Religious Truths

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3/12/2013 1:17 pm  #161

Re: Scripture of the Day

Wisdom is with the modest ones.—Proverbs  11:2.
Before choosing a course of action, we need to ask ourselves, ‘Is this my decision to make?’ Parents may grant their children the opportunity to make some decisions, but children should not just assume such authority. (Col. 3:20) Wives and mothers have a measure of authority within the family but do well to recognize the headship of their husbands. (Prov. 1:8; 31:10-18; Eph. 5:23) Likewise, husbands need to recognize that their authority is limited and that they are subject to Christ. (1 Cor. 11:3) Elders make decisions that affect the congregation. However, they make sure that they “do not go beyond the things that are written” in God’s Word. (1 Cor. 4:6) They also follow closely the direction they receive from the faithful slave. (Matt. 24:45-47) We can save ourselves and others much anxiety and grief if we modestly make decisions only when we have been granted the authority to do so.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!


3/13/2013 9:24 am  #162

Re: Scripture of the Day

Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.—Romans  10:13.
Perhaps the first time you saw Jehovah’s name was when it was shown to you at Psalm 83:18. You may have been surprised to read those words: “That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” Since then, you no doubt have used this same scripture to help others come to know our loving God, Jehovah. Although it is important for people to know Jehovah’s name, such knowledge in itself is not enough. Notice how the psalmist highlights yet another truth essential to our salvation when he says: “You alone are the Most High over all the earth.” Yes, Jehovah is the most important Person in the whole universe. As the Creator of all things, he has the right to expect full submission from all his creatures. (Rev. 4:11) For good reason, then, we need to ask ourselves, ‘Who is the most important person in my life?’ It is vital that we carefully analyze our answer to that question!
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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3/13/2013 10:18 am  #163

Re: Scripture of the Day

Germany Is Starting To Wake Up In A Small Way To The Evils Of Islam:
Islamic groups want to murder workers of Der Spiegel magazine because they publish unpleasant truths about Islam.
These Islamic groups inspire the murder of Christians including Americans at the Frankfurt airport.
Some in Islam claim they are extremist and do not represent Islam, BUT ISLAM HAS NEVER EXCOMMUNICATED OR THROWN ANY OF THEM OUT.   So Islam is responsible for their continued evil acts.
Solution, dissolve Islam and make the world more peaceful. 
NEWS ARTICLE - BERLIN (AP) — German authorities banned three ultraconservative Islamic groups Wednesday, including one whose Internet propaganda videos helped inspire the extremist who killed two American airmen at Frankfurt airport in 2011, the country's domestic intelligence chief said.
Police launched early morning raids on 21 apartments and one meeting room belonging to DawaFFM, Islamic Audios and al-Nussrah — all of which adhere to the hardcore conservative Salafi interpretation of Islam.
The groups were largely involved in recruitment, fundraising and propaganda, including videos and other postings urging people to fight against those who did not believe in their version of Islam, said Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany's domestic intelligence service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
"These organizations are oriented against the basic right to freedom of religion — against Christians and other faiths including Shiites," Maassen said. For example, he said, in one DawaFFM YouTube posting, an Arabic speaker told Shiite Muslims: "If the Prophet Muhammad heard your words he'd hack off your hands and feet and banish you from the earth."
It was also DawaFFM YouTube videos and Facebook postings that helped radicalize Arid Uka — the lone-wolf attacker who killed two U.S. airmen and injured two others at the Frankfurt Airport in 2011, Maassen said.
Uka was convicted of murder last year and sentenced to life in prison. The Salafi movement in Germany has been growing quickly, attracting both Muslims and converts, primarily men between ages 20 and 30. In 2011 there were some 3,800 people Salafis known to authorities and there are now some 4,500.
Some 70 percent are Germans and 30 percent are non-Germans, coming from a variety of nations including Turkey, Morocco and Bosnia, according to a security official who was only allowed to discuss the figures on condition of anonymity. About a quarter are Muslim converts.
They have been under close observation since 2010, but that was stepped up further last year after they clashed with police in Bonn last year at a far-right demonstration. Following the incident, a known German-born terrorist who is now based in Pakistan's border area with Afghanistan called on Salafis in Germany to kill members of the far-right group as well as employees of Der Spiegel magazine, which printed photos of the demonstrators holding Prophet Muhammad signs.
"We have determined that in the past year the Salafis have begun acting not only aggressively and militantly in their prayer rooms or on the Internet but also violently on the streets," Maassen said. Already last summer, Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich banned the Salafi organization Millatu Ibrahim, of which al-Nussrah was a splinter group, and opened the investigation of DawaFFM.
He said Wednesday's move to extend the ban should be seen as a "clear sign against those who practice exclusion, violence and intolerance."  (source - retrieved from  on 3/13/2013)
Guilt Comes On Organizations That Fail To Clean House Of The Wicked Ones:
First, The world we live in is ruled by the wicked one as testified to by 1 John 5:19, “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” (Authorized King James Bible; AV).  If we pick up a newspaper in any country, we find reports of cruelty and violence on an unprecedented scale.  Man’s inhumanity to man is troubling for a righteous person to contemplate as testified to at Ecclesiastes 8:9, “All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.” (AV).
Second, Most individuals and/or groups seek to avoid responsibility for their own actions rather than take corrective actions.   This also applies to so called religious groups that seek to absolve themselves of responsibility for the wrong actions of members, but fail, willingly, to take action against these wrong doers by purging themselves of these wicked ones.
If a religion fails to clean house of evil and wicked men when they are discovered, and especially of evil and wicked men/women taking the lead in a congregation, and/or congregations such as Pastors, Ministers, Sheiks, Imams, Bishops, Cardinals, Etc., then the religion is responsible for their wrong doing. Some religions such as Islam have never cleaned house of evil and wicked individuals when they are discovered and that religion has been violent since its beginning, and many of its members lust for violence in such acts as beheading of others, suscide bombers, makers of IEDs, etc. do to the teachings of their groups religious leaders. One notable example of an evil and wicked individual Islam well knows of who is a leader of a large group of members of Islam is Sheik Osama bin Ladin. Of course, Islam, is NOT the only religion that fails to take effective action against evil and wicked individuals and leaders of groups among them, another is the Catholic and Angalican churches that for many years just moved pedophiles to a new congregation when they were uncovered as the world's news media has so well identified. Groups seeking to keep themselves clean of evil and wicked individuals that sneak into their group take the appropriate action; to wit, they throw them out.
Now many religions seek to escape reality by claiming they have no provisions within their religion for purging out these wicked ones, but this is no excuse since it is their failure to provide measures for purging out these wicked ones and no one else’s.
Now let’s look at one such religion that tries to escape their responsibility for cleaning house so to speak.
Now of course it is important to recognize that not all Muslims are terrorist and jihadists nor refuse to recognize the property rights of others, it is likewise equally important to recognize that all jihadists are members of Islam.  Islam is totally responsible for their actions as they tacitly approve of their evil wrong doing and have never cleaned house of these wicked ones.  To wit, by not doing so, they have taken on the responsibility for their wrongful actions upon themselves.  Yes, of course they are not the only religion that has failed to clean house; thus taking on the guilt of these wrong doers.  Any religion, no exception, which fails to clean house is nothing but an evil false religion.  And as previously stated, ‘Now many religions seek to escape reality by claiming they have no provisions within their religion for purging out these wicked ones, but this is no excuse since it is their failure to provide measures for purging out these wicked ones and no one else’s.’
Many are just fooling themself, it is not what either the Bible or the Bible knockoff the Qur'an actually say, but how religious leaders be they priest and/or imams or muftis or what ever teach the people is the interpretation of what is written either in the Bible or the bible knockoff the Qur'an that matters and governs actions.   It matters not what the Bible and/or the Bible knockoff really say.   People go by what they are taught by their religious leaders.   Take the genocide committed by the Roman Catholic Church at the direction of their supreme religious leader, the pope (Pope Innocent III (1160 or 1161 – 16 July 1216)), what mattered was not that the Bible clearly said at Exodus 20:13, "Thou shalt not kill." (Authorized King James Bible; AV), but what their religious leaders told them.   Therefore, it is the religion which is at fault, irregardless of what their particular holy book, be it the Bible or the Bible knockoff the Qur'an may say.   Neither in so called Christianity or in Islam are most individuals actions really governed in any way by what their particular holy book really says, but they are governed by the interpretation of their religious leaders.   Thus, knowing this reality, one would be either just plain stupid and/or dumb to even bother looking at a particular religion's holy book and expect the members would conform to it.   Take the Rig Vede and find me for example a Hindu actually conforming to it instead of the interpretation given to it by his religious leaders, like looking for a needle in the haystack per K.S. Lal, India's greatest historian.
Likewise the failure to clean house of evil ones puts their wrongs directly upon the organization failing to throw out evil/wicked ones when they are found out.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!

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3/13/2013 11:02 am  #164

Re: Scripture of the Day

Members Of Islam At It Again – Murder Is Their Mode Of Operation In Kashmir:
SRINAGAR, India (Reuters) - Two militants hiding automatic rifles and grenades in cricket kit opened fire on a paramilitary camp on the Indian side of Kashmir on Wednesday, killing five Indian personnel and wounding five, police said.
The militants were killed in a gunfight at the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) base just outside the restive city of Srinagar, which has been under curfew for much of the last few weeks following protests and clashes with police.
Local media reports said that Hizbul Mujahideen, the bitterly disputed region's largest militant group, had claimed responsibility for the attack, in which three civilians were also wounded.
Police said the gunmen approached the camp by mingling with children playing cricket in a nearby field, hiding their weapons in cricket kit they were carrying. Once at the camp, they shot a sentry dead and then fired indiscriminately into the base.
"A division of the CRPF was deployed at a camp here and children were playing cricket in the field when two militants fired grenades and attacked our division," Abdul Gani Mir, Inspector General of Police, told Reuters TV. "We have lost five of our CRPF personnel who gunned down the two militants."
One police official said earlier the gunmen were dressed as cricketers.
Militants often attacked security bases in Kashmir during the 1990s, when there was a full-blown insurgency against Indian rule in a region over which India and Pakistan fought two of their three wars. But there have been very few in recent years.
Hizbul Mujahideen, the most active militant group in Kashmir during the height of the unrest, wants Kashmir to become part of predominantly Muslim Pakistan. Nuclear-armed India and Pakistan both claim the region of Kashmir in full but rule it in part.
Tensions have been running high in Srinagar since last month, when India hanged a Kashmiri man for an attack on the country's parliament in 2001. The authorities have sought to quash clashes between protesters and police by imposing curfews.
Police said a group of youths hurled stones at a vehicle taking those who were injured in the paramilitary camp attack to hospital, and one of them was injured when CRPF officials opened fire. A hospital official said the youth subsequently died.
(Reporting by Fayaz Bukhari; Additional reporting by Ashok Pahalwan in JAMMU, India; Writing by John Chalmers; Editing by Nick Macfie)  (source - retrieved from   on  3/13/2013)
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and most Muslims in India and Kashmir.  
Let's look at how Islam is using its usual SOP in three provinces of Thailand today, 2006.   An article in the New York Times clearly shows that Islam has remained violent until today, <<"In Thailand, a New Model for Militants? ...
October 1, 2006
HAT YAI, Thailand - The bomb that exploded outside New Cherry Ancient Massage was among the most sinister kinds - a lethal sucker punch timed to detonate moments after two other blasts had lured onlookers into the streets of this tourist town.
The homemade device, hidden in a motorcycle parked outside the busy parlor, killed five people, including a Canadian teacher and three masseuses.  All 30 surviving massage workers quit on the spot. Within days, the parents of the three dead women came to take their daughters' bodies home.
"One father asked, 'Why my child? She was a good girl,' " said New Cherry owner Boonchai Sangmankung. "And I couldn't answer him. I don't know myself. Why do the attacks continue? Why are more innocent people killed every day?"
Since 2004, militants in Thailand's predominantly Muslim south have waged a bloody separatist insurgency against the cultural elite of this largely Buddhist nation, targeting teachers, monks, community leaders and government officials. So far, 1,700 people have been killed, yet the campaign of almost-daily bombings, arson attacks, kidnappings and assassinations has gone largely unnoticed in a Western world fixated on higher-profile Islamic terrorism campaigns in Iraq and elsewhere.
"The violence in southern Thailand is quite significant compared to many other world conflicts today," said Panitan Wattanayagorn, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. "The U.S. lost 3,000 soldiers in three years in Iraq. This death toll is not far behind." ...
Many Muslim residents still chafe over what they consider a century of abusive rule. But experts differ over the roots of the insurgency. Some say it's a battle over religious freedom, others say it's a fight for territory and self-rule. Still others say it's both...
In the first six months of 2006, two people died every day, on average: A Buddhist teacher was gunned down in front of his fourth-grade class by men dressed as students. A salesman was beheaded outside a crowded teashop. The owner of an elephant troupe was shot seven times by assailants who had lined up with children to buy tickets for a show.
In August, 22 small bombs exploded nearly simultaneously in banks throughout southern Yala province, killing one person and bringing commerce to a standstill. Two months earlier, 50 bombs went off in a single day at government offices and police stations.
Last year, 15 militants stormed a Buddhist temple and hacked two monks to death before setting fire to their bodies. Thai officials believe that 30,000 Buddhists have fled the south since the attack. Insurgents also have targeted fellow Muslims suspected of conspiring with a military known for its brutality in dealing with the Islamic militants...[source - By John M. Glionna, Times Staff Writer on 10/01/2006]>>.
First, before detail, let's look at Swami Vivekananda said which is as true today as when he said it in 1893.
<<"Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization, and sent whole nations to despair.   Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now." [source - Swami Vivekananda (1893)]>>.
Swami Vivekananda clearly saw the damage being done by false religion and stated it in a few well used words.
Today we still see the earth being drenched in violence by members of false religion with their fanaticism and sectarianism thus showing Swami Vivekanada right on the mark with respect what he said.    Let's look at Islam once more to see the modern playout of the terrible fruits of one false religion.
The Weekend Australian (newspaper) had to say on the matter,

" Did you know that 90-95% of the conflicts in the world today are Muslims fighting non-muslims or each other?
Islam is intolerant of other religions, so much so that Christians in Nigeria, Sudan and middle eastern countries are killed for practicing their religion. Muslims are also responsible for burning down their churches. Sydney has recently seen an attack on four churches for similar reasons. (December 16, 2005) How can we tolerate such intolerance?" [source - The Weekend Australian, November 26-27, 2005]

Says it all, so clearly Islam should be redefined as something other than a religion. So it is very necessary that this greed and hate be addressed. Remember, Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." (Authorized King James Bible; AV).
Let's consider the facts as continually revealed in the world news that shows if any thing that the newspaper editor may have been a little low when he said 95 percent of the violence in the world was caused by Muslims.  Here are some instances of terrorism by just one group of members of Islam:
• al-Qaeda attacked Business target (Sept. 11, 2001, United States)
• al-Qaeda attacked Government target (Sept. 11, 2001, United States)
• al-Qaeda attacked Government target (Sept. 11, 2001, United States)
• Hezbollah and al-Qaeda attacked Military target (Nov. 13, 1995, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Religious Figures/Institutions target (Apr. 11, 2002, Tunisia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Diplomatic target (Aug. 7, 1998, Kenya)
• al-Qaeda attacked Diplomatic target (Aug. 7, 1998, Tanzania)
• al-Qaeda attacked Tourists target (Nov. 28, 2002, Kenya)
• al-Qaeda attacked Airports & Airlines target (Nov. 28, 2002, Kenya)
• al-Qaeda attacked Maritime target (Oct. 12, 2000, Yemen)
• al-Qaeda attacked Airports & Airlines target (Aug. 20, 2003, Afghanistan)
• al-Qaeda attacked Private Citizens & Property target (Nov. 8, 2003, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Diplomatic target (Nov. 20, 2003, Turkey)
• al-Qaeda attacked Religious Figures/Institutions target (Nov. 15, 2003, Turkey)
• al-Qaeda attacked Business target (Aug. 5, 2003, Indonesia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Diplomatic target (Apr. 27, 2004, Syria)
• al-Qaeda attacked Government target (Oct. 12, 2003, Iraq)
• al-Qaeda attacked Government target (May 30, 2004, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Other target (June 8, 2004, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Other target (June 13, 2004, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Private Citizens & Property target (June 20, 2004, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Business target (Dec. 17, 2003, Iraq)
• al-Qaeda attacked Other target (May 12, 2003, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Other target (May 12, 2003, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Other target (May 12, 2003, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Business target (May 12, 2003, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Business target (Oct. 28, 2004, Pakistan)
• al-Qaeda attacked Religious Figures/Institutions target (June 1, 2005, Afghanistan)
• al-Qaeda attacked Utilities target (Feb. 24, 2006, Saudi Arabia)
• al-Qaeda attacked Government target (Feb. 3, 2006, Bangladesh)
• al-Qaeda attacked Government target (Feb. 3, 2006, Bangladesh)
• Taliban and al-Qaeda attacked Private Citizens & Property target (July 23, 2006, Afghanistan)
What more need be said as it should be clear to all open minded thinking individuals that this is a religion that began violently and remained the same.
When will this senseless slaughter by members of Islam end????????????????
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to!

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3/14/2013 8:40 am  #165

Re: Scripture of the Day

There occurred a sharp burst of anger.—Acts 15:39.
In the congregation, mildness and long-suffering work hand in hand to promote peace. Both of these aspects of the spirit’s fruitage help us to deal graciously with others, to remain calm under provocation, and to avoid retaliating when others say or do unkind things. If we have a difference with a fellow Christian, long-suffering, or patience, will help us not to give up on our brother or sister but to do what we can to heal the breach. (Col. 3:12, 13) Are mildness and long-suffering really needed in the congregation? Yes, because all of us are imperfect. Consider what took place between Paul and Barnabas. They had worked side by side for years. Each had commendable qualities. Yet, on one occasion, there occurred between them “a sharp burst of anger, so that they separated from each other.” (Acts 15:36-39) This incident underscores that even among devoted servants of God, disagreements will at times arise.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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3/15/2013 6:27 am  #166

Re: Scripture of the Day

Some have been turned aside to follow Satan.—1 Timothy  5:15.
Heeding the Bible’s advice can help us to avoid being “turned aside to follow Satan.” Consider some of Paul’s wise counsel. Have “plenty to do in the work of the Lord.” (1 Cor. 15:58) Keeping busy in Christian activities will protect us from the dangers of idleness and time-wasting pursuits. (Matt. 6:33) Speak what is “good for building up.” (Eph. 4:29) Be determined not to listen to harmful gossip and not to spread it. Cultivate trust in and respect for fellow believers. We will thus be inclined to speak words that build up rather than tear down. “Make it your aim . . . to mind your own business.” (1 Thess. 4:11) Show personal interest in others, but do so in ways that respect their privacy and that do not take away their dignity. Remember, too, that we should not impose our own views on others regarding matters that they need to decide for themselves.—Gal. 6:5.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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3/16/2013 8:53 am  #167

Re: Scripture of the Day

Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin.—Romans  5:12.
As descendants of Adam, all of us are subject to the law of sin and of death. Our sinful flesh constantly urges us to do things that are displeasing to God, with only death in view. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul called such acts and traits “the works of the flesh.” Then he added: “Those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.” (Gal. 5:19-21) People of this kind are the same as those who walk in accord with the flesh. (Rom. 8:4) Their inward principle of action and their standard for life are totally fleshly. But are those who commit fornication, engage in idolatry, practice spiritism, or get involved in other gross sins the only ones who walk in accord with the flesh? No, for the works of the flesh also include what some might consider mere personality flaws, such as jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, and envies. Who can say that he has totally freed himself from walking in accord with the flesh?
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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3/17/2013 3:43 pm  #168

Re: Scripture of the Day

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.—Heb. 12:1.
Paul was making reference to features of athletic games or races. He not only called attention to the reason for engaging in the race but also pointed out what one must do to win. The first-century Christians, especially those living in Jerusalem and Judea, were facing many trials and hardships. They were under great pressure from the Jewish religious leaders, who still wielded powerful influence over the people. Earlier, these leaders had succeeded in having Jesus Christ condemned as a seditionist and killed as a criminal. And they were not about to stop their opposition. In the book of Acts, we read one account after another of their threats and attacks against Christians, starting almost immediately after the miraculous events at Pentecost 33 C.E. This certainly made life difficult for the faithful ones.—Acts 4:1-3; 5:17, 18; 6:8-12; 7:59; 8:1, 3.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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3/18/2013 7:13 am  #169

Re: Scripture of the Day

Esau went running to meet him, and he began to embrace him and fall upon his neck and kiss him.—Genesis  33:4.
  Jacob had already taken the most important measure he could take to soften the heart of his brother. He had prayed to Jehovah for deliverance from Esau’s hand. Did Jehovah answer this prayer? Yes. (Gen. 32:11-20; 33:1-3) The account of Jacob and Esau shows that we should make earnest and practical efforts to settle matters when problems arise that may threaten the peace we enjoy within the Christian congregation. Jacob sought to make peace with Esau, but not because Jacob had erred against his brother and owed him an apology. No, Esau had despised his birthright and had sold it to Jacob for a bowl of stew. (Gen. 25:31-34; Heb. 12:16) However, the way Jacob approached Esau illustrates the extent to which we should be willing to go to preserve the peace with our Christian brothers. It also shows that the true God blesses our prayerful efforts to make peace.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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3/19/2013 11:54 am  #170

Re: Scripture of the Day

The judgment resulted from one trespass in condemnation, but the gift resulted from many trespasses in a declaration of righteousness.—Romans  5:16.
Think what a gift it is for the Almighty to forgive the sin a person inherited as well as the wrongs he committed! The apostles and others receiving this loving gift (being declared righteous) would have to continue to worship the true God in faith. With what future reward? “Those who receive the abundance of the undeserved kindness and of the free gift of righteousness [will] rule as kings in life through the one person, Jesus Christ.” The gift has life as its outcome. (Rom. 5:17; Luke 22:28-30) Those receiving that gift, being declared righteous, become God’s spiritual sons. As joint heirs with Christ, they have the prospect of being resurrected to heaven as actual spirit sons to “rule as kings” with Jesus Christ.—Rom. 8:15-17, 23.
Now to know the truth, go to:
Your Friend in Christ Iris89
Francis David said it long ago, "Neither the sword of popes...nor the image of death will halt the march of truth. "Francis David, 1579, written on the wall of his prison cell." Read the book, "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and the Bible today, and go to! 

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