... whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! a fifth thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger...." (Koran 8: 41)
As chief of this marauding band Muhammad suddenly found himself financially in a better position. From the wealth of the plunder, he was able to acquire another wife. 'Umar, his close friend and companion, had a proud widowed daughter, Hafsa, a charming but temperamental eighteen-year-old woman. 'Umar was delighted to hear that Allah's apostle was interested in her; therefore, the marriage contract was drawn up between the father and the bridegroom, who once again was some years older than his father-in-law. The wedding was not elaborate, but he spent three nights on a honeymoon with his new wife.
In the fourth year after his emigration to Medina, Muhammad found a poor excuse to raid a Jewish tribe in the same town, known as the Banu Nadir. He besieged their quarters and let no water or food reach them. Then he set their crops on fire and ordered their fruit trees to be cut down, which was against all the prevailing customs of the Arabs at that time. When his followers objected and reminded him that felling trees and burning crops in that part of the world, where only a few inches of rain fall each year, is an unforgivable crime, he immediately invented the following passage: "Whatsoever palm trees ye cut down or left standing on their roots, it was by Allah's leave, in order that He might confound the evil-doers (the Jews)." (Koran 59: 5)
The Jews of the besieged tribe sent someone to negotiate peace, but Muhammad would not accept unless they left all their property behind and moved out. Each family or household was permitted to take along only a camel-load of their necessities excluding silver or gold wares. After they were forcibly banished from Medina, the Muslims, on direct order of Muhammad, took over the homes, farms, orchards, and gardens of the ill-fated people, plus their goats, sheep, camels, mules, and whatever was left in their homes.
This may be the first time in history that a man claiming to be a prophet, saint, and teacher of ethics was also a lawless marauder.
As a result of such a quick and easy victory, Muhammad was no longer willing to divide the rich booty among his followers; he therefore revealed the following verse: "That which Allah gave as spoil unto His messenger from the people of the townships, it is for Allah and his messenger and for the next of kin." (Koran 59: 7) By this simple device of revelation he was able to deny all of his followers the benefit of the foray and keep as much booty for himself and his relatives as he wished.
The rich fortune of the Jewish people of Banu Nadir provided Muhammad with enough means to contemplate expanding his harem once more. In less than six months after this episode, he married two women from his clan, the Quraysh tribe of Mecca, both of them younger than thirty years old. His harem now included five young women.
In the fifth year after the Hegira, Muhammad decided to destroy the remaining Jewish population of the town (known as the Banu Qurayza) and take over their property. He therefore surrounded their quarters and began a siege that continued for some time until the elderly people of the tribe finally decided to surrender in order to save their lives from his dreadful vengeance. Muhammad, however, did not want them to go unpunished. He therefore demanded that they be judged by an arbitrator, a man whom he knew, deep in his heart, was not very amiable to the Jews. The man who was nominated by Muhammad to act as an arbitrator was Sa'd ibn Mu'az, who happened to be suffering from a wound inflicted by the enemy's arrow in a previous battle and was really on the verge of dying. Aware of the enmity between the man and the ill-fated tribe of the Banu Qurayza, Muhammad could easily guess what the sentence of the dying man would be, especially since Sa'd ibn Mu'az was led to believe by some Muslims that his fatal wound was the result of the Jews, who had been secretly in touch with the enemy.
Muhammad ordered the dying man to be carried over in a stretcher from his house to a meeting in which the representatives of the besieged tribe were present. The arbitrator, Sa'd, gave his verdict as follows:
1. All the adult males of the defeated Jewish tribe must be slain.
2. Their women and children must be sold as slaves to the highest bidder.
3. All their property (camels, goats, horses, farms, orchards, household furniture, etc.) must be divided among the Muslims.
After Muhammad heard this barbaric verdict, he cried out in jubilant words: "You have judged according to the very sentence of Allah above the seven skies."
According to the above statement, which has been affirmed by the early biographers and chronologists, Muhammad's Allah is seemingly as cruel and ferocious as his Prophet. "The women and children, torn from their protectors, were placed under the charge of renegade Jews."
The arbitrator did not live long enough to see the outcome of his judgment; he died that very day. Muhammad ordered his men to dig deep trenches in the marketplace of the town, to be used as "common graves" for the slain Jews. The captured Jews, with their hands tied behind their backs, were led to the edge of the trench in groups of ten.They were forced to kneel down and, with unprecedented savagery, were beheaded one by one while their kinfolk watched in horror and wailed in agony.
The dreadful show continued the whole day in the presence of Allah's apostle, who seemed to be delighted. His close male relatives,' Ali, Zubayr, and others, acted as executioners in this barbaric pageantry. The butchery started in the morning and continued until the evening under torchlight.
The number of murdered men, according to various accounts, was between six hundred fifty and nine hundred; most Islamic sources agree on seven hundred and fifty. Among the captured was a young smiling woman who had thrown a stone from the roof of her home onto the Muslim soldiers. Muhammad ordered his followers to bring the woman to the trench and decapitate her, which they did. The chivalry of the pre-Islamic Arabs was lost forever after the advent of Islam.
After the trenches were filled with the heads and bodies of the victims, he instructed his men to fill them. The ditches were quickly smoothed over the remains and the carnage was thus trampled underfoot by the steps of the devotees. The captive women and children were paraded before Allah's apostle, who with the vainglory of a victorious bedouin chieftain, reviewed them with contempt. To him they were merely the booty of war.
There was a charming young girl among them by the name of Rayhana, who had lost her husband and all of her male relatives in the massacre. As soon as Muhammad's eyes caught sight of the wretched Jewess in the long line of women and children, an irresistible passion to possess her came over him. He signaled his soldiers to bring her as his share of the booty. "As they passed before the conqueror, his eyes marked the lovely Raihana, and he destined her for himself."
The girl is reported to have been around nineteen and as she refused to embrace Islam, she was sent to his harem as a concubine: the honeymoon started the very night of the massacre and lasted three days.
The women and children were distributed among the male believers and some were sold in the slave market. The property of the ill-fated people consisted of camels, goats, sheep, armor, clothes, and household furniture.
The massacre of the Banu Qurayza tribe proved that Allah's apostle was a bandit, a vengeful political leader, a merciless executioner, and a slave merchant. It also cast a long shadow over Islam. If this new religion was dedicated to advancing the cause of one god, as its founder claimed, against the idolatry and polytheism of the desert Arabs, why did Muhammad so relentlessly persecute first Judaism and later on Christianity and Zoroastrianism, all of which were monotheistic religions? With his increase in power, the real character of Allah's messenger began to manifest itself. One suspects that his underlying motive was power, not religion. As the leader of a gang of robbers, he sent his followers on numerous expeditions to raid caravans, ambush the different tribes of the desert, slay innocent people, seize their property, and enslave their women and children. The booty in these forays was enough motive for the greedy desert Arabs to join him.
In order to become a shareholder in the spoils bestowed by Allah, one needed only to affirm that Allah is the only deity and Muhammad is his messenger. By this simple formula the robber chief of Medina was able to gather more men around him and keep his little force in high spirits by giving them more share of the booty. He promised them both paradise after death and wealth and women in this world. With these incentives the desert Arabs who followed him had nothing to lose.
Gradually, as he got more powerful in his new headquarters of Medina, the peace-loving preacher of Mecca disappeared and in his stead the party leader and authoritarian ruler of Medina came to light. His former themes of mercy and compassion are replaced with the unyielding decrees of the tyrant. Among the deeds of the great founders of religions, such as Zoroaster, Confucius, Buddha, Moses, and Christ, one can find nothing comparable with Muhammad's plundering of caravans, ambushing of tribes, massacring of prisoners of wars, and enslaving of the women and children. Nor did any of these religious leaders have as many wives as Muhammad. In these and similar performances, Muhammad is unique and unparalleled. No man of God was changed so much in so few years and in such a barbaric way. " [source - "Women and the Koran: The Status of Women in Islam. Contributors" by Anwar Hekmat, published by Prometheus Books, 1997] >>.
Hypothesis has been proved correct that neither Muhammad (pbuh) nor his present day followers are in compliance with either Quran 19:33 and Book 19, Number 4294: of the Muslim b. al-Hajjah,.
Both hypothesis,
First, The validity of the two sources, i.e., the Quran and the concept of Hadith.
Second, Adherence of Muhammad (pbuh) and members of Islam to either and/or both of these.
Have been researched and the findings were:
[1] Neither the Quran nor the Hadiths have validity.
[2] Neither Muhammad (pbuh) nor his modern day followers has adhered to either Quran 19:33 and Book 19, Number 4294: of the Muslim b. al-Hajjah,. Or as 'Fruits of Plunder' put it, <<" Among the deeds of the great founders of religions, such as Zoroaster, Confucius, Buddha, Moses, and Christ, one can find nothing comparable with Muhammad's plundering of caravans, ambushing of tribes, massacring of prisoners of wars, and enslaving of the women and children. Nor did any of these religious leaders have as many wives as Muhammad. In these and similar performances, Muhammad is unique and unparalleled.[source - "Fruits of Plunder" ]>>.
Why such a lack of regard for others? Because Muhammad (pbuh) and his modern day followers failed to head something written over 500 years before Muhammad (pbuh); to with, Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (AV). But were led away from truth by vain deceit and traditions of men per Colossians 2:8, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (AV).